My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1302: Beautiful woman

can not imagine.

The scene was in chaos. Except for Su Jin and An Ruoqing, none of them could stand up, and they were all overwhelmed by the blow of the soul! Including Nangong brother and Qian Donglai!

"Boss! I'm the second you..." Nangong Jun yelled.

"I'm scared to death, I can't hold it anymore--" Qian Donglai clutched his crotch. He was almost scared of urinary incontinence, his face flushed.

"I've dropped a mouthful dog chewing mud." Nangong Jun kept spitting out.

"Damn, who is so wicked, and took Lao Tzu's wallet along when I fell?" There was an even worse, angry voice from a buddy.

"How can there be thunder in the sky in sunny days?" Some people were even more puzzled.

Except for Nangongjun and Qian Donglai who guessed that it was Su Jin, the people on the beach did not expect Su Jin to do it. Even if someone looked at Su Jin and his face looked a little strange, they would not believe that Su Jin was so mysterious and mysterious. Ability.

The only one I firmly believe in is An Ruoqing!

Su Jin is now holding her pretty waist face to face, in a state of close contact. This woman has a beautiful body and a light body, so the feeling on her hands is very wonderful, and her white shirt was just wet by the naughty dolphin. At such a close distance, Young Master Su looked at it, and there was a little more color in his eyes——

"Let go of me." An Ruoqing's two blushes are very obvious. Since she first matured, there has never been a man who can hold her like this, and it is still in full view, if this matter reaches grandpa There, he must be scolded.

Su Jin cried out a pity.

But it's not the kind of person who likes to take advantage of it. After she steadied her upright, she opened a distance of one meter, fanned her and said, "Ms. An believes me now, right?"

"Who are you--" An Ruoqing looked at the folding fan in his hand. Although it felt unusual, it was just a painting, and she couldn't see it.

"I forgot to introduce myself." Su Jin nodded, "My name is Su Jin."

"What a weird name."

An Ruoqing skipped the ‘Mountain God and Dachuan Map’ and saw the roaring battle roar, and slyly said: "Beast Trainer Su Jin!"

"Whatever you say, I'm just a passerby. If you don't believe me, I can't help it." Su Jin shrugged.

"Come here, I'll tell you your phone number, don't tell anyone else." An Ruoqing didn't dare to say the number loudly, and gestured with a smile.

Su Jin did not hesitate, and his ears leaned over.

Then, with the eleven-digit number, Su Jin's heart trembled every time he said a number, Mei Ren'er was so close to herself, it seemed like a chance——

Not only that, but An Ruoqing's scent coming from all over his body also made him breathe deeply several times, and even the young master himself sighed in his heart that he was blessed.

"Take it down." Su Jin said as usual when she finished speaking.

"Well, I'm going back. I followed my father for three days, and the plane in the afternoon." An Ruoqing looked sad and said, "Remember to take me on a trip--"

An Ruoqing suddenly said this. It was obvious that a middle-aged man with the appearance of a housekeeper was walking on the wooden bridge, so she had to say it.

"Definitely." Su Jin nodded. He knew it was not difficult, because he already knew her identity, so it all depends on him. When he can go to South China, when he can fulfill her wish and take her there. Travel for a while.

"Goodbye." An Ruoqing waved her hand, and quickly disappeared on the beach surrounded by a group of security personnel.

The little princess of the Viru family is gone, and someone at the scene was moved and burst into tears——

Su Jin heard the cry and looked over.

Second Olympics——

Brother Nangong is so **** ashamed! No one was sad, but he cried loudly.

The others were like hell, far away from Nangong Jun. When Miss Ann left, the crowd would no longer gather together like a tree and a bird.

"Don't pretend, let the passers-by think about you?" Su Jin put away the folding fan, walked to Nangongjun and Qian Donglai, frowning.

"Boss, you're immoral--" Nangong Jun stabilized his emotions, wiped away his tears, and stood side by side with Qian Donglai, his eyes changed, and his eyes changed.

"What do you mean? Why is this linked to morality again?" Su Jin puzzled.

Nangongjun and Qian Donglai exchanged glances. The two looked at Su Jin and unanimously said, "Tell me honestly!"

"What am I going to explain?" Su Jin couldn't do anything with these two best products.

"Didn't An Ruoqing just give you her cell phone number? And even whispering, we are so jealous to see -" Nangong Jun became excited.

"We just want her phone number!" Qian Dong said more directly.

"Thinking too much, I had an agreement with Jiaren, she wouldn't let me give the phone number to the second person." Su Jin said there was nothing he could do.

Nangong Jun's body was beaten up, and he raised his voice to the sky and wailed his emotions. He said enviously, "Hey! It's no way if you don't tell me, poor An Ruoqing, the lamb, has fallen into the wolf's mouth. Up!"

"Yes!" Qian Donglai was also very envious, but he admired more in his heart. With such an unexpected performance, it is estimated that there is no one in the world.

"Speak up, Guangweizheng's boss is here, what did you say? You have to speak quietly, and be heard, thinking I have any bad habits!" Su Jin glared at the two.

"Under everyone's eyes, you hugged An Ruoqing grandiosely, pulled her little hand, and wet her clothes. It's a pity that I couldn't take a closer look, or I would have a nosebleed and die--"

Nangongjun's eyes widened and he was covering his nose. When he let go of his hand, two bright red liquids appeared on his hands, and two blood streams under the nose were rustling...

Upon seeing this, Su Jin:...

"Hahaha! Brother, you really have a nosebleed." Qian Donglai smiled exaggeratedly.

"I know!" Nangong Jun didn't feel embarrassed at all, but argued: "I am too angry, I am too powerful, the ‘Persian cat’ in the morning won’t let me defeat the fire!"

"It's you who have bad ideas." Su Jin asked, squinting.

"No, the character of my Nangong brother is trustworthy—"

"I don't believe it anyway." Qian Dong said.


Afterwards, Nangong Jun washed his nosebleeds by the beach, and then the three of them put on their shoulders and walked towards the Royal Hotel.

On the way.

"Boss, I heard that when the sun goes down, the beach is full of beauties in bikinis. Let's wait for the prey to come after dinner!" Nangong Jun said.

"It is said that the night here is a playground for the rich. You can do whatever you want. The government doesn't care about it..." It was Qian Donglai's voice.

"I will go back after eating." Su Jin responded.

"Don't--" the two **** stopped their voices.

How could Su Jin be like them? In the evening there is a school flower studying medicine waiting for him to invite dinner! Think about Ren Xueyan, Su officials have no interest in other vulgar fans.

"Fuck, boss, your car!" Nangong Jun yelled, shouting.

What's wrong with Reaper?

Su Jin's face suddenly became cold, and in his vision... multiple unidentified people were surrounding his car.

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