My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1273: Go to the underworld

"The resignation of the Emperor Baidi to the colorful clouds will be paid back for thousands of miles of Jiangling in one day."

"The apes on both sides of the strait can't cry, Qingzhou has passed the Wanzhong Mountain."

Ren Xueyan couldn't help but remembered the poem'Early Haired Baidicheng' by the poet Li Bai in her mind. The Qijue of Ancestor is powerful, and the word front is very beautiful, as if it is immersive, and it is also well-known and known by mouth. There are famous verses.

Don't say anything, let's introduce the schoolgirl sister over there making a big red face!

"Why don't you talk about Wanli Jiangling!" Ren Xueyan said angrily in shame.

"Dying from greed, I am very measured." Su Jin said seriously.

" can you embarrass me like this."

Ren Xueyan’s cheeks appeared pink. Although she was talking on the phone, the current situation made her very embarrassed, and she could even be described as “at a loss”. She is a college student and has seen all kinds of people, but It's almost unheard of to be such a thief at Su Jin's age.

"It's okay school girl, although I like you from the bottom of my heart, you don't have to take it seriously. I'll call you when I have time, and I will meet you for a meal! How about?" Su Jin secretly admired his wit, and said this. He didn't feel much about it. There was a word called'voluntary'. If she hated herself because of this, she could only say that saving her would be regarded as an injustice and draw a knife to help.

It's also good deeds——

"Don't... do you have time tomorrow?" Ren Xueyan bit her teeth, the blush on her face has not disappeared.

Although she knew each other for a while, Ren Xueyan knew that this guy could even turn off the phone, or even couldn’t reach it. What the other party said was “available”, which is probably a perfunctory talk. Excuses.

"I won't be free during the day tomorrow." Su Jin said truthfully. I don't know when I can come back to the underworld tonight. Even if I come back, I still have to stay energetic and sleep well for my health. Where can I be free!

"Then, then at night." Ren Xueyan's voice was weak to the extreme. With Young Master Su's hearing, she could hardly hear clearly.

"What did you say?" Su Jin couldn't help asking.

"Night!" Ren Xueyan felt very ashamed and ashamed.

"Oh, at night. Evening is fine!"

Su Jin agreed very readily, and couldn't help feeling happy. He didn't expect Ren Xueyan to value her saving her so much!

What a good old girl! Gratitude!

"Well, I'll call you tomorrow night." Ren Xueyan stabilized her shy mood and pressed the phone gently.

The corner of Su Jin's mouth rose to a special angle, then he walked to the door of his house and entered the room...

Because the sisters of the Xia family have gone to work, during this period of time when Su Jin was practicing, she also felt that she had sunk into her own "Infant Spirit" Skeleton King, and it did no harm to other people, unless the other party was a practitioner with a high realm and dared to do so. Sacrificing an infant spirit, in that state, only when one's own practice is running, can it plunder the other's vitality.

So after Su Jin entered the bedroom, he basically started to control the aura on the sky of communication and incorporate it into himself. When he encountered something he didn't understand, he asked Xiao Umbrella and let him guide himself.

In this regard, Su Jin basically never came out during the day.


The last red on the side of the day was completely lost, and Qin Cheng also fell into the night.

The breeze is blowing, the black sky, the stars are like an array, and the stars are shed repeatedly.

Su Jin walked with his hands in his hands, with a trace of cyan brilliance wrapped around his feet. Although every movement of his seemed slow, in fact, he stepped a few meters away, reaching the stage of the "Infant Fairy Period". He could communicate the spiritual energy of the world and stimulate the exercises. After those spiritual energy surrounds, it is helpful for speed, and Su Daguanren's speed is not slow!

Before long, the Temple of the King of Gods had appeared in front of him, and Su Li's head was swiped with two fingers, with his eyes open, he saw the "Ghost Gate" standing not far away at a glance!

As promised, the beautiful lady is already in sight.

In early summer, the girl wore a white dress and stood tall in front of the ghost gate.

At the young age of fifteen, just like a flower in bud, with her innocent face, beautiful long legs, and her skirt swaying in the breeze, the official Su who was watching was immediately relieved.

"Brother." Chu Xia is now in the state of not wearing a cloak, so his face is unobstructed, and his big sullen eyes stared at Su Jin as he approached and shouted.

"Old girl, how long have you been waiting?" Su Jin walked to Chuxia and stopped, with a smile on his mouth, reaching out and stroking her soft hair slowly.

"It's only a while." Chu Xia bulged her cheeks and didn't dodge Su Jin's touch.

Su Jin leaned sideways and naturally took Chuxia's little hand, sniffing her body's delicate fragrance, leisurely and leisurely began to walk into the ghost gate, not forgetting to ask: "Is Ms. Meng waiting for me?"

"Sister Meng is not going, I just need you to see her." Chuxia said to Su Jin with a small mouth.

"Then let's go? Who else?" Su Jin's tone was puzzled.

"I am not sure about it myself, I need you to talk to Meng Meng." Chu Xia showed a strong desire to go, she was still young and so big outside, she wanted to see it! In addition, Su Jin also promised to talk to Meng Sister about this matter, so she has to remind her now.

"Hi... My sister, I thought about it carefully."

Su Jin said in a serious tone: "The people outside are sinister. If it doesn't work, you have to withdraw... You are so beautiful. It's better not to follow, so I can't take you."

"you you!"

It was all ready for early summer, and she is wearing beautiful clothes today, who knew that Su Jin would not take her! I'm so angry!

"What am I?" Su Jin stopped and looked sideways at the somewhat angry old girl in early summer.

"Brother, you take me there, okay?" Chu Xia also grabbed Su Jin's arm with his other hand, and started to act like a baby in depression.

"Not so good? Would you like me to think about it again." Su Jin said strangely.

"Don't think about it!"

"Fine." Su Jin couldn't help it. He was handsome, and beautiful women liked to follow. He had to agree. Immediately, the two of them walked on Huangquan Road together and smoothly saw the Mengjie flower boat docked by the Nai River. Seeing this, Young Master Su smiled and said: "You wait here first, I will go to see Mengjie. "

"Okay." After Chu Xia finished speaking, he made a small mouth, and two shallow dimples appeared, and he watched Su Jin board the flower boat.


Su Jin is still quite relaxed. After all, it is a familiar place. The room where Miss Meng is looking is also a familiar road. When he reached the door of her room, the official Su raised his hand and was about to knock on the door.

The door opens automatically!

Su Jin had to withdraw his hand and strode in--

In Hua Chuan's room, there was no figure of Miss Meng. Su Jin looked back at the door frame and was quite sure that he did not go wrong.

At this time, a small detail caught Su Jin's attention.

In front of Miss Meng's bed, the red gauze tent moved slightly. Seeing this, Su Jin had to walk to the bed with a smile on his face, and then opened the red gauze tent.

But then the scenery in front of us--

Su Jin was stunned to see...

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