My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1275: If you don't have any!

There are six people here.

The leader is a lion head man with a height of three feet, his body is as graceful as a rock, and his muscles are full of strength. At first glance, he belongs to the kind of infinite strength.

It's not who is the King of Sansang Ghost!

I remember that Su Jin made a big fight in the underworld, and he fought endlessly with the King of Ghosts of Sanshang. Later, a scary little beast opened his mouth and swallowed this person into his belly. I didn't expect him to reappear!

Another person, Su Jin, is also very familiar. She is a woman. At this time, although she has changed her body and has a beautiful face, it is not the situation at the time, but the aura exuding all over her body is definitely not wrong. Young Master Su recognized it at a glance!

She is the last of the top ten Yin Shuai, Yu Yu Yin Shuai!

Oh shit!

Su Jin was very sure at the beginning. He crushed the girl and beat her to death. How could she still appear now? And when you see this, you will join yourself and go to the "Ziyou County", one of the 13 prefectures of Izumo!

I really can't understand.

Miss Meng’s voice appeared beside Su Jin, “It’s the Ksitigarbha King who gathered the Night Wandering Soul. Before, she and the Sanshou Ghost King were not sure of your identity, so there was some contradiction with you. Now that it is clear, it will be cancelled."

Now that Ms. Meng had already said so, Su Jin was silent for a while and nodded and said, "That's fine."

The Ksitigarbha king can condense the night wandering soul again to show the mighty power of the sky. Needless to say, this scattered ghost king must naturally be vomited out by the ‘Divine Beast’.

Except for Yeyou Yinshuai and Sanshang Ghost King, the few people behind him are ordinary Yinjiang level. With Su Jin's current strength, he is not afraid.

Several people, headed by the King of Sanshang Ghost, boarded the flower boat of Mengmeng.

Su Jin stood with his hands folded, without even looking at a few people, the corners of his mouth were raised to a certain angle, very arrogant.

After the Sanshang Ghost King got on the deck, he strode towards the Su Jin trio, and then all knelt down, crawling on both hands, and respectfully said: "See the Great!"

Without exception, including Yin Shuai Night Tour is the same, even the first Yin Shuai did this, surely no one would dare to offend Su Jin again, it is really different now.

Su Jin frowned and said lightly: "Get up all the time."

To be honest, people with a broad-minded mind like Su Jin are still unavoidable. He deceived me that day and wanted to kill myself, but now that he has changed so much, I want to come because his identity is too terrifying.

The ghost of the scattered ghost king didn't dare to show the atmosphere, he just saw that Su Jin had made a breakthrough in the realm, and his strength had greatly increased. There was no one at this speed of cultivation, and he was more and more certain that the emperor reincarnated. Thinking of this, after he led the team, he hesitated and said: "That time I didn't know the identity of the emperor. It was the subordinates who deserve to die, and the emperor should punish him!"


Su Jin sneered. Wang Ming knew that this time he was on a mission, but at this moment he asked for a crime, making it clear that he was playing tricks.

"The great emperor, the little girl was guilty of not knowing Mount Tai at the beginning...please be punished too!" Yeyou also said, his tone even shivering.

Young Emperor! Almost made a big mistake at the beginning, after all, it was confirmed by the Ksitigarbha king, and the identity of the emperor had already been established.

"Forget it, Lord Bendi doesn't remember the villain, he has forgotten it a long time ago." Su Jin still did not look at these people, and said.

"Thank the Great!"

The Sanshang Ghost King and Yeyou couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. These days, they have been in panic, for fear that the young emperor will rise in the future, even if there is the blessing of the Ksitigarbha, I am afraid that they will not be as delicious as they are now. Now that they could say something and be forgiven by Su Jin, the two Yinshuai also became clear in their hearts and no longer had any worries.

At this time, Su Jin found an interesting person in the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but shout: "Hey! Fatty, come here!"

Holding a rosary in his hands, the Three-Sheng Yin Buddha occasionally plucked one, reciting the scriptures silently, walking slowly on the road of Huangquan, not knowing where to go to sleep.

The sudden appearance of the familiar voice made Sansheng Yin Buddha's mind tremble, and he looked up and saw several figures on the deck railing of the flower boat, one of them...

Who else is not that evil star!

As if not taking away a trace of breeze, Sansheng Yin Buddha twisted his chubby figure, turned around and ran away. He could no longer calm down, and even the Buddha's heart could not be kept quiet.

But the three-life Yin Buddha just ran a few steps, and he felt a blue shadow in front of him, and there were already more people in front of him!

Su Jin looked at the three-life Yin Buddha with a smile, and said, "I asked the Buddha: Why run?"

"Donor, you and I are predestined, and we have met again." After Sansheng Yin Buddha said, he said a Buddha's name, his eyes gleaming, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

For the Sansheng Yin Buddha, there is now a strong urge to scold the calf, he just can't bear it, but he temporarily recognizes Su Jin as the young emperor!

But even so, Sansheng Yin Buddha was also very angry! You must know that even the Emperor Huangquan back then had to be kind enough to ask him for the Buddha's fruit. He definitely wouldn't reach the point of grabbing it. These days, he often had nightmares and dreamed that the three-life stone was bare and there was no Buddha's fruit.

Su Jin smiled slightly, made a bergamot, and said faintly: "My Buddha is merciful, today this emperor will go to'Zijiu County' with Meng Girl. It is known that people outside the territory have cultivated a high level of excellence, and they are all ruthless. Spicy and ruthless, I specifically want to ask a Bodhi to protect myself."

The face of the Sansheng Yin Buddha changed with a brush, it became black and black, and his lips trembled, obviously being angry.

Sure enough, this kid is here for ‘Ghost Buddha Bodhi’!

"Compassionate your sister! If you don't have any fruit, let's kill one!" Sansheng Yin Buddha immediately took a step back and gritted his teeth.

"Little fat man, you are a little uninteresting." Su Jin sighed.

"Unlucky for me, how come I met you again!" Sansheng Yin Buddha was almost crying. Every time he saw Young Master Su, he would suffer heavy losses. It can be said to be a miserable old age. After all, He only has that little baby, and no one can pick it out on weekdays.

On the flower boat, Miss Meng's face was very helpless. Now Su Jin felt like a junior high school student robbed a primary school student. He was obviously blocking her and had to get some benefits.

Then the dream girl said: "Su Jin, let him go, very poor..."

"Cough cough!" Su Jin cleared his throat, took two steps forward and re-patted the shoulder of Sansheng Yin Buddha, and said: "I'm kidding you, last time and last time, thank you!"

The Sansheng Yin Buddha trembled all over. Last time it was the ghost Buddha tree vine, and the last time it was two ghost Buddha Bodhi. The most irritating thing now is two words, last time and next time! He didn't want to see Su Jin anymore, never wanted to see him.

After Su Jin said, he boarded the flower boat again, and the three lives Yin Buddha quickly ran away. He was afraid that Su Jin would change his mind...

"Let's go!" Dream girl waved.

With a wave of the bare hand, the water of the Nai River, which was like yellow mud, suddenly churns up, and the evil spirits in the river float and sink, sending the flower boat to the southwest like a relay. Relay pulling the boat is also a kind of yin virtue, which can reduce the time of punishment. Will be recorded in the Yinde Pulu.

Twenty minutes later, Su Jin and Miss Meng were on the deck side by side.

Su Jin looked at the terrifying scene not far away in the central waters of the Nanai River in surprise.

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