My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1253: Stupid girl

It is no wonder that Chen Zhiluo would have thoughts of worship.

The fighting time was very short, but Su Jin's martial arts had reached the point of incisiveness. His movements are not sloppy, very smooth, and even give Chen Zhiruo a feeling of performance art.

Completely crushed!

In Chen Zhiruo's eyes, Su Jin's strength was terrifying, and after holding the throats of the two of them, he slowly lifted them up. It's hard to imagine.

Su Jin squinted, and said lightly, "Is it just this strength? It's a bit disappointing—"

"Su, Su Jin, you dare not kill us..." Master Kitano's face flushed with suffocation, and the strength in his neck became stronger and stronger, making him almost unable to breathe.

"Oh?" Su Jin said in a puzzled tone, "Who gives you the confidence that I dare not kill you?"

"You killed us, you will never know who made us move!" Master Bei Ye had a little more fear in his eyes, but Su Jin obviously wanted him to speak, so his strength was gradually decreasing.

"Hehe, that's it?"

Su Jin's eyes gradually turned cold, and he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to kill you because I didn't want to get dirty, but you will never understand who I am, because I don't like playing cards according to routines! As you said It’s not difficult to find the messenger behind the scenes. After taking the "blue potion" in your pocket and checking it, you can find out which institution in Japan researched it through intelligence."

"You, you--" Master Kitano's eyes were desperate, as if there was a haze of death that filled his entire mind.


Su Jin's hand pressed harder, and directly squeezed the throats of the two of them, and threw them to the ground.

Chen Zhiruo was covering her small mouth with fear in her eyes. It was the first time that she had seen a dead person, and it was the first time that she saw someone killing someone in front of her! I remember when my grandparents passed away when she was a child, and her parents didn't let her see her for the last time. She was like ordinary people in her heart and was very scared of this kind of thing.

Su Jin squatted down and found a one-centimeter-wide glass bottle about half a finger long from Master Kitano’s suit pocket. This is probably what Chiba Haruko said. The potion is bright blue, very beautiful. Strange, the ingredients contained in it are unknown.

"You, you murdered." Chen Zhiruo said to Su Jin hesitatingly, the blood on Qiao's face was gone.

"Oh yes, it's murder." Su Jin was still looking at the blue potion carefully, but it was difficult to tell what it was with the naked eye, anyway, he didn't feel like it was a good thing.

After finishing speaking, Su Jin put away the blue potion, stood up, walked to Chen Zhiruo who was shaking in fright, raised his hands and pressed her shoulders.

"What should I do, what should I do now?" Chen Zhiruo tried to prevent herself from paralyzing, but the fear that kept coming out of her heart made her a little bit unable to hold on. Her calves seemed to be different from her, and she might collapse at any time. .

"I'm a bit weird." Seeing that she was in a bad condition, Su Jin directly put her in his arms, said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "With your personality, I wished I had an accident before, but now it is this behavior. Are you worried about me?"

"Smelly boy! What time is it now, are you still talking about this..." Chen Zhiruo pushed Su Jin away and said anxiously: "Or, hide them!"

Hidden corpse?

Su Jin looked at Chen Zhiruo weirdly, "What are you thinking about, where do you hide?"

"Then what do you say?" Chen Zhi wanted to beat him angrily, how could he be so impulsive! It's alright now, it's a big disaster, and it's going to jail!

"So." Su Jin took out the phone and handed it to Chen Zhiruo.

Chen Zhiruo didn't take it, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What else can you do? Call the police——" Su Jin said lightly.

"Call the police? You are crazy..." Chen Zhiruo said in horror.

"Otherwise you have better attention?"

"No! Think of a way again, or tell the president sister, she is so smart, she can definitely think of a way!"

"Stupid girl, there is no way for this kind of thing." Su Jin's heart is warm, changing to the former Chen Zhiruo, surely anxious to go into the cell by herself, or even to die by herself, but after a series of getting along, she has changed her into this way. Worrying about her beauty is quite rare.

Chen Zhiruo didn't know what to say, Su Jin made such a big mistake on impulse, and under the understanding of a normal person, there was no solution at all.

In a daze, Chen Zhiruo did not answer the phone, but saw Su Jin dialed a few times, obviously he took the initiative to call the police. Is it to surrender? But surrendering is also a sentence!

"Su Jin? Why did you call me suddenly?" a nice voice appeared over there and asked.

"Qin Xue, you brought a few people to the Xia Family Group. Something went wrong here. Remember to put on plain clothes and come quietly." Su Jin asked.

"Okay, right now." Qin Xue said on the phone.

"Remember not to bring Team Leader Li." Su Jin thought of something, he didn't want that crazy girl Li Caijie to come over.

"Huh? Don't take me, why don't you take me?" Li Caijie's indignant voice came from inside.

Su Jin ashamed--

The phone hung up, Su Jin's mouth was helpless, and then he pulled Chen Zhiruo to sit on the sofa. Seeing that she was nervous, Young Master Su couldn't help putting his hand on the long and delicate legs of her skirt, and he kept calming her by drawing circles. .

"Su Jin, did you really call the police?" Chen Zhiruo was not in the mood to say that Su Jin's move was not. Through the calmness for a while, she had calmed down and looked at Su Jin seriously.

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded.

"Is there anyone in your police force? Will you not arrest you? To make it clear... I'm so anxious to death." Chen Zhiluo asked with a small mouth.

"It's useless to be anxious, wait for someone to deal with it. Anyway, I'm trying to eliminate the harm, you have to testify to me." Su Jinqiang smiled and said with a straight face.

"Fake evidence? I, I..." Chen Zhiruo asked a little aggrieved: "Is that OK?"

"Definitely not. I'll take care of this myself. You will pick up the police officer later. The leader is called Qin Xue. You must remember what I said, just bring people, and don't say anything more." Su Jin said.

"Oh." Chen Zhiruo was a little unacceptable, and looked at the three people lying on the ground.

Two deaths and one faint, Su Jin committed a serious matter!

Then Su Jin smiled, raised her hand to bring her pretty face to the same level as her usual, and then said seriously: "Old girl, if there is anything I want to say, let me talk to my brother while there is still time. I am afraid there will be no chance in the future!"

Su Jin is still in the mood to say this?

Chen Zhi was stunned, with a few more rosy touches on her face, and said something that made Su Jin unbelievable——

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