My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1238: A hidden wolf in deep water!

Isn't it too good to sleep together?

But I heard that the current college students are very open. There shouldn't be any problem with a bed for one night, right? Never let the savior sleep on the sofa!

Anyway, Su Jin couldn't figure out the routine now, but from intuition, Ren Xueyan, who was panicked and afraid, seemed to have no defense against herself.

It's almost.

Su Jin already admired this idea that he had generated in his heart, and his evaluation of himself can only be described in one sentence:

Amazing my brother!

A woman loves ink, and it takes twenty minutes to take a bath. Su Jin has a plan to go to the bottle of red wine below to have fun. Not just thinking about it, Ren Xueyan just wiped her wet hair and pulled the bath away. The door of the room came out.

Master stayed, master stayed!

Ren Xueyan, as the name suggests, her fair complexion best describes Su Jin’s feelings at this moment. She is all covered in color and is well maintained. Her lush skin seems to be able to squeeze out water, plus a weight of ninety catties. The person is slightly tall and definitely gives people a sense of sight.

Sure enough, it is youthful and vigorous!

"Miss Ren, I forgot to ask how old you are." Su Jin reacted, knowing that he had to forbear, not behave too much. As a deep-water hidden wolf, he has everything to do, otherwise, what is the reputation of Qincheng's first wolf?

"19 years old." Ren Xueyan was in a better mood, and there was a slight smile on her mouth.

I'm a mother! When she talked, between the thin lips without the slightest lip gloss, a neat row of white teeth appeared, and she was wearing a white silk nightdress with full legs. She had long legs and two bare feet. Step on the wooden floor...

Su Jin's breathing felt a bit suffocated.

"I'm 19 years old, my name is Su Jin, you can call my brother." Su Jin nodded lightly, stretched out his hand to open the rabbit head bag on the coffee table in front of him, unscrewed a bottle of water, and said: " Let’s eat something first, think of a way tomorrow, I’ll stay with you all night, I can’t stay with you forever."

"Okay, I will go to live with a female classmate tomorrow, and I really dare not go back now." Ren Xueyan sat gently on the sofa at a 90-degree angle, watching Su Jin push the rabbit's head in front of her.

The belly groaned a bit. Although it was late at night, she was not afraid at all. This is a very special feeling. Maybe Su Jin’s masculine taste is too strong, and she has a strong sense of security, at least Ren Xueyan feels this way now.

"That's good, hurry up and eat." Su Jin just opened another bottle of mineral water, took a sip, and put it down.

Ren Xueyan’s white hands put on film gloves, gently grabbed a rabbit’s head, and started to eat in small bites. The spiced spicy taste is very delicious. You can stand on the street stall in Qincheng and make snacks. It's very good, it's about two catties, at least two hundred yuan, which is quite expensive.

"By the way, Brother Su, what do you do?" Ren Xueyan blushed, raised her head and looked at Su Jin and asked.

"It's just a small business." Su Jin nodded.

small business?

Ren Xueyan would not think so. After all, she could bring herself to a five-star hotel casually without frowning. How could she be a small business, and she felt that this man was very difficult and could save her Don't be afraid of ghosts.

It's amazing.

"Are you eating?" Ren Xueyan was watching Su Jin eating, feeling a bit weird and couldn't help asking.

"You have just eaten for less than an hour. You can eat by yourself." Su Jin smiled and shook his head, then hesitated and said: "Actually, you really don't need to be afraid. Bai Xiaoli has already been taken by me. It will affect your life."

"Take it? How? Can you... let her go." Ren Xueyan felt a little creepy, and when she looked at Su Jin, she was also a little nervous.

"If you let her go, you are dead. She is very hostile now, but whether you are her best friend or not, I will send her to **** when I have time, reincarnation, and wait until the water on the river bridge washes her whole body. Hostile, presumably she should also regret that she once hunted you down." Su Jin said truthfully.

"Is there really a reincarnation in the underworld?" Ren Xueyan asked unbelief.

"Believe there, but if you don’t believe it, you won’t. As a high-achieving student, don’t you believe in ghosts? But why does she pester you and want to kill you? In fact, you already believe my words, just what you learned in your life. , It's a bit repulsive." Su Jin nodded gently.

"Yes, I didn't believe it before." Ren Xueyan drank mineral water with a small mouth, and said, "After all, I studied medicine."

"I will be a doctor in the future?" Su Jin was a little surprised.

"Well, I am studying at Qincheng Medical University." Ren Xueyan said.

"Very good." Su Jin faintly responded to Ren Xueyan.

In this medical university, it’s okay to be courageous. There should be a planing class to be reasonable, but from the courage of Ren Xueyan, Su Jin doesn’t think she needs courage in the end to take the path of a doctor.

The two chatted together, and the atmosphere of the chat was very good. Ren Xueyan didn’t know that it was because of Su Jin’s presence and she felt a sense of security. So in less than half an hour, the rabbit’s head was starved to death by her. Already full.

But what should be faced is still to be faced.

Finally, Ren Xueyan and Su Jin stood together, staring at the double bed and couldn't help but start to be in a daze.

"Brother Su, or go to bed, I'll just sleep on the sofa." Ren Xueyan murmured.

"Yes, but have you ever slept on the sofa?"


"I heard that sleeping on the sofa will give you nightmares. You have never slept. If something is wrong at night, I will take care of you when I wake up."

"You... don't scare me, I..." Ren Xueyan's breathing became a little heavy. How could she have been nightmares in the past few days, after being said by Su Jin, it is hard not to have nightmares at night.

"I sleep on the sofa! You sleep on the bed." Su Jin sighed in his heart, thinking that bullying this girl doesn't seem very good, and the spirit of a big man needs to be reflected at this time.

"No, you have helped me a lot, so why are you embarrassed to let you sleep on the sofa, this...this is a double bed anyway, can you sleep on the side?"

When Ren Xueyan said this proposal, she was actually very entangled in her heart, but because of reason, Su Jin shouldn’t sleep on the sofa. After she figured it out, she said: “Brother Su, although he sleeps in a bed, Don't think of me as that kind of casual girl, okay?"

"Of course! It's late, you go to bed first, I'll take a bath." Su Jin took a deep breath, feeling the atmosphere began to become more subtle.

Ren Xueyan didn't speak, she just walked to the bed, moved her long legs together on the bed, closed her eyes and said softly, "Brother Su, I believe you."

wry smile--

You believe me?

Su Jinduo glanced at Ren Xueyan, who was flushed, now he himself didn't believe he could control it!

After all, it's an opportunity. If you don't grasp it, is he still a human?

She must be touched later!

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