My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1292: Miss Liu Family

Under the night sky.

Stars are dense, the branches swing lightly with the wind, shaking a few maple leaves down.

Seeing Su Jin stagnating, Grandma Jiu Yun seemed to see what he was thinking and said, "The youngest princess in the family is the one who chants poems."

"Who is the last name or first name?" Su Jin has a feeling of cherishing each other. He is also a talented person. It's just a difference between men and women. He is a talented man, and the other is a talented woman, tusk.

Grandma Jiuyun said immediately: "The last name is Liu, the name is poetry."

"Liu Shiyin."

Su Jin's heart shook, because when the voice fell, a thin purple smoke rose about 50 meters in front. If you have poor eyesight, I am afraid that you will not pay attention to this detail, and so Master Su Think of something.

This smoke was promoted by Liu Shiyin. She should have entered Taoism through Confucianism. Although she couldn't believe it in her heart, this is the truth. The aura of the outside world is full of energy and can be touched. This'Confucianism and Taoism' is also a'Tao'. Is it possible?

"It's cold in the middle of the night, son don't delay any more time, just follow the old man." Grandma Jiuyun didn't suspect him, and continued to lead the way.

Su Jin looked forward to.

Continue to follow along. When he reached the place where the lavender smoke had just risen, Su Jinchao looked inside a small'que', this wooden building, the fence of the yard is white fluorite, only 20 or 30 centimeters. High, not as high as the knee.

Inside the fluorite fence, there are colorful flowers that grow luxuriantly, and the wooden building is also unique in shape, not very high, the house is brightly lit, and there is a vaguely seen girl with a straight waist sitting in the middle, holding a book in hand, and watching carefully ——

This is probably Liu Shiyin.

Su Jin's mood fluctuated, and he rubbed his palms. It would be great if Grandma Jiuyun took herself to see this girl, but unfortunately not...

In order not to attract attention, Su Jin just noted the location and continued to follow Grandma Jiuyun.

This'Purple Phoenix Boat' was really too big. After five minutes passed, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief and followed Grandma Jiu Yun into a heavily guarded hall.

Who ever thought that the three halls of "Zhengyang", "Purple Phoenix", and "Cyan Shuang" have been connected again, and this is the place!

Right in front of me, the wooden building was continuous, surrounded by flowers and flowers, all kinds of flowers and trees were not chaotic. I only heard Grandma Jiuyun standing still and saying: "Miss, the old man has invited Master Su here."

"Please come in, the son-" There was a beautiful voice in the room, which was shocking.

"Master, please." Grandma Jiuyun made an invitation gesture.

Su Jin smiled slightly, opened the folding fan, and a party of heavy treasures, "Mountain God and Dachuan Map" were all unfolded. He walked to the door, and the door suddenly opened automatically, as if controlled by Momin's power.

Walk in, close the door, and then look at the room carefully.

This pavilion is not small. After entering the house, Su Jin felt a quaint smell. To the east, there are bookshelves, desks, pens, inks, papers, and inkstones. A stack of misty cigarettes curls up, the fragrance blows, and the bookshelves are tight. On the wall by the side, there are several famous paintings, which are extraordinary.

"Does Lord Su also like leisurely and elegant things?"

The voice appeared, waking up Young Master Su.

Su Jin looked at the screen, this was a jade screen, the hollow carving technique, the pattern was bright, and the sound came from behind the jade screen.

"I just know the fur." ​​Su Jin stared at the screen closely, fanning the fan to keep his state of mind at its most peaceful state.

Slowly, Shi Shi walked out of a young girl behind the screen.

Su Jin was shocked, but he didn't show it on his face.

This lady from the Purple Phoenix House has a graceful figure, a delicate face, and a beautiful white complexion. On that sheep fat white face, the eyes are as beautiful as ink, and the eyes are piercing, and there is a little cinnabar red on the forehead, like a dragon crystal pen. It's normal when it's clicked, and it's vivid and fragrant.

"Don't be nervous, Meng Wu just heard that the son has a good source of knowledge, and wants to get to know him and make friends." Liu Mengwu smiled, and the whole room looked like she was a wonderful thing.

"I'm not nervous--" Su Jin took a deep breath, but slammed the folding fan more frequently.

Ciao, it's a bit hot!

In fact, the young master kept cursing in his heart, how could I be nervous? Isn't it just a beautiful woman? See you a lot!

"Hehe, I'm not nervous yet..."

Liu Mengwu invited Su Jin to sit on a chair. The tea in front of her was scented by her bare hands. She sat down gracefully, and said with a small mouth: "Mengwu wants to know, who is Su Gongzi's teacher?"

"Palace Master Zichen." Su Jin thought for a while, and told Huaxia's teacher, no matter where he was, he should not forget his roots.

Liu Mengwu frowned slightly and contemplated it carefully. She still smiled, and said, "Although I have never heard of it, I am afraid that Mengwu Jue is also a wandering great power, otherwise how can I teach you this young and outstanding? The master."

"Master? Why did you say this?" Su Jin was puzzled. This is the first time I have met Miss Liu Mengwu, how can she know? Did she know what she did in the black market?

"Young Master Su is really humble. Not long ago, there was a purple dragon snaking over Fuyuan Inn, roaring hundreds of domains. You can see it clearly in the exquisite blessed land of'Yingle County'--" Liu Mengwu covered his mouth and laughed.

The young master is dumbfounded...

Do you want to be so exaggerated? Co-authoring, is this Liu Mengwu's original intention to invite him? But he didn't notice it at all.

It's too high profile!

"This... it's just showing ugliness." Su Jin smiled bitterly. Although he didn't understand why it happened, he did practice for some time at Fuyuan Inn, but he didn't expect to cause the world to shake. It's no wonder that the people of the'Jiujiang Water House' were also alarmed. Li Hexuan was also sent to invite.

"Too modest, and at the same time I was informed that the'Zu Bao's of all major sects have caused alarms. The Qinghuo Sect uses refining tools to establish the gate, and his family's Limen Zubao'Nine Profound Flame Furnace' has erupted. Xia, Chi Xia is ten thousand feet, accompanied by the purple dragon dance, and the colorful orbs of the "Exquisite Fortune Land" also gave birth to Cai Xia, and the "Hanging Sword Sect"..."

Liu Mengwu introduced them one by one, and the young master who listened was stunned, and finally learned that the ancestor of her'Purple Phoenix Boat','Huang Yunzhou', also made a phoenix sound.

Su Jin stayed, this is a bit of a mess!

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