My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1294: Bad feeling

The night is cold and slightly cool.

In the room, Su Jin wrapped Liu Mengwu's pretty waist with his big hands, and the silk clothes warmed his palms. From above, he felt how delicate and superb the waist was.

Liu Mengwu perceives it sensitively, but smiles lightly, her upper body rises and falls with the smile, and there is a little unintelligible smell in the depths of her eyes, and she does not refuse.

But after staying for a while, Su Jin quietly took away his hand, chatted with the beautiful woman, left the desk position, sat at the tea table again, let the beautiful woman add tea——

"I heard that Young Master Su killed Xu Zihao, the second young master of the'Shaoyang Sect'?" Liu Mengwu finished adding tea and sat down. There was not much smile on his face, but a sense of solemnity.

"Kill it, kill it, let him get revenge." Su Jin didn't care, and he was talking calmly.

"The Shaoyang Sect's financial resources are terrible, and Mengwu is not afraid of Young Master Su being bored. You have to be careful, but the trouble is not here--" Liu Mengwu smiled and looked at Young Master Su.

"how you said that?"

"The trouble is that Xu Zihao has an older brother named Xu Yichen who is only 26 years old. His cultivation level broke through to the aspiration stage last year, and he has been inherited from the ancient "Taiyin Ancient Emperor". His strength is terrifying." Liu Mengwu said.

"In the history of China Great World, hasn't there been a great emperor?" Su Jin frowned, his face full of incomprehension.

"Yes, the'Emperor Huangquan' is called the emperor of the ages, and no one can surpass it. Moreover, this'Taiyin Emperor' is just a respectable name for future generations. He will not be able to break through to the'Great Emperor.' Realm'. But as the peak of the great emperor's era, some people are still deified a lot. For example,'Taiyin Great' is one of them." Liu Mengwu explained to Su Jin.

"If he dares to come, I'll just cut it." Su Jin estimated his own strength, and soon he might break through to the late stage of Infant Fairy. With his great treasure, this person may not be able to defeat himself, let alone After studying here, I'm not afraid that I won't be able to get promoted.

"It's good for the son to have confidence. We won't talk about these annoying things anymore. This tea is a Qingshen tea by the river in Houshan, and it is also very rare outside..."

Liu Mengwu raised his glass, his lips and teeth were alive and sweet.

Time goes by in laughter...


After half an hour passed, Su Jin chose to leave. There was too much time to delay. There are many opportunities to come here in the future. I am not afraid that I will not have the opportunity to contact the beauty. Maybe Meng Meng and the others are still waiting for their return.

Walking out of Liu Mengwu's residence, Su Jin pushed on the folding fan, the fan was fully opened, and walked away. Although Miss Liu's family at the door already knew something about Su Shao, she still felt that this man was too mysterious, and made people feel an urge to know all his secrets.

Su Jin returned on the original road in the Purple Phoenix Boat, passing by the little princess Liu’s residence, but found that the lights in the girl’s room were all out, and he could no longer fight against her poetry. With great regret, he had no more nostalgia and was very relaxed. Then left here.

Soon, the boundary is in a bitter sea.

The tall flower boat appeared in front of Su Jin!

Sister Meng and others did not leave, but chose to wait for him!

"Sister Meng, he's back--" In the early summer of fifteen, he happily pointed to the fan man and said to Miss Meng.

"The young emperor is unparalleled in the world, and the battle strength is terrible only in the infant stage, and I can come back safely, and I am relieved." The ghost king of Sanshang stretched his face at this moment, and praised.

"Who is Young Emperor? Nothing can stump him." Yeyou followed.

Several people were excited when they saw Su Jin coming from under the ship ladder, staring at the tall figure.

When Su Jin came to the deck of the ship, he saw Mengmeng still drinking tea, and said with ashamed expression: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. There is too much entertainment. Let's go back quickly."

"It's not just for a long time. The ghost king has returned to the black market once by himself. You have bought everything and you haven't come." Chu Xia pouted his lips and didn't save much face for Su Jin.

In this regard, Su Jin could only smile again and again.

Miss Meng took a few more glances at the folding fan, and suddenly said, "No wonder she held it in her hand at any time. It turned out that she got a good thing."

"Sister Meng knows this?" Su Jin shook the folding fan in his hand and asked with a smile.

"Not very clear, but at least it is at the Lingbao level, and there are not many outside the territory." Meng Miss finished speaking, and at the same time she gave an order and started to return.

Su Jin sat next to Chu Xia, looked at the girl Meng across the table, thought of something that needs to be done, and immediately said: "Meng Meng, there is a small matter that needs your help."

"What's the matter?" Meng Girl asked curiously.

"Let's talk about it when we get to the boundary. It doesn't seem to be suitable here." Su Jin kept an eye on him. Outside this domain, there is too much power. If the "Huangquan Notes" is shown, God knows what moths are going to be produced. , What he said is naturally Bai Xiaoli!

The flower boat sailed from a small branch of the bitter sea into the Nai River——

On the deck, Su Jin waved his hand to show Huangquan's handwritten notes. Except for Miss Meng, everyone knelt down again and again, shaking all over, not daring to look directly at this great treasure.

Su Jin threw the Li ghost Bai Xiaoli out, she was thrown on the ground, her hair messy, and she was very embarrassed.

After putting away the treasure, Su Jin saw that Bai Xiaoli's face was as usual, without the evil looks of ghosts, and her skin was fair. In combination, she was not a beauty...

"This is..." After seeing Bai Xiaoli, Miss Meng was just confused, but she saw too much soul body.

"Is such that."

Su Jin whispered, saying that at the end, he specifically pleaded with Miss Meng for Bai Xiaoli.

Miss Meng stretched her brows and said faintly: "Life and death are yours. Bai Xiaoli died at her fate. No wonder everyone else, but since your death, you have been ill-intentioned, turned into a ghost, and want to kill people. According to the laws of the prefecture, so much. Li Gui deprived one thousand of Yin virtue and deserved to be sentenced to 1000 years under the Nai River Bridge."

"No, I was wrong..." Bai Xiaoli's face was panicked, repeatedly begging for mercy and buttoning her head——

"But... if your extraditor is Su Jin, the penalty will be exempted. Come back to reincarnation with me." The Meng girl finished, waving Bai Xiaoli away.

"I know to save the beauty." Chu Xia muttered beside Su Jin, attracting the young master's stare...

Others dare not talk.

At the end, Miss Dream yawned, got up and walked into her room, and at the same time put a word down, said: "Tired, Su come in and rub your shoulders for sister."

Shoulder rubbing? You can rub anywhere on your body, can you not rub your shoulders?

Su Jin turned his eyes quickly, put away the folding fan, followed her with a calm expression on his face, and walked up step by step.

But Su Jin never expected that after entering Meng's room, the door slammed and closed automatically! He couldn't pull it away even though he tried to pull it!

what's the situation?

In desperation, Su Jin felt a bad feeling in his heart. Sister Meng might be out of interest and want to use force to give him...

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