My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1274: It turned out to be them!

Miss Meng is beautiful and graceful, dressed in an orange gauze, her left leg is flat, and her slender right leg is raised, making a half-hook shape. And that Xuejie skin like the surface of a pigeon egg was seen in Su Jin's eyes, so eye-catching!

At this moment, Sister Meng put her hand on her right leg and gently rubbed it, her small mouth half closed and half open, and her head slightly nodded, Peugeot's face seemed to be for some reason, showing the boundless youth.

"Smelly boy, I've been waiting for you for a long time, how can I get there." Miss Meng moved her foot to sit on the side of the bed and stroked the strand of black hair on her left shoulder.

"It's not too late." Su Jin woke up, and secretly called Meng Jie's charm so terrible in his heart. Just a few seconds ago, he almost lost him in. As the'sacred mansion' of the underworld that has existed in the ancient times, Miss Meng is as if she were back then. , His appearance has not changed at all.

Because Miss Meng knew that if the Great Emperor was reincarnated, she might still like her back then! If there was no such woman, the emperor would definitely marry her!

"I ask you, can you remember all the memories of the year?" Meng Meng stared at Su Jin's eyes, and asked expectantly.

Last time the Ksitigarbha King tested Su Jin and confirmed that he is the reincarnation body of the emperor, and he can tell all kinds of things in the past, I really have to make people believe that now Meng Mai asked this question, naturally, I really hope that he can remember Because the emperor has many combat skills, unparalleled, very important to his future development.

Su Jin shook his head, "There are only a few fragments of memory, and most of them have not remembered."

In fact, Su Jin is most afraid of Miss Dream asking such questions. He is not the emperor. How can he restore all the past. Not long ago, the Ksitigarbha king tested him, and he can tell those scenes because he is...

No one wants to deceive people, especially those who have reached Su Jin's level. They are even more unwilling from the bottom of their hearts, but they are helpless. If he tells the truth, now he is not full of wings, he will definitely die on the spot! For this, he could only secretly apologize to Meng Girl.

Sure enough, Miss Meng's face was very disappointed.

"Take it slowly, let's not hurry." Meng girl swept away the disappointment, Shi Shiran got up, her hand stroked Su Jin's cheek with a smile on her mouth.

"Sister Meng, if I will really meet the calamity and be killed in the near future, you..." Before Su Jin could finish speaking, Miss Meng covered her mouth and refused to let him continue.

"That's just the future, and it didn't happen in reality. Everything still has a chance. The wheel of fate may also turn. As the mansion of hell, I have seen many miraculous events that change fate, although most people Responding to the fate, you can't escape the fate of death, but the final result is good. There is a great opportunity. Now you should not have great pressure, which is not good for your future growth."

Dream girl refused to let Su Jin say such words again.

"Okay, I am destined to exist as a great emperor, no matter how difficult it is!" Su Jin gritted his teeth and said firmly.

Although it was considered by many underworld ghost officials to be the great emperor, including the Ksitigarbha king, he also looked away, but what Su Jin said to Meng Sister at the moment was fine.

"Definitely! The emperor reincarnated and rebuilt, and the progress will be much faster than some people. That's why I called you to come." Miss Meng smiled.

"it is good."

Su Jin held her willow waist with both hands. This waist can even be described as ‘barbarous’. It feels like a full grip and feels beautiful.

So she couldn't help but, Su Jin couldn't help holding her in her arms, and Miss Meng's face became more ruddy.

As if unwilling to delay the time, Miss Dream pushed Su Jin away and said softly: "Now is not the time. At this moment, I will drive you to the'Bitter Beach'. County', come back after the transaction."

"Sister Meng, what's the exotic atmosphere like?" Su Jin was a little yearning and couldn't help but wonder.

"I'll know soon." Miss Meng said again: "Follow me to the ship deck."

Su Jinqiang immediately endured his excitement. If he said that it is impossible not to look forward to it, it has long been rumored that the life outside the territory is colorful, continuous killing, and the effect of experience. In addition, Young Master Su’s treasures are all from Emperor Huangquan, who was not dead. At that time, the Huaxia Empire was vast, far more than the previous Huaxia territory. Thinking of this, Su Jin knew that he had great responsibilities. If possible, he would replace Emperor Huangquan and unify more than 80 countries outside the region!

"I don't know something." Su Jin Suimeng girl walked out of the room, Dang Even wanted to ask her doubts.

"You said." Miss Meng will naturally not hide anything from him.

"How vast was the Huaxia Great World back then. Now why does Huaxia appear in the world? Is there a secret in it?" Su Jin asked.

"Those with great supernatural powers use extraordinary supernatural powers to remove the present Huaxia, in order to block the luck of Huaxia and block the aura." Miss Meng told a shocking fact.

Su Jin's mood was shocked, unbelievable. He couldn't believe how much ability it would take to do this kind of thing, it was simply unimaginable.

Seeing Su Jin stopped, and seeing his face change, the dream girl said: "Many strange things in the world are far beyond what you can't understand. You will know when you know more. The former emperor has fallen. The result of the great world is devastating. The most important reason for them to do this is that they are afraid that the emperor’s means will reach the sky, that the situation like yours will appear, and that the emperor will resurrect."


Su Jin didn't say much anymore. The more he knew now, the heavier the burden on his shoulders felt. One can imagine how much Sister Meng expects from him, and she definitely can't let her down.

The two came to the deck of the ship, on the side of Huangquan Road, and the girl looked up at each other in early summer.

"Sister Meng." Early summer said hello politely.

Su Jin smiled at Meng Meng: "The journey is lonely, I want my sister Chuxia to go with me."

Seeing that the early summer was still waiting, Miss Meng had expected Su Jin to say this. The two must have agreed. She nodded and said, "Come on."

"Thank you sister." Chuxia flushed her face and panted, knowing that Mengmeng had seen through her thoughts.

"Just thank you sister?" Su Jin pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Thank you, brother." Chu Xia was really convinced by Su Jin, and he would take advantage of this.

Su Jin gave a light cough. Seeing Chu Xia stepping on the boat and walking to the side, he couldn't help but look at Miss Meng and asked, "Meng Meng, who else is going with me this time?"

Upon hearing Su Jin's question, Meng Girl was charming and she couldn't help showing a strange look on her face.

Very strange!

Su Jin did not hear Miss Meng's response, she knew what she meant right now, which meant that she would know who was there later!

In less than five minutes, several figures appeared on Huangquan Road, varying in height!

After Su Jin saw it clearly, his fists couldn't help clenching tightly, his eyes burst into red light, staring at the people who came by!

Never thought it was them!

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