My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1301: Are you a trainer?

Road to Road, very Avenue. Cheap to cheap, very cheap!

Who is leading the way at this moment, and who is leading the pack at this moment!

The sea breeze disturbed Young Master Su’s bangs. He stepped on two dolphins, with cigarette butts in his mouth, deep sword eyes, and walking with his hands in his hands——

The people in a large group now have big mouths, and their mouths can even be filled with a goose egg, and their faces are full of disbelief.

An Ruoqing blinked her blue eyes and became very interested in Su Jin’s current way of playing on the stage. Her beautiful eyes contained water. Seeing this young man driving the dolphins before her, she found Su Jin before her. Jin has stretched out his big hand.

See this situation.

"Bitch..." The Nangong brother broke down first, beating his chest and wailing.

"I suddenly felt that what you said was right. We can't compare to the boss at all. Even if God gives him another five hundred won't be enough!" Qian Donglai patted Nangongjun's shoulder frustratedly, and sighed.

"I told you a long time ago that I can't compare... You still don't believe it!" Nangong Jun opened his eyes wide, staring at the big hand, wondering whether An Ruoqing would answer.

"Hey." Qian Donglai was also watching.

With everyone's eyes wide open, An Ruoqing grabbed Su Jin's hand and said softly, "Be careful, don't fall--"

Su Jin suddenly felt refreshed, like a spring breeze!

An Ruoqing's voice is not only nice, but also has a gentle feeling beyond ordinary people. This kind of gentleness belongs to the feeling of a lady and quiet, and the touch of warmth from the hand makes the young master unable to help but think, this Women are not like other rich eldest ladies, and they don't have the slightest meaning to show off.

"Livestock!" Nangongjun's eyes were red and he was dying of jealousy, but he was helpless.

"It's really pretending to be paralyzed, I understand it! I learned another trick." Qian Donglai continued.

"Donglai, did you say that the voice was sung by the boss just now?" Nangongjun said to the point.

"Yes? Or not?" Qian Donglai was not sure.

"Get out! Is it or not! The boss hurts my heart, even you..."

"I do not know--"

Between the two quarrels, everyone saw that there was one more person on the wooden bridge, it was Master Su! Both men and women present are extremely envious, women admire An Ruoqing's appearance, and can even be said to be jealous, and men can't wait to imagine themselves as Su Jin, this is a real beauty! It's a pity that they couldn't get close, they couldn't even get on the wooden bridge, and they were blocked.

After An Ruoqing received Su Jin on the wooden bridge, she squatted down and continued to look at all kinds of dolphins. Suddenly she looked up at Su Jin and asked: "You just sang the sound of dolphins, which attracted these dolphins. Huh?"

"I used my mobile phone to put it..." Su Jin sold it off and responded mysteriously on purpose.

"Huh?" An Ruoqing's eyes flickered, then said: "How is it possible?"

"Anything is possible." Su Jin showed a self-confidence that ordinary people could not match, knowing that his plan had succeeded.

After all, it’s a girl. Coming with her own feet on the dolphin will definitely make her feel fresh. Although he has blessed the practice, it’s not a problem to walk on the water, but if there are so many people on the scene, if An Ruoqing sees it, it will Don't be scared like seeing a ghost?

"You lied to me." An Ruoqing recalled just now, and smiled, her smile eclipsing the surrounding beauty.

She believes it's strange, it's not a child anymore, just now the sound is so loud, what mobile phone can make such a loud sound? This person looked at it this way, but she was not serious, but she was not disgusted.

"It's teasing you. Okay! Since you want to know, then I will tell you seriously now that I sang it right!" Su Jin stood in the sky, looking the most handsome of me.

"Are you an animal trainer?" An Ruoqing asked suddenly.


A cold wind blows off a few fallen leaves, blowing them beside Su Jin's face...

At this moment, Young Master Su's heart is broken, tears are streaming down his face, Lao Tzu's handsome opening is a fantastic idea that is rare in the ages, but An Ruoqing considers himself a ‘beast trainer’!

This shows how pure this beautiful girl should be?

"No, I'm just an ordinary person." Su Jin thought about a lot of identities that could be used in this short brain hole, but he didn't think it was appropriate. He originally wanted to say that he was a teacher of vocal music, but When I changed my mind, I shot this thought to death. If this woman let me teach her, I really should cry.

"I don't think you are easy." An Ruoqing smiled defenselessly.

"Aren't you the same?" Su Jin had just heard of the identity of this woman, and her background was so big that it was staggering.

"Actually, if you are an ordinary person, ordinary people don't have that much trouble..."

"Ordinary people have to worry about vegetables, rice, oil and salt."

"It's better than being followed by a group of people everywhere, right?"

An Ruoqing meant something. She didn't tell the difficulties of coming to Qincheng. Looking at the more than 20 guards on the beach, she already knew that, anyway, a rich girl who even restricted her freedom of travel, she gave her heart. Li doesn't like being.

"Think about it." Su Jin did not deny her thoughts either.

"I think, I will find a chance to escape once in the future, travel alone, so that they can't find me." An Ruoqing smiled helplessly, but she also knew that the longing deep in her eyes is not easy to realize .

Su Jin:...

A girl with such an appearance as An Ruoqing would definitely be in danger when she is alone. It is indeed not suitable to be alone, of course he can't control this.

"Leave a contact information, when you want to implement the plan, I think I can help you--" Su Jin smiled faintly.

"You can't help me." An Ruoqing stood up and shook her head slowly: "They are very fierce and there are many people. I don't want to hurt you."

"Don't think like this, I am absolutely capable of achieving whatever you want to do." Su Jin smiled confidently.

"You go through their level first... I will consider giving you the phone number after passing it." An Ruoqing narrowed her eyes. She knew that Su Jin was a habitual routine and wanted someone's phone number, but Given the opportunity, it's his business to get it. She doesn't think that Su Jin has played more than 20 guards.

"it is good!"

Out of An Ruoqing's accident, Su Jin agreed very simply.

Su Jin turned around to face the group of people, his palms flashed directly, and there were already more folding fans between his five fingers! The folding fan opened, and the vigorously winding black mountain range suddenly revealed all kinds of mysteries, and a strange ‘Roar Beast’ raised its head!

Mountain God Dachuan map!

Su Jin moved very fast. Before everyone noticed what he was holding, he slammed directly at those people...


It was as if the ghost who had fallen into **** recovering, and the roar of battle roared, just like the thunder coming from the sky, directly exploding in everyone's ears!

An Ruoqing's face was pale, her body swayed, she was about to be knocked down into the sea, but at this time a warm big hand hugged her pretty waist!

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