My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1280: Thousands of calculations

Princess Suluo was originally in a snow-white skirt with legs, but there was some mud stained at the moment. Under the messy hair, the pink face was soaked with sweat, and there were many things in her beautiful eyes.

She has thin legs and stretches, and moccasin boots are tied below her knees. When measured from the bottom of her feet, she is no more than a palm, which is slightly small and cute.

She was like a hundred ants biting her heart. She had scratched the snow-white skirt in several places, her small mouth was slightly moved, and another long and nice voice floated out.

Su Jin squatted down, held her shoulders, and said in a false voice, "How are you?"

"You, you go!" The voice seemed to arouse some sense of Princess Su Luo. She opened her small mouth and wanted to drive away Su Jin, but in her pupils, it was not like this.

The ghost face man in front of her seemed to be regarded as a man by her. Although the man was not handsome, although the two characters were wrong, he had suppressed a fight, but he also saved him. The last trace of reason in her heart is about to be overwhelmed now, she wants to sink, wants to let go of all the shackles, wants to relax...

But there is always a voice telling her that she definitely can't tell her body here, to a stranger, even though he is helping him now, she doesn't want it!

The last trace of reason is obliterated--

Su Jingang wanted to laugh, but Princess Suluo stuck to him like an octopus...

"Princess, princess?" Su Jin's blood seemed to be ignited, his eyes flushed a bit.

After all... still couldn't hold back.


It's always spring.

In the Jiuyou Jedi, the jungle is densely covered with towering trees, and even the stars can't be seen, as if in the mouth of a giant beast.

It was a primitive black, primitive silence, primitive impulse——

Everything is so real.

Princess Chi Luo moved her eyelids slightly, opened her eyes lightly, as if she realized something, and immediately looked down at her clothes, but she turned pale and she was desperate.

"Hey..." a sigh appeared.

Princess Chi Luo looked sharply at twenty meters away, which was a small place with moonlight. I saw a stalwart man with his hands on his back, his Tsing Yi robe was windless and automatic, and he was very luminous and upright, and his temperament was first-class arrogant.

Standing there, he was like a divine sword out of its sheath, and the light could not be covered.

Picking up the "White Deer Sword" on the side, Princess Tsutalo endured the discomfort of the wound. There were wounds on her abdomen and body. Although there was no life-threatening situation, it was still very painful!

"You have a strong intention to kill, do you want to kill me?" Su Jin said with his throat, seemingly regretful.

"It's your self-defeating, or you want me to do it." Princess Suluo's voice was cold, as cold as Frost, without a trace of emotion.

"Never want, I think we have a little misunderstanding."

Su Jin shook his head, then slowly turned around, Shenren's grimace mask appeared, but Princess Suluo was not afraid at all, and still had an indifferent expression.

"You must die!" Princess Chu Luo raised the White Deer Sword and said angrily.

"Don't say that you are currently injured, it is your heyday, and it is not my opponent." Su Jin said lightly.

There was a bitter smile at the corners of Princess Chi Luo's mouth, and all the strength from her body seemed to have been mercilessly taken away, and the sword in the hand that was raised also dropped, yeah! She was chased and killed... unable to deal with those people, even being insulted and killed, and this person, a human enemy, could save her, how could his strength be low.

But what is the difference between her and being humiliated now? Although she was not careful and was fascinated by the silver flood capsule, it was originally a monster that did those unbearable things.

"Although I can't kill you now, I will kill you to the end of the world in the future!" Princess Chu Luo gritted his teeth.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Su Jin's voice was very soft, then he paused and asked: "Can you tell me who Su Jin is?"

"Do you know Su Jin?" Princess Su Luo had more murderous intentions in his heart, with a cold tone, but he didn't expect him to ask this question at all, very surprised.

"I don't know, but you just took a mouthful of Su Jin. I am embarrassed to call it. I think the relationship between you must be extraordinary." Su Jin still said in his voice, without revealing the slightest flaw, and explained to Princess Cutaluo. listen.

In fact, the muscles on Su Jin's face under the mask were twitching and he almost laughed, could this be? Didn’t you save your life not long ago, and fight? We are still right, how can we fall in love with me silently?

"Don't mention this name! Please pray to the heavens, don't let me break through, or I will kill you desperately!" Princess Ruo Luo found out in frustration that he can only threaten him now, and there is nothing to do. Can't help each other.

"What a grudge, you were poisoned just now, you and I have no choice but to make it difficult for someone to save you." Su Jin sighed.

"Fuck! Shouldn't you... shouldn't you know--" Princess Suluo's eyes flashed with tears, and the sword held in her hand became stronger.

"It's time to get out, sister Feijin, take care, hide it later, and leave here quickly." Su Jin looked in one direction, and after seeing who it was, his tone relaxed and quickly disappeared into the night.

Princess Suluo had a bleak face and squatted on the ground and started crying.

"Chi Luo, what's the matter with you? It's okay?" Fairy Zi Yun was a little embarrassed, and she flashed to Princess Chi Luo's side.

"No, it's okay." Princess Chu Luo dared not look at the master's face when she got up, so she threw herself into her arms and cried.

"Kuchiuchi." At this moment, the white deer behind the sword gave out a misty white light, and a ball of light like a pug-like creature rolled out, jumping a few steps in the direction where Young Master Su had left, but found After the Su Jin breath was gone, he sat down on the ground and started crying.

Princess Suluo immediately left Fairy Ziyun's embrace, staring at the sad White Deer Sword Spirit, and was stunned.

She is not stupid, she can think of many things, besides this White Deer Sword Spirit's reaction to Su Jin, she has never seen a second person who would make Bai Lu Sword Spirit do this!

He is Su Jin! This **** guy!

Suddenly, the idea of ​​Princess Chi Luo felt that this idea was very absurd, how could it be so!

No wonder Su Jin said just now that he couldn't beat her in his heyday. No wonder he would appear to save himself at a critical time. No wonder...

This is no coincidence!

"Su Jin! Don't let me see you again, or I will definitely...kill you!" Princess Su Luo yelled in the direction Su Jin left. However, there are two more blushes on her face now.

"What? Su Jin? How could he be here... he..." Fairy Zi Yun was taken aback and couldn't believe it.

"Master, do you know why he, as a cultivator, is not willing to learn the secrets of coming from outside China?"

Princess Chi Luo's depression was completely wiped out, and even a little bit of joy, and continued: "The secret that we can go freely in China and outside the domain, how many Chinese cultivators are crazy about it, and even want to exchange it at a big price, and He refused decisively! I understand now, he really doesn't want to know! He has another way to come here!"

"This... this... are you sure?" Fairy Zi Yun was confused now, and her words were a bit unclear.

"I'm sure, it's him!" Princess Chu Luo puffed her cheeks, but thinking about what had just happened, she thought...

Su Jin almost ran off when he heard the sound coming from nearly two hundred meters away behind him.

High officials are unwilling! Thousands of calculations, not counting the pug, Ciao...This can also be seen through, and it is really drunk.

Su Jin shook his grimace mask, turned his head and looked around, a special thought appeared in his mind.

Shouldn't the two beauties come after?

Fuck, seeing that something was wrong, Su Jin Sayazi ran away——

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