My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1244: Mysterious **** the torture

Breathing is a little choking.

There is no lack of gentleness in Su Jinjian's eyes. In this situation, I am afraid that only he and An Qianyi can understand. Although there is no sound, their hearts seem to be connected, and they are familiar with each other's feelings and thoughts.

As he leaned over and looked at it, Su Jin's hand stroked her smooth and straight black hair, and then passed the slightly hot cheeks and shoulders—

But when he brushed his shoulders, Su Jin stopped his hand and applied a little force. The slightly loose shoulders were pinched, slender and well-proportioned. In the special atmosphere, the black cloth on the pinched shoulders was perfectly stroked. After coming down a little, a piece of white and delicate skin appeared from the shoulders to the jade neck.

An Qianyi didn't care, and naturally knew Su Jin's movements...

Seeing Su Jin lowered her head, An Qianyi naturally closed her eyes, her small mouth trembling faintly.

"Ah!" A cry like a crow suddenly appeared out the window when Su Jin kissed him!

The perfect atmosphere was destroyed, and Su Jin had to look at An Qianyi dumbfounded, shaking his hands when he got up.

A flash of red light hit the window!

Oh shit! You trick Lao Tzu at a critical time and smash your glass!

Su Jin was so annoyed that he regretted it after smashing it. It was his own glass that had stepped on the horse!


The glass shattered and the figure outside the window had disappeared. Su Jin was so angry that he walked out of the window outside the door, pulled out the "Liying" nailed to the wooden guardrail, and stood in the corridor and looked downstairs. On the stairs below, I saw Wang Mei Niu flushing.

Su Jin raised his hand and pointed at Wang Mei Niu with his fingers. There is no lack of hatred for iron and steel on his face. With such a good atmosphere, it is easy to see, how can this girl bear to destroy it?

Wang Mei Niu kept her small mouth, and spit out her tongue several times without regret.

The officials have been laughed angrily.

There is really no way. I can't fight and I can't fight. I might be happier than anyone when entering her room, and yelling happily than anyone else, absolutely can't let her plan succeed!

Ugh! Life is not only lonely in front of you, but also... poetry and distance!

Su Jin put away the ‘Liying’ and walked to An Qianyi’s room again with her hands. Seeing that she had gotten off the bed, she simply took her little hand, stepped out the door, walked down the stairs, and came to the bottom floor.

"Sister Qianyi, Brother Su moved your clothes and wanted to touch your body, why didn't you hit him?" Wang Mei Niu saw An Qianyi sitting on the sofa, and she didn't care that Su Shao was still next to her and asked directly After a sentence, he raised a small fist and waved at Su Jin.

An Qianyi's face was a little unnatural, so Wang Mei Niu would ask, otherwise it would be impossible to mention it again in order to avoid embarrassment, and she was still peeking out the window, which must have deliberately sabotaged.

Su Jin squinted, staring at Wang Mei Niu, and said depressed: "Oh, now I am concerned about Qianyi, the sisters have a deep affection——"

"That is! I am willing to share all good things with my sister. I still have the last bag of melon seeds. Will my sister eat it?" Wang Mei Niu asked.

"Thank you." An Qianyi shook her head, her tone was calm, she could not hear any mood swings.

Wang Mei Niu then didn't know whether it was intentional or something else, sitting on Su Jin's other hand, and pushing the tea on the table in front of Su Jin.

Su Jin just remembered, looked at Wang Mei Niu and asked, "Where is the crazy dog ​​Ji?"

"Going to Qingyang Street again! Waiting for his little concubine to leave school!" Wang Meiniu said.

"Why don't you stop?"

"Stop it? If you are here, I have to dare to stop it. Didn't you tell me just now, no one is allowed to stop him in the future." Wang Mei Niu complained.

Su Jin:...

Very speechless.

Why can't this girl tell if it's good or bad? But it's okay. Aji's mental abnormality is naturally caused by the practice, and I don't know how many years he has lived. At least his life will not be in danger. But I am a bit sorry for the nursery and parents, I am afraid they have to scare them again.

"Sister Qin why didn't they come back?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Do you want to see them?"

"Let's take a look, there will be business in a while."

"It's easy to meet them!"

"Where?" Su Jin asked.

"Opposite." Wang Mei Niu mumbled: "It's been two hours since I've been there. Something seems to have happened, which is very troublesome."

"Hongchen Inn?" Su Jin said with a startled expression.

To tell the truth, the proprietress of the Hongchen Inn is now Chi Lian, but it is actually a subordinate force arranged by Sprites in Qincheng, why would he negotiate with Sprites? Is it cooperation? Still discussing other things?

The forces that were originally incompatible with fire and water, and one mountain only tolerated two tigers, have begun to approach? Su Jin didn't know what was going on, so he could let Brother Hu and Sister Qin discuss together.

"Yes, if you don't go, do you want me to make a call?" Wang Mei Niu asked.

"No need to fight, I'll check the situation first, you are waiting for me in the house." Su Jin patted An Qianyi on the top of her knee and motioned for a visit.

Without hesitation, under the watchful eyes of the two women, Su Jin got up and walked out of Gu Shuzhai and walked towards the opposite'Hongchen Inn' with his pocket in his pocket.

Soon, Su Jin walked into the Hongchen Inn.

This inn is dressed in sheep’s clothing. Like Gu Shuzhai, it does not do business. As time passes, there will be no customers. When Su Jin came in, there were no business-like facilities in the hotel. There were a few strange shop assistants who were seeing themselves. After coming in, his face was very strange.

I saw a man in his thirties hurriedly walked up and said with a smile: "Master Su, please!"

"Do you know me?" Su Jin had no impression of this person.

"The eldest sister asked us to remember your appearance firmly to prevent us from recognizing you in time after you appear." The man said.

"Chi Lian knew I would come?" Su Jin frowned.

"I don't know, but the homework I have done a long time ago. The eldest sister is currently in the dark room with Tiger Brother Qin, and Brother Bingfan is also here. Come with me," the man said.


Su Jin did not ask any more, motioning for him to lead the way, but after he walked into a side room and opened a secret door, he discovered that the secret door leads to the underground, and he also had a brief conversation , I learned that this person is Zheng Yunyi. He has joined Sprite for many years and is currently doing intelligence work.

Zheng Yunyi took Su Jin for more than ten meters before stopping in front of a dark room door made of heavy steel, and then it opened smoothly.

At Zheng Yunyi's invitation, Su Jin walked in and saw Zhou Tianhu several people.

The door was slowly closed, Qin sister and several people stood up looking at Su Jin, while Brother Hu smiled with joy and said, "Young Master!"

Su Jin scanned the audience, and when he saw a girl kidnapped on a torture, he was suddenly surprised!

Who is this woman? Why should she be tortured with inhumanity?

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