My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1254: Su Jin Routine

"You have to be well inside and strive for transformation so that you can come out early."

Chen Zhiruo thought for a while, and she said this from the bottom of her heart, she really felt that Su Jin had only to reform this way. Fortunately, she thought that the Xia family should have something to do with a group, scared of her. OK.

Su Jin tilted his head and his expression was quite ecstasy. As for my sister, don't think Brother Jin was so miserable. Brother Jin is actually a capable person!

"Old sister Zhiruo, I would like to have an appointment with you at night. The opening of a room or something has become a waste, and I will live a good life in the future, brother will go one step ahead of you." Su Jin took out a cigarette and lit it. Said.

"If you have the ability not to be caught, I would also like you to invite me to dinner at night." Chen Zhiruo said.

Su Jin's eyes lit up!

I finally heard her say something very comfortable.

"Really? Would you like to open a room?" Su Jin asked calmly, unable to conceal his inner impulse.

"It's useless to say this. The police will come later. Please explain it carefully. You have to put your attitude better." Chen Zhiluo sighed.

"Answer me first, would you like it?" Su Jin didn't care about it.

"Yes, okay?" Chen Zhiruo only treated Su Jin as seeking comfort. After all, things have happened now and it is hard to recover. It's okay to comfort him now.

"Plap!" Su Jin clapped his hands domineeringly twice, "Well, well, count the time... They will be able to come in a few minutes. You can go to the door and wait. When you see a few people in Baotuan, you will ask and confirm Just bring them up."

"Okay." Chen Zhiruo put the folder aside, and under Su Jin's watch, got up and walked out the door.

And Su Jin was touching his chin, looking at the two dead bodies on the ground and the person who passed out, a sinister smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. He didn't kill the first one, of course, deliberately, and He wanted to sell his personal affection, otherwise he would have burned these people with fire.

In fact, it is very simple to let these three people disappear silently. Su Jin did it lazily, and it was not a big deal in itself, so it wouldn't hurt to ask Qin Xue and the others to come.

Now just wait for someone to come.


As Su Jin expected, after waiting for less than eight minutes, the door was also pushed open.

It was Chen Zhiruo who opened the door.

Secondly, Qin Xue and Li Caijie, who hadn't seen them for a while, appeared at the door. Su Jin took a cigarette and lit it, tilting his legs and watching them walk in.

Qin Xue was still as beautiful as ever. At this time, she was wearing a normal dress. It seemed that she valued Su Jin's account very much, and Li Caijie wore it very casually, following Qin Xue's side.

When she saw the situation in the room, Qin Xue looked at the sofa in surprise, Young Master Su who was so contented--

"What's the matter?" Qin Xue's first reaction when he saw the murder case was different from usual. The target was naturally because of Su Jin.

"These are three killers from Japan. The target is my wife. After my investigation, they have a background as a spy, so they killed two, and there is one who is alive. You can take him away." Su Jintou After a touch of green smoke, he squinted at the two girls and said.

At this time, Li Caijie squatted down in front of the two corpses, touched her neck, and found that there was no heartbeat, turned her head to look at Su Jin and asked, "What evidence do you have to prove that they are foreign spies?"

If it is a spy, Li Caijie naturally knows that this is a great achievement, and the current domestic punishment for spies is extremely heavy, especially foreign spies who have the ability to kill. The social harm should not be underestimated.

Su Jin pondered slightly, and Qin Xue waved her hand, motioning her to come over.

Then he took out the small bottle of'blue potion' from his pocket and handed it to Qin Xue's hand. Su Jin smiled faintly: "After the informant, today the three of them will come to the Xia Group pretending to be businessmen, and they also brought a I found out the very important scientific medicine just after I started it. I don’t know what ingredients are in it. You can bring it back for analysis."

Qin Xue looked at the blue potion in her hand, her eyes brightened.

"Oh yes, yes, Master Su obviously doesn't believe us and thinks that we are incompetent. You have an accurate report. If you don't call us first, you should take some responsibility if you recklessly take measures?" Li Caijie got up. Seeing Su Jin asked.

"My intelligence network, you can't move, even your highest level." Su Jin's face didn't even fluctuate, and continued: "Of course, if you want me to accompany you in the bureau, I Also accompany."

"Caijie, stop talking." Qin Xue said calmly.

Actually, when I saw the'blue potion' handed over by Su Jin, it was a very high-end potion. There must be a significant contribution to sending it for research. After all, it is a finished product. She now 100% believes that Su Jin is a person and will not take it. This kind of joke fools them.

Li Caijie curled her lips and said in a low voice, "If I didn't understand some of your identity, I must have caught you."

Su Jin raised his eyebrows and stared at Li Caijie obliquely. In fact, he wanted to reply, if there weren't any outsiders present, he would have pressed you down for a long time!

"Su Jin, what else do you know, you must tell us, you need someone to protect your safety?" Qin Xue asked.

"No, you guys take it away. That lively killer is a very strong killer. He needs a special cell, and ordinary shackles can't lock him. Remember, don't let him wake up before being sent to the cell." Su Jin ordered.

"Yeah, okay." Qin Xue dialed the phone and began to send people to drive to pull the corpse, but there were already police officers who continued to take pictures and collect evidence, and the scene became busy for a while.

"You guys are busy first. There is tea and water over there, and I still have something to report to my superiors. Now that I leave the people to you, I must be the most satisfied, otherwise the above will blame it and I will not be able to explain. Ah." Su Jin got up and patted his butt, planning to leave, but then he seemed to think of something, bowed his head and said a word in Qin Xue's ear.

Hearing Su Jin's shameless words, Qin Xue's face turned red, nodded lightly, and then started to work.

Su Jin turned his head and glanced at Li Caijie. After the other party made a clever face for him, he didn't say anything.

Go to the door.

"What else to look at? Do you want to stay here?" Su Jin didn't look at Chen Zhiruo, but stopped briefly, yawned at the same time, and walked out the door.

Chen Zhiruo's current heart is simply horrified!

She has only one thought now! That's being Su Jin's routine!

She wanted to cry without tears, she didn't play cards according to common sense at all. Su Jin just told her in despair, she said everything she wanted to say... and she agreed to open a room with him at night! Sister is really angry!

That said, but what about reality?

There are no arrests, but Su Jin, like a leader, explained what the police should do! There is nothing wrong with people!

In the end, it was even more exotic. The other party was also worried about Su Jin and asked if he should send someone to protect him?

Oh! Oh my God!

The more I think and the more mad, the more I think and the more mad!

Chen Zhiruo's face was furious, and she stamped her foot on the corridor that turned right when she left the house. He gritted his teeth and looked at the majestic figure from back, and said:

"You stop me!"

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