My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1281: black market

Make big.

Although Su Jin couldn't lose weight and was chased by the master and apprentice Liangmei, but the beautiful scenes and feelings just made him couldn't help thinking about it a thousand times and ten thousand times.

You must know that Princess Suluo is Ling Feijin, but the top three goddess-level figures in the 13 Izumo prefectures are now occupied by Young Master Su, and Fairy Ziyun had this idea when he was in Beijing. I just didn't expect happiness to come so quickly.

Although his identity was revealed, and the two beautys were chasing after him, Su Jin still didn't want to let the two women see at this moment. He increased his speed to the extreme, which was almost "Desperate Fly", plus the "Jiuyou Jedi" had no vision. Good, there are frequent obstacles, obviously beneficial to the dodgers, and he was chased and lost too——

For an hour or so, Su Jin looked at the moonlight, and walked back into the'Zipou County' with his head upright. Princess Chu Luo had the Ziyun Fairy by his side, so don't worry about safety. The young master is all right now. .

After returning to the tailor's shop to change his clothes, a modern Chinese handsome guy came back again, waiting to step out of the tailor's shop, looking at a long red lantern street, Su Jin turned back to the'Fuyuan Inn'.

The Sanshang Ghost King and others have not yet returned.

Su Jin had expected that he would come to Zijiu County to make a big purchase like this, and he would definitely not complete it simply. He pondered it, looked at the no longer busy shop, and asked: "Little brother, ask... how to get around the black market. ?"

"The guest officer isn't a local, right?" The shop's second child in linen clothes, clean and concise, and with that kind of cleverness, he asked back.


Su Jin whispered in his heart secretly, this shop's Xiaoer has a water bag in his head, if he asks that, he must not be a local!

"Guardian, if you go west, you will come to a large bluestone square. There is a statue in the center of the square. The statue is to commemorate the'Ice Mysterious Lady'. There is a black market and it is not difficult to find." Fearing that Su Jin had gone in the wrong place, he pointed to the direction and said to him.

"Thank you."

Su Jin nodded, walked out of the inn, headed west.

After walking for about ten minutes, Su Jin didn’t speed up. He went on a normal walk. As the shop Xiaoer said just now, this bluestone square is not small, surrounded by bright lights, and there is a crystal clear white statue standing in the center. , About Zhang height.

Su Jin walked to the statue of the'Ice Profound Empress', and suddenly felt an extraordinary aura coming from the statue. It has not been known for many years. The appearance of this empress is still firmly remembered. Perhaps Su Da The young master felt that there might be some magic weapon with memory function, otherwise it would be impossible to make her sculpture so lifelike.

On the snow-white statue, the Bingxuan Empress is full of body, graceful and graceful, with long hair fluttering, a kind of imperial prestige spread from her eyes, as if there is a sacred feeling of contempt for all beings.

"Open Tianyan--" Su Jin didn't delay his time. After opening the Tianyan, he glanced around, and soon found the traces of the Sanshang Ghost King and others.

But in the process, Su Jin suddenly turned his head away from the corner of his eyes and looked at the statue of Emperor Bingxuan. He just felt that the statue seemed to blink?

No, it's an illusion!

Su Jin also felt ridiculous for his absurd feeling, a statue, a dead thing, how could it be possible to blink?

Thinking of this, Su Jin speeded up his pace and rushed to the direction where the Ghost King Sanshang was. It was better to turn with him as soon as possible.


"Brother!" Chu Xia's big eyes lit up clearly, and she spotted Su Jin walking by the first time.

The Sanshang Ghost King turned around and looked at Su Jin, their respectful expressions appeared, and they stopped and waited--

"Is everything done?" Su Jin walked over and asked lightly.

"There are still several important things that I haven't found. It's weird. Yangshi used to be wholesale, but this year I saw not many, and it was too expensive." Sanshang Ghost King was very puzzled.

"Go ahead!" Looking at the so-called black market, Su Jin felt his scalp numb. Not only were there stalls selling all kinds of so-called ‘mountain treasures’, there were also densely packed stones, and of course some stores were open at night.

The black market in Zijiu County is famous, and many people come here admiringly, because of all the prefectures of the'Izumo Thirteen Prefectures', only the'Ziye County' is close to the'Jiuyou Jedi', plus these years, Rare objects continue to appear, making this county famous.

"If the young emperor has something you like, you can tell it, the eldest brother is carrying a huge amount of money!" Yeyou now only has awe of Su Jin, and said cautiously.


Su Jin was also interested, pointing to the stones of various colors on the stalls and asked: "Are those source stones?"

"Yes, but most of them are deceiving. The reason why it is called the black market is that some people can be lucky and find Qizhen, and some people even want to get rid of the fakes in their hands." Said the ghost king of Sanshang.

"There are dirty treasures of unknown origin." Yeyou added.

"Look first..." Su Jin saw dozens of people standing next to the stall, and brought a few people over.

Many people are a little bit ashamed. The chances that the source stone will produce a baby here are very low, but there are also a few people who have earned it and are vowing to choose stone materials.

Su Jin looked at these stones. They were of different sizes. He hadn't seen many colored stones. He also saw the open source masters busy, but most of them were disappointed.

"Unexpectedly, there will be gambling on rocks..." Su Jin smiled.

"Choose some." Chu Xia encouraged Su Jin and said with a blushing face, obviously having fun.

"Boss! How much is one!" The man turned into a ghost king of Sanshang asked with thick eyebrows, staring at a thin middle-aged boss.

"One spiritual crystal, one." The middle-aged boss nodded and said: "Choose whatever you want, choose whatever you want!"

"It's so expensive? It's almost catching up with the price in the source stone shop!" The Sanshang Ghost King apparently had a similar experience, and he was an expert.

"Not expensive! My source stones are all collected from Yeguifeng. They are all first-hand goods... If you are an expert, you must know that'Wild Ghost Peak' is one of the ancient battlefields in the era of the Great Emperor. A good thing was born! Just twenty days ago, someone cut out a golden'jade piece' with text on it!" said the thin boss.

"Okay!" The ghost king of Sanshang looked at Su Jin, anyway, he had suffered a big loss on this, and he didn't believe that a treasure could be made from thousands of source stones. The probability is too low, and the money will probably be beaten. Water drift.

Many people looked at Su Jin and the others with abusive expressions. Most of them didn't do anything. After all, they just watched the excitement. Obviously, they knew everything here, there was nothing good! And expensive--

Su Jin muttered silently to open the sky eye, the sky eye was blessed by the origin of the great emperor in the palm of his right hand, and the red light suddenly swallowed a few feet!

Everyone was taken aback, but they didn't expect this young man to be able to produce such alien powers!

Strangely speaking, Su Jin can't see through these source stones at all, but he can see some sights that ordinary people can't see——

Do it yourself!

Su Jin selected a few stones, but it turned out that it was unknown...

Everyone burst into laughter!

what's the situation?

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