My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1243: A little bit sick

"Boss, there is little concubine..."

Aji scratched his head with an unbearable look, as if trying to defend himself.

Su Jin was shocked! He knows very well who Aji's "little concubine" is, not who is Mu Fei?

But how could Fei Mu be in the nursery? Yesterday she was in the capital to bid farewell to herself, so the "little concubine" Aji said here must be someone else. Su Jin analyzed it in his heart and became more sure.

"Concubine, big brother Su...he has a brain problem." Wang Mei Niu said with a serious face.

"My head is okay! I just saw the little concubine, and I can see it every day." Aji looked at Wang Mei Niu with annoyance in his eyes, very unconvinced.

Su Jin took a deep breath. Aji was indeed very sick, and asked in a gentle tone: "Aji, what does the little concubine look like in your eyes?"

"Wearing a pink skirt, it's about this high." Aji gestured to the height of the'little concubine' with his hand, and said firmly to Su Jin.

Su Jin was even more speechless when he saw it. He was about one meter and a few meters tall, and he was only four years old by visual inspection, but he also understood the reason. Perhaps since childhood, Aji has watched Mu Fei grow up. Now it is normal to see a little girl who looked very much like Mu Fei when she was a child.

"It must be, you are not allowed to stop Aji in the future, have you heard?" Su Jin looked at Wang Mei Niu and asked.

Aggie was immediately happy, with a few flowers on his face, he grinned, "Thank you, boss!"

"This, why is this!" Little sister-in-law Wang Meiniu was puzzled. She didn't expect Aji to be sick, and Su Jin also got sick with it, and she didn't understand what she thought.

"Aji, the cleaner, don't do it, go and pour me a cup of tea." Su Jin motioned to Mad Dog Ji to do something.

"Hey! Hey!" The mad dog Ji Yuandi suddenly twisted his waist and started to twist, pinching orchid fingers with both hands, and began to pour tea.


Scared me.

Su Jin had a sudden surprise in his snack.

Facing Wang Mei Niu's puzzled expression, Su Jin lowered her head and whispered softly in her ear: "Hurry up and see the doctor, he is a bit ill."

Wang Mei Niu:...

I'm a bit sick, don't you let me stop? What if one day becomes unconscious and smashes the flowers, now this crazy dog ​​Ji is a dangerous person. In this Gu Shuzhai, Wang Meiniu, who is also a sister-in-law, can hold him down, and the others are helpless. .

Wang Mei Niu also had to respond in a low voice: "When Brother Tiger comes back, I will tell Brother Tiger and let him think of a solution."

Su Jin stood up straight, nodded in agreement, and that was the only way to go. Then he put his hands behind his back and stepped upstairs. Although he had just entered Gu Shuzhai, he had not seen anyone yet, but He could feel...An Qianyi was waiting for him.

"Brother Su, come and sit in my room?" Wang Mei Niu knew which room Su Jin was going to, and she suddenly yelled a little unwillingly.

However, there was no response. The angry Wang Mei Niu stomped her feet on the spot, but soon she turned her eyes and didn't know what tricks were brewing in her heart.

Su Jin walked to An Qianyi's door and tapped three times.

With a creak, the door was opened.

Su Jin walked in, looked around but did not see An Qianyi's figure, then he raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt a punch from behind him!

Although the situation is urgent, what skill is Su Jin? He dodges a fist with his head straight, but before he turns around, his fists start to attack on both sides of his shoulders like rain.

"Boom boom!"

The fist wind was violent, Su Jin was still afraid of hurting her, and his figure trembled. The extreme speed made him appear behind that graceful body almost instantly...

Then put his arms around from the bottom up--

Her straight ink hair almost fell to the ground, and An Qianyi gasped a little at this moment. She was in Su Jin's arms, her slender calves were hugged by the arms of Young Master Su.

The eyes are like stars and the moon, the teeth are white, and the body smells like musk. An Qianyi silently looked at the face above, blinked slowly, and only said three words: "Growing."

In fact, there should be an extra word'you', but she cherishes the word like gold. At first she was not an opponent. Now with her ability, she feels that Su Jin's strength has risen, and she naturally feels happy for him in her heart.

"Qianyi, I seem to have lost weight recently." Su Jin tried her weight, and asked, "What do you think of brother?"

An Qianyi tapped her lips slightly, shook her head and said, "No."

Didn’t you lose weight, or didn’t you think about brother?

Su Jin didn't let her down. She knew from the weight of her body, she was very standard, so the officials hugged her and walked towards the bed.

The vertical ink spreads on the bed sheet, clearly, and Su Jin's movements are gentle, as if she is laying a favorite baby, she is placed on the bed...

An Qianyi's face rose with two special peach pinks, she didn't dare to see Su Jin's direct gaze, she turned her head slightly—

With a thump, his heart began to beat faster, Su Jin looked at the beautiful woman with a perfect face lying in front of him, how could he bear it...

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