My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1293: Gifted

But Su Jin was relieved in a blink of an eye.

Since he wants to make a name, he can't be afraid of all difficulties and dangers. The aura of the sky is a treasure to him. It is understandable to speed up his practice and improve his strength. As for those who dare to provoke him, they are crushed. Yes!

"Ms. Liu, I really don't want to conceal it, I am not a "Izumo" person."

Su Jin felt helpless and had to tell the truth. Although he personally likes to be the limelight, he is not willing to be jealous of the limelight, and it will increase endless trouble. In his heart, he still decides to be careful and pay attention to all situations in the future.

"It can be seen from the dressing up--" Liu Mengwu smiled like a flower in full bloom, and immediately asked, "Where did the son come from?"

Su Jin hesitated, and still said: "A small country in the far north of the domain,'Binghuan'."

Fortunately, the last time Meng Jie showed him a map, Su Jin never forgot, but he talked about a small country in the far north of the China Great World. Only in this way will Liu Mengwu have no doubts, because she must not be confused about this country. Too much understanding, and I can't say that I am from China, that would reveal the secret.

"A hundred thousand miles away, so far—"

Liu Mengwu's mind was shocked, but Su Jin's origins were somewhat unexpected, and said: "I heard that the Far North is a chaotic zone. It has been fighting all the year round. There are hundreds of thousands of casualties every year. In addition, the environment is bad. Covered with snow and ice, the condition is indeed poor. No wonder you can stay away from the turbulent homeland and come to a peaceful place to practice."

Su Jin's expression was flawless, and he nodded lightly, and said, "The country is broken and the mountains and rivers are here! In the future, I will be successful in cultivation, and I will definitely return to my hometown and let the country rule!"

There are a few words that do not say that the unification is also the unification of the great world of China, fulfilling Meng's wish, and this "Izumo" is closer to China, so you must start from here first, and bring the pure blood of the nine emperors to Chi Luo. The princess assists the upper ranks and becomes the'Izumo Empress', I believe that day will come soon.

"What a'country breaks mountains and rivers', I just said that the son is talented, but you only talk about furry talent, I don't believe it."

Liu Mengwu was conquered by these five words and praised again and again, and continued: "Since the son has this talent, it is better to let Mengwu see and see. There are pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the desk. Back then, it was the same as the Chinese Great World, the old ancestor's The cultural traditions are still left in various countries, please give me the words from the son-

"This... isn't it good?" Su Jin's face was calm, talented and naturally not afraid, but Liu Mengwu asked so, he hesitated.

"Please..." Liu Mengwu got up, walked to the desk, actually put on his sleeves himself, and began to study ink.

Su Jin lightly held the teacup and drank a cup of tea, knowing that she couldn't refuse, only to see Liu Mengwu's small waist and graceful waist, she was wrapped in a beautiful silk dress, and she had a beautiful feeling. Her techniques were light, not in a hurry. Impatient, beautiful eyes looked at the eldest master, with a slight smile that turned sentient beings upside down.

After a while, Liu Mengwu prepared the paper and ink. Su Jin smiled lightly, put down the tea cup, got up and rolled up his sleeves.

If the other Su Jin is not good at it, but this calligraphy is not at all difficult for him!

The talented man Su is not called for nothing!

Soon, Su Jin came to the desk, reached out and took a fingertip-thin wolf hae from the ivory pen holder.

The beautiful woman is by the side, and the fragrance is refreshing. Su Jin hesitates with the pen and has to think about what to write. He can't feel the pen. Once he writes, he must shock this woman, because he thinks Liu Mengwu must be Insider.

"Why... is there any problem?" Liu Mengwu felt a little regretful when he saw that Su Jin hadn't started writing. This kind of dance, essays, essays and the like can only be loved by some leisurely gentlemen, and she just It's just a hobby. Young Master Su may not necessarily be proficient. Now that he is forced to this level by himself, he is thinking of how he can step down.

"I'm thinking, write something--" Su Jin was greatly upset, and his eyes lit up and he said with a thought: "Yes!"

Liu Mengwu became nervous. No matter whether he wrote well or not, she had to save face, and she couldn't say too much. She didn't think deeply just now, but fortunately Su Jin thought of what to write, otherwise she didn't know what to do.

Meimu focused her attention, Liu Mengwu saw that Su Jin was turning the three-foot-long rice paper straight over, wondering in her heart, could it be that he wanted to write a banner?

Banners are fine too-

Su Jin squeezed the wolf's pen in his hand, dipped it with ink, and directly wrote.

Make a great deal!

Liu Mengwu's face was shocked, seeing Su Jin proficiently beginning to write smoothly, with the ultimate arrogant style in the stroke, almost in a few breaths, the fourteen-character verse was born under his wave!

"Ah!" Liu Mengwu exclaimed.

Mei Ren'er was still immersed in the realm of Su Jin's writing. After Su Jin's closing, a purple light shot out in the room!

In the whole room, as Su Jin's pen tip was hooked fiercely, a purple dragon roared out of the paper, and the whole room was filled with spiritual energy. Then the purple dragon soared into the sky, leaving behind the entire'Zihuanghuangfang' A strong stroke!

Writing a calligraphy can move the world and the world!

Liu Mengwu was completely shocked, what exactly did he write?

Then, Liu Mengwu waited for the purple mist to dissipate, and leaned a little closer to Su Jin's body. Beautiful eyes looked at the three-foot horizontal scroll, and suddenly her small mouth couldn't close!

There are 14 words written on the horizontal scroll: "Isn't the golden scales a thing in the pool, it will turn into a dragon in the wind and cloud!"

The pen is vigorous, even if it is written horizontally, the calligraphy looks like a living thing under Liu Mengwu’s gaze. She thinks she can’t reach this level, and even the little girl’s poetry may not be comparable to it. Calligraphy is the madness of'cursive script', with no arrogance in heart, absolutely unable to write such domineering characters!

Liu Mengwu was always looking for a topic and didn't want to embarrass Su Jin, but who would have thought that she could get such an excellent calligraphy. Not only does she love this poem, but the calligraphy has reached the peak artistic conception, which makes people want to be immersed in it. Don't extricate yourself!

Su Jin dropped the pen. He just raised his qi a little bit. Who knew that he had inexplicably hooked the exercises, so the paper turned out to be out of phase, quite helpless——

"Miss Mengwu, how do you feel?" Su Jin sighed. He also looked at what he wrote with appreciation, feeling that this was the best time he wrote.

"It's unimaginable." Liu Mengwu woke up, and she felt shocked in her heart. She was also good at calligraphy and painting, but compared with Su Jin, it was like a child still toddler, and Su Gongzi had no doubts. He is the kind of master who has surpassed the peak of the present age.

"It's ugly." Su Jin smiled politely and lowered his head, but his expression was stagnant.

I only saw Liu Mengwu’s slim figure, and in the gaps between the garlands, the lush white legs were faintly revealed, and his whole body warmed up when I watched——

Not only that, Liu Mengwu also looks like a letter from her heart, with her arm next to her...

Su Jin's face was instantly bloodied, and he couldn't help but...

Just stretched out my hand...

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