My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1303: Strong buy

"That's... the Viru family caravan!"

Qian Donglai saw a convoy of dozens of cars slowly leaving the'Royal Hotel', and the cars behind had not left yet. The people surrounding Su Jin's car were obviously also from the Viru family!

"What are you doing!" Nangong Jun's voice like a broken gong is quite powerful to roar directly.

In Qincheng, Nangongjun is also considered a great figure, how could Liu Ye's grandson be average? With Su Jin as a backing, what about the Weiru family?

Su Jin and the three came, and Nangong Jun stared at the seven people who surrounded the car, with a bad expression.

"This car is yours?" Among the seven, a young man with glasses stepped forward and asked calmly.

"It's our boss." Qian Donglai corrected it and gestured.

"Oh, then there is nothing to do with you two." The young man with glasses ignored Nangongjun and Su Jin, and said, "Is this car sold?"

"Do you know what kind of car it is? It's a big one--" Nangong Jun dared to say that he dared to fight. Obviously the opponent's ignorance made him very unhappy.

"It's still not sure if it is the Reaper. If it is a copy, it will be realistic. Our master likes it very much. Although he is gone, let us stay and want to talk about the price with the owner."

The young man with glasses smiled and said, "If possible, please give us a price. If it is appropriate, we will drive away after we pay."

"How about hanging it?" Qian Donglai took a box of ‘Jewel Knight’ cigarettes and handed one to Su Jin. He who doesn’t smoke very much has also fallen in love with this taste recently.

Sure enough, the face of the young man with glasses changed.

In the end, it is still a person who knows the goods. This'jewel knight' brand cigarette is the most expensive cigarette in China. A box costs 30,000 yuan. Even if the billionaires smoke it, it is more expensive than gold. It's really the price of a'jewel'.

Not to mention, Qian Donglai took it out calmly and returned what he called the ‘boss’. Then, what is the identity of this ‘boss’?

Under Qian Donglai’s ignition, Su Jin faced the cigarette, spit out the smoke, and suddenly felt a strange feeling. Dang even waved his hand with the cigarette in his mouth and said, "Go, this car is not for sale."

"Sir, we are members of the Viru family. I want to come to your identity. I have heard of our family..." The glasses youth did not give up and said: "This car, our young master has given the order to die, it is bound to win."

"Yes! I knew you might not sell it, but we are tight in time and can't wait for you, so the trailer we called is already on the way. You'd better be aware of it. If you don't sell it, you won't give us the Viru family face." Among the seven, there was another one who spoke.

"Presumably you won't fight with us, will you?" Someone said.

Qian Donglai and Nangong’s handsome faces were green, and the Weilu family were not overbearing. They had never seen such an arrogant one in Qincheng in these years!

Sure enough, Su Jin's face was cold, and he looked at the young man with glasses and said, "In my eyes, your'Viru Group' is just a stinking shit!"

Including Nangong Jun and Qian Donglai, everyone was instantly confused.

The ‘dog **** theory’ keeps echoing in the ears, which is surprising and dumbfounding!

"Good point!" Nangongjun and Qian Donglai applauded together.

Damn, there is a boss! They are still afraid of being an egg! There is no time to be more enjoyable than this. One of them is the Qincheng Liuye family, and the other is the "Qianshi Heavy Industry" that is almost monopolized by the country. It is strange that they are so despised by the Weilu family.

"Say it again!" The young man with glasses sank, and he never expected Su Jin to speak like this.

"You let me say, I'll just say it?" Su Jin squinted, and then said lightly: "Go back and be a dog, don't be ashamed here."

Why is Su Jin so angry?

He didn't like to buy or sell people. It was good to say at the beginning, until these people said that the ‘trailer’ was already on the road, completely blasting the temper of Young Master Su!

Having been in Qin Cheng for so long, he has never been bullied so much before. Is Young Master Su the master of others?

Obviously not.

"Don't you know the Viru family?" The young man in glasses was trembling with anger, his fists squeaked, but as a person in a shopping mall, he hadn't reached the point of the attack, but even so, he was almost unable to bear it. Lived, they didn't expect Su Jin to be so tough.

"Then do you know who our boss is?" Nangong Jun also didn't show the other side a good look, and asked directly.

"Our boss is Su Jin! Su Jin of Qincheng!" Qian Donglai naturally straightened his waist.

Seven people, including the glasses youth, were taken aback.

"Who is Su Jin?" someone among the seven asked.

"never heard of that--"

"Unheard of, they didn't look enough except this car."

"I don't know where the turtle is. I got such a high imitation car. I don't know what the young master wants to do. Are you afraid of getting dirty?"

"We don't understand the young master's mind."

The seven people talked, their words and deeds were all disdainful of Su Jin, and even the glasses youth laughed.

Su Jin's eyes were cold, and he walked forward directly.

"What do you want!" The glasses youth took a step back vigilantly.

"I heard that your trailer is coming?" Su Jin asked again.


"Just right, I want to turn the so-called'trailer' you called into an ambulance!" Su Jin directly lifted his foot and kicked heavily on the belly of the young man with glasses.

The young man in glasses screamed and knocked down the three of them directly. The other three had bad knowledge and rushed over while roaring.

The first person who came, raised his fist and smashed Su Jin in the face.


Su Jin didn't exert much effort at all, and tilted his head slightly, hitting the opponent's right face with an uppercut like lightning, directly knocking him into the air.

At the moment of the face slap, a few **** teeth flew out, and the man also fell heavily to the ground and screamed.

The second one is here!

Su Jin stretched out his hand to grab his wrist and twisted his arm into a twist. When the other party was in pain, the young master's foot was heavy on his waist, and he was also kicking!

The third--


Without exception, the seven were thrown down.

Nangong Jun was still angry. On the face of the young man with glasses, he left a few prints of his own shoes. Qian Donglai was even more ruthless. He focused on the most important part of a man and hurt his feet. It is fundamental to them. It doesn't matter, it's a big deal to lose some money, but the aura and face have to be recovered.

"Fuck me!" Nangong said with a sigh of relief, akimbo panting.

He was too skinny, and he didn't break his own ‘powerful’ remarks. After only kicking a few people, he was already exhausted. This shows how he treats women.

"You wait... our young master..." The young man with glasses flushed his eyes, covered his face, and gritted his teeth before he finished speaking.

"Oh my God, the young master has turned back, you are miserable!" There was a young man with a slight injury, tears streaming out, and he crawled to his feet.

"Master! These three people don't know what is good or bad, you have to call the shots for us!" a man who was knocked down screamed.


Several people cried and shouted like a mother, causing Su Jin to turn around, squinting at the so-called young master in their mouth.

Very good, the master is coming, Su Jin still wants to talk to him, currently the other party has delayed him so much time, how should he compensate!

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