My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1282: Shocking

Sanshang Ghost King is also a miserable face.

"I thought such a skilled person would choose a better stone. There is a basalt stone in it..." The crowd onlookers was obviously almost laughing.

"The basalt stone is most unlikely to be a treasure. You can move this kind of stone as much as you want on the mountain!"

"There is a diamond too! It just blinds my big five centimeter wide eye--"

"Haitao Stone! This thing can be shaken to make the sound of water, but it is actually hollow inside. I have been playing with stones for many years, and I have never seen anything cut out of waste stone."

"This stall owner has made a profit, and his heart is so beautiful. If you take a fool, you can kill it!"

"Will you play stone! Entry-level players can't cook like this..."

When everyone laughed and laughed, they all looked at Cai Gouzi. What they were distressed about was the spirit crystals, all of which were can't spend money like this, right?

The voice was very harsh, even in the early summer, he blushed, and I am embarrassed to stand next to Su Jin again. He is considered such a dish, and it is estimated that it has reached the realm of a kind of dish.

"Hey, let me." Su Jin waved away a few people, no matter what others think, anyway, in front of the person who is taunting, that is, in the first row directly in front of the feet, it's nice to have a big rock. bingo!

After the selection, Su Jin chose a total of five stones. The Ghost King took out five spirit crystals and handed them to the stall owner, indicating that the teacher next to him, Fu Jie Shi——

The stall owner naturally took the money happily and hugged a few stones one after another. Everyone wanted to use some vocabulary to laugh at Su Jin’s ignorance, and even some people stopped buying the source stone without blinking. Watching the open source master operation.

The master has a deep skill and has been in this industry for 30 years. I don’t know how many babies have been opened by him. I saw that he was holding a thin knife in his hand. The knife was blue in color and seemed not sharp. But when he used his force to stimulate the momentum, there was a color change from cyan to red on the knife.


The open source master crafts Pharaoh Spicy, and first moved his knife on a cardinal stone. Under his hands, the stone turned out to be like tofu, gently cutting off the layers!

Su Jin was secretly stunned, and it seemed that the national practice was not a joke. This master had the least strength in the early days of the golden core, and he was very skilled in calcite. Under this condition, it is normal to open up easily.

This bright red piece of "Cardinal Stone" was about the size of a grapefruit, and it was quickly cut off by the master!

Unfortunately! Nothing came out...

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed wildly. In their hearts, I'm afraid there will be no more silly idiots like Su Jin. The first piece really didn't show up.

The second sea stone.

There is nothing! Naturally, there was a burst of laughter. Those people laughed more and more frantically, causing Su Jin to frown.

The third piece, diamond! It's still empty, and it's all silver-white inside!

The stall owner’s expression is very normal, he can sell the baby casually, so he still sells a fart, originally relying on eyesight experience, who enters this business and does not pay tuition? No wonder the money is gambling.

The fourth piece! It was the basalt stone that was chosen first. The skilled master had no expression on his face. Even though he knew the result, he still started to wield his sword like the wind, at an amazing speed——

"Hey!" In less than three minutes, the master of Kaiyuan Stone's face was startled, and his hands trembled. Under the skin of that little stone, there was a small gravel that had not yet been picked, and there was a glimmer of glory just now. Shining, the experienced he immediately knew that something good had happened!

The master trembling hands, gently touched the small gravel with a knife, and suddenly a blue and white dazzling light appeared!

Everyone's complexion suddenly froze, and they couldn't believe it, staring at the dazzling light!

"How is it possible!" Someone took a breath after responding quickly.

"How can there be treasures in the basalt stone? It's too nonsense!" The other person was also beaten to death.

"Master, look at what baby!" There were others who were extremely excited, and wanted to know what was sealed inside.

The face of the stall owner is very ugly, but there is no way. Business is like this. It is possible that there is nothing in this pile of stones, but it is also possible to open the dream treasure, all of fate!

The master's face is pretty good, he is employed by the stall owner, and the things he sells are not his, and the things he sells have nothing to do with him, just take money to do things!

At the instigation of everyone, the master looked at Su Jin and said, "This son, there is a Lingbao-class blue star meteorite iron inside. Based on the part seen now, the value of this source stone is definitely one thousand. Spirit crystals or more, but if you cut it now, the value may not be a thousand spirit crystals. Do you want to cut it?"

"Lingbao level! It's still a blue star meteorite iron!" The crowd exclaimed again, their eyes hot.

"Cut it open." Su Jin waved his hand, calmly expressing that he didn't care.

The master obtained permission, and continued to move his hands. In the end, his forehead was a little sweaty, not tired...but when he circled down, more and more blue and white light spots were exposed. Finally, the basalt stone with the big head turned out to be Solved a'Blue Star Meteorite' as big as a baby's fist!

Everyone's den was almost exploded! It's boiling!

"Oh my god! Such a big piece of'Blue Star Meteorite'!" Among the crowd of onlookers, a young man was holding his heart, his breathing was a little uncomfortable.

"At least five thousand spirit crystals! It is very likely that you can't buy it. The blue star meteorite iron of the spirit treasure level, so many disciples need such a treasure, if it is integrated into the magic weapon, the magic weapon level can be upgraded at least several grades. , Indestructible!" Someone swallowed.

"Blue Star Meteorite, Ziqu County hasn't seen such a large piece in decades. Last time I remembered that Prince Zhou bought a finger-sized piece in'Lingyuanzhai'. There is only one piece in the whole city!" Passers-by are well-informed and well informed.

In fact, Sanshang Ghost King is a mad lord in his temperament, and now his head is still a little confused, and Ye You Yinshuai looks at each other. They never thought that the young emperor could be so powerful with his shots. It was impossible to explain this matter with common sense. .

In the early summer, the little sister was having fun with a proud expression on her face. How did these people laugh at her brother just now? Haven't they all been beaten now? Doesn't it hurt?

The stall owner trembling his hands, handed the baby's fist-big ‘Blue Star Meteorite’ into Su Jin’s hand, and then he wiped his sweat, seemingly reluctant.

The last stone!

The master looked at this half-meter-wide and about one-meter-long source stone and planned to start his hands. This source stone has purple-gray wave patterns on it, and there are some gold powder embedded on it, which looks a little golden.

Everyone held their breath--

The master's knife is dexterous, and directly cut off a corner of this source stone.

"Ah!" Everyone shook the sky in shock, their eyes were almost falling to the ground!

I saw traces of scarlet blood coming out of it, and a special fragrance could be quickly asked about a radius of several tens of meters!

Cut the source stone, how can blood flow out!

What is still hiding in it? Su Jin was also taken aback!

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