My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1291: Purple Phoenix Boat

Star bright.

A person walked out slowly on the streets of ‘Ziju County’ in the night.

When Su Jin saw her true face, Jian's eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkled. This person was an old woman. Looking at her from a normal person's eyes, she was at least 70 or 80 years old.

The old woman has green hair and a serious camel back, almost arched. She has a black and cyan crutch in her hand. The crutch is engraved with a snake head demon crown. The crutch body is winding and twisting. The snake eyes are bright and flashing like a living creature. It's very unusual, it's a magical treasure for one party.

"Cough cough, I am always in charge of the'Purple Phoenix Boat', and I was specially asked by the young lady to come and invite the son to go over." The old woman clenched a fist and coughed again in front of her mouth. It was obvious that her body was agitated.

Su Jin's heart sank. The old woman's arms were withered and her body was black. Her fingers were completely skinny and slender. She would have died a long time ago as an ordinary person. She was able to walk freely, and her cultivation was even more bottomless. People can't figure out the real strength.

"Miss your family?" Su Jin rolled his eyes and wondered where the "Purple Phoenix Boat" is, and immediately he said again: "I first came to your place and I didn't know anyone at all."

"It doesn't matter... Seeing, I knew each other." The old woman seemed to know Su Jin's words, so she responded.

"It's late at night, please come back, senior, I will go to visit your lady next day, it seems not suitable now." Su Jin's face was calm, but there was waves in his heart.

To be honest, Su Jin regretted that it was not that he had come to the outside world. This is more than 80 countries outside the region. It was originally together with China, and it was the same as the "China Great World". The journey was not too far away. What he regretted was that he shouldn't buy it before. The source stone has cut a catastrophe, and now I am afraid that many forces here are eyeing him.

In fact, Su Jin was wrong. Although the ancient sacred stone was precious, as one of the ancient battlefields in the past, some big forces have hidden rare source stones more or less. The real disaster is that when he was just practicing, he inadvertently revealed the appearance of the purple dragon. Many sect forces have paid attention to it. Some families have strangers and strangers. The Gua is fixed in this Fuyuan Inn!

"The son is defensive. We Zihuangfang treats people sincerely. We just want to make friends with the son. Don't have any other intentions. The old man is here. Please don't embarrass the old man..." The old woman was very sincere and showed her age. People can’t bear to refuse, but...

But Su Jin felt that there was really no need to take such a big risk.

Su Jin was about to speak, but his brows frowned again.

"Senior Jiuyun, my palace lord led me to come here, and I also want to invite this brother to join the clan!" There was a young man holding a flying sword, and his smile rose instantly. Arched his hands.

Grandma Jiuyun's face was normal, she suddenly laughed twice, and said: "It turns out to be a junior with the character "Crane" in the Jiujiang Water House. Your Palace Master did not come, but sent you. Is there too little sincerity?"

"The predecessors are serious, and sincerity doesn't care who comes. The so-called sincerity, Jinshi is open. Although I am a junior, Li Hexuan came with full sincerity——" Li Hexuan smiled bitterly.

"Your reaction is quick." Jiu Yun snorted, and slammed the green snake stick heavily, slightly dissatisfied.

Li Hexuan looked at Su Jin with an embarrassed expression, and looked at Su Jin, feeling anxious. How did he know that the person from the "Purple Phoenix Boat" actually arrived earlier than him, and his seniority was extremely high.

Su Jin was calm. He found that when the two were talking, Fairy Ziyun and Princess Ling Feijin walked out at the entrance of Erfuyuan Inn.

"Hey! Su Jin, don't you have something to do? Don't leave yet—" Princess Su Luo, with a cold face, came to Su Jin and asked with Fairy Zi Jun.

"I was moved by the sincerity of the two, I plan to stay a little longer." Su Jin made a gesture and said lightly.

"You... do you know who they are? You are not allowed to go..." Princess Su Luo gritted his teeth and reminded Su Jin in a low voice. 0

"I don't feel that the two of you are malicious..." Su Jin didn't even look at Ling Feijin, and was equally cold.


Princess Su Luo lost her temper. She knew that Su Jin was still angry with her, as could be seen from the tit-for-tat dialogue.

The beautiful mentors and apprentices have all changed their appearances, so they don’t worry about being seen through. I only heard Fairy Ziyun say to the two people who came to invite: "Two, our young master has something important to call at home. Now we need to rush back. , I'll visit again another day, and please forgive me."

"The Purple Phoenix Boat is only three miles away from here. It can’t delay the little brother too much time. On the contrary, the'Jiujiang Water House' is forty miles away. It's better to sit at my lady’s for a while, make friends, and the old man has completed the task. Don’t be embarrassed for a few of you.” Grandma Jiuyun insisted.

"Okay!" As soon as Su Jin folded the fan, he agreed to Grandma Jiuyun. Besides, he was very interested in what this person called the eldest lady, and what did the so-called "Purple Phoenix Boat" exist?

Li Hexuan's expression became more bitter.

Fairy Ziyun, the master and apprentice, also had their eyes flickering, showing worried eyes.

"Brother Su...I..." Li Hexuan smiled bitterly.

"After a while, I will come to visit myself." Su Jin said to Li Hexuan.

"Okay!" Li Hexuan arched his hands, and it was no sign. It was originally a sincere invitation. The other party said that, what can he do.

"Master Su, please--" Grandma Jiu Yun made a gesture of asking, letting Su Jin present.

Su Jin smiled, took a step, and walked forward, but did not communicate with the two fairies Ziyun, and soon disappeared at the end of the street...

Li Hexuan bowed his hand to the beautiful teacher and apprentice, and left as well...

"Master,'Jiujiang Water Mansion' unexpectedly invited Su Jin, he came for the first time, why..." Ling Feijin was very surprised and asked Fairy Ziyun.

"I know something about it. He is destined to rise." Fairy Zi Yun took a deep breath and said.

"Is there anything I don't know?"

"Enter the house, this is not a place to talk..."


Soon, in Zijiu County, northwest of the city.

The environment here is elegant, and a river across the city emerges from it. The river is hundreds of meters wide and the flood is rolling. There are many night boats docking on the bank, lanterns hanging high, swinging and leisurely——

Purple Phoenix Boat!

When Su Jin stepped into this place, he suddenly felt that it was not easy. It turned out to be a vast mansion with a radius of at least a few miles. The walls of the mansion were surrounded by the river crossing the city. The lights were brilliant and it was extremely prominent. What a family member.

Entering from the main entrance, the Jindan disciples have over a hundred, constantly walking and doing patrol tasks. After coming in, although it was night, the trees were lush, fireflies were flying among them, the quiet rockery was endless, and the night spring was torrential, and it was quite quiet.

Under the leadership of Grandma Jiuyun, Su Jin went all the way to the middle of the mansion...

After passing a small bridge with flowing water, among the luxuriant ancient trees, the fluorite on the road exudes a not weak light, Su Jin has already noticed the existence of many super masters here!

Just when Su Jin was secretly surprised, there was a nice poem chanting sound in his ear, the voice was clear and quiet, I don't know which talented girl's mouth came from.

"Hua Chaoyue, don't be obscured. Obscurity is better than the sound of eaves."

"Who will dissipate the smoke and dissipate the vertical and horizontal ties. Draw a desolation, capture a period of time, the encounter in the world, loneliness like fallen leaves..."

"Whoever writes poems so heartily puts the past life..."

Listen carefully, savor carefully, the beautiful voice is in loneliness, Su Jinjue's girl is definitely not more than 20 years old!

who is it?

Who the **** is it?

Su Jin is extremely curious--

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