My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1308: Nai River Mutation

Start with warmth.

Su Jin grabbed her hand on Ren Xueyan’s shoulder. This season, she wears thinner clothes. The little girl’s shoulders are soft and soft. The young master’s hand seems to touch the baby’s skin, but this move also touches the girl’s skin. Shocked.

The old girl turned her head, her eyes were full of doubts, and the atmosphere was a little bit embarrassing.

"Let's let it go, I'll be up in a while, let's go out and wait--" Su Jin felt a little regretful. He originally wanted to hug his waist, but it always felt too abrupt. The young master didn't dare, but didn't want to let him. The other party was suspicious of his character. You must know that she fainted and didn't touch her the night she was pestered by Bai Xiaoli.

"Okay." Ren Xueyan scratched her hair around her ears and walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

"Hey--" Su Jin sighed softly and continued cooking.


Thirty-five minutes later, there was also a lot of ‘Seafood Feast’ on the table. Although it’s not too much, two people can never finish it! While cooking, Su Jin went out of the ‘far door’ and returned with a few bottles of red wine. Ren Xueyan was so nervous that she couldn’t tell. Maybe it would be better to let her do something--

"Sister school girl, let's eat." Su Jin saw that the air conditioner seemed to be not strong enough. The buttons of the school girl sister were hotly unbuttoned, revealing a beautiful and pure blue and white striped vest. Although there is a lot of gap between it and the flat belly, it is still Let the young master pay more attention to it for a while.

He opened the curtains, and the bustling lights outside catered to the stars in the sky, and the night of Qincheng had a particularly unstoppable atmosphere. On the road, cars went back and forth.

"It smells so good—"

With embarrassment on Ren Xueyan’s face, she made Su Jin so busy in her own home to make such a “big business” only because she didn’t believe that he could cook. Now that she has completely dispelled her doubts. Well.

Su Jin skillfully opened the red wine, helped Ren Xueyan pour half of the empty glass in front of him, then wiped his hands, and said with a smile: "Try the taste."

Not to mention, Ren Xueyan had long been eager to do it. Su Jin’s delicacy successfully aroused her desire to eat. She picked up a sea crab and started to peel it. Finally, the crab legs were dipped in sauce and tried. wave.

"What kind of sauce? How do you make it, can you teach me?" Ren Xueyan couldn't believe it. The sauce made by Su Jin was not salty or light, just right. With the delicious fragrance of crab legs, it instantly made all the taste buds on the tongue. Mobilized, it is endless aftertaste.

"Actually, what I am good at is not seafood, but grilled-"

Su Jin was still very confident. He smiled and said, "Anyway, I will be a long time in Japan, so I will teach you what I want to learn in the future."

Ren Xueyan nodded again and again, and she had already started to gluttonously. During this time, she touched a glass with Young Master Su and continued to work hard after drinking.

Su Jin was stunned when he saw it.

Compared with normal times, Ren Xueyan is now almost like two people. He ate seven or eight sea crabs, a few conch, and even drank two-thirds of the ‘Overlord Lobster Soup’ made from large lobster tail meat.

I drop a good boy——

Su Jin felt that he could eat so much, and other girls would have survived if she had a quarter of her.

How many days has this girl not eaten? Su Jin raised a question in his heart.

Watching silently, Ren Xueyan only held it back at this time, slowly wiped her small mouth with a napkin, her face was hot, her eyes dodged and whispered: "I'm full..."

Without saying anything, Su Jin directly raised the wine glass and invited her to drink, anyway, he didn't care--

Full of wine and food.

"Sister school girl, don't contact me in the last few days. I'll come to you later, I'll have something to do later." Su Jin's empty wine glass did not fall, but he proposed to leave.

"Oh, did you make an appointment with which girl?" Ren Xueyan puffed her cheeks, two burgundy **** appeared on her cheeks, she dared to say with Jiujin.

"The only person to date tonight is you."

Su Jin was very troubled. As expected, the handsome man would be suspected, so he immediately said: "I want to give you a present before leaving—"

Ren Xueyan opened her eyes wide, expecting: "What gift?"

Su Jin smiled, put his hands directly on the bottom of the cup of the wine glass, and pressed it lightly, and then the red brilliance flashed. The young master began to knead as if he was an artist, and he kept communicating with a small umbrella in his mind, asking for advice Some descriptions of simple formations.

Soon, a murderous intent burst into the glass in her hand, and Ren Xueyan felt cold all over intuitionally, but out of trust in Su Jin, she just stared at the young master's movements blankly.

Soon Su Jin added a heart-shaped pendant in his right hand.

glass heart!

"This pendant is given to you. Be sure to keep it close to your body. It can keep you safe when I am away." Su Jin put the sharpened pendant in front of Ren Xueyan and said with a smile.

"Are you a magician?" Ren Xueyan asked.

"You can think like this--" Su Jin nodded and said without objection.

"Wow, then you change it back..." Ren Xueyan's eyes flashed with expectation.

Su Jin:...

Immediately Su Jinduo glanced at Ren Xueyan, and left her residence after bidding farewell. Before taking the elevator downstairs to the car, Young Master Su looked at the window upstairs and saw the schoolgirl watching. The figure, then left.

soon. Su Jin's figure appeared in the north of Qincheng...

Yama Temple!

gate of hell!

Huangquan Road!

After three consecutive levels, Su Jin watched the Nai River surging continuously, every wave of waves was faintly crying with evil spirits, and Meng's flower boat was nowhere to be seen.

It is false to say that he is not nervous. Now he can come and go freely in hell, and no one dares to stop him. But today, I was dealing with Huaxia's affairs well. I set off on the road alone and went to practice outside the territory. The road ahead was unpredictable.

Su Jin silently dived his mind into his sea of ​​qi, and the blue boat rose and sank, and was placed on the bank of the Nai River with his hand, and in a blink of an eye it became a half-foot-high light boat——

The Qingzhou was about three meters long, Su Jin jumped on it, directly energizing the power, the body and the boat were united, and the speed increased in an instant. He had set sail, outside the target domain!

Su Jin will bless the ‘Lingwu Qingzhou’ to reach the destination at the fastest speed, and now it will take at least 40 minutes.

One person, one boat, speed disappears by the side of Huangquan Road...

However, when there was still a quarter of the journey, Su Jin's heart palpitated inexplicably, and he looked at the depths of Naihe with sharp eyes...

At this moment, the Qingzhou is driving in the Nai River full of evil spirits, as small as a gravel in the sea, everything is still unknown! And now the surrounding waves are a bit bigger, and soon a big wave of several feet high is formed, and then ten feet, twenty feet...

A flat boat can be subverted at any time!

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