My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1309: Princess Da Zhou

There are monsters in the river!

Su Jin's heart tightened, and at this moment, he felt like a piece of duckweed without roots. Under the absolute power, he could no longer control and stabilize.

Soon, a head tens of meters wide burst out of the waves, just as terrifying as a mountain rising from the ground!

It's that river ancestor Canglong--

When he took a flower boat to cross the river last night, Su Jin used the emperor’s origin to bless the sky and discovered this dragon. At that time, he saw the head but not the tail. I don’t know how huge the body is. It is still the case now. Guarding the China Great World.

Although it is no longer the same as before, and the dark yellow scales have large areas where they fall off, the huge black and white eyes of the Dragon of the Yellow Spring still show great vigor.

Su Jin stopped silently in the waters of the Nai River, and now he really felt how small he was, facing He Zu, he was almost the size of an ant.

"Young Emperor, the old dragon has waited for thousands of years, and finally waited until the great resurrection, now the old dragon is pleased to fight, please let me continue to follow you, as soon as possible to regain the territory of China Great World, and strive for the unification of the great power as soon as possible!"

Canglong opened his mouth to make a sound, with **** and white eyeballs, looking at Su Jin expectantly.

Su Jin was stunned, staring at the Dragon of Huangquan... his eyes were hot.

As Su Jin who would not be moved easily, he had the urge to cry. This Huangquan dragon was very old. As he spoke, there were originally four sharp dragon teeth, but only two remained. One is on the top and one on the bottom.

Su Jin clenched his fists. He could imagine that the dragon of Huangquan must be a shining dragon, but now the teeth are old and the scales are sparse, but he still wants to follow him.


Su Jin did not change his aura, and shook his head and continued: "For the time being, I still need you to guard the Chinese realm. I am still under-fed, and I need to enter the outer region to work hard. I promise you... Within five years, I will definitely take you with you. Sweep outside the territory and completely restore my former glory of China!"

"Five years... it's just a time to sleep." Huangquan Zhilong opened his mouth, agreed to Su Jin's instructions, and spit out a brilliance from his mouth.

Su Jin grabbed this brilliance in his hand and found that it was a magic weapon as thin as a cicada's wings. He didn't know the magical effect and said, "This is..."

"It's just an old scale that the old dragon has faded. I used to practice dragon aura for thousands of years. You can put it on your face, and it will change its appearance as you like, shielding its breath, even if it is a great saint. Using the magical powers of divination, you will definitely not be able to discern your true face, or even figure out where you are." Lao Long said.

Su Jin's eyes lit up, and this was exactly what he needed at this time, he couldn't help holding it in his hand, and then put it on his face——

A hint of coolness appeared on his face, but within a few seconds, his face returned to normal, and he didn't even feel the existence of any magic weapon. He closed his eyes and silently imagined the changed face in his mind, only feeling his face. After moving a few times, he completely became a stranger!

good stuff!

"Thank you brother." Su Jin handed over to the Dragon of Huangquan and said politely.

"Young Emperor is polite, I will wake up again in five years, then...follow Young Emperor and counterattack outside the territory!"

As the Dragon of Huangquan said, the entire dragon body sank rapidly, and at the moment before his eyes fell into the water, there seemed to be a little more expectation.

Sukinton felt the heavy pressure added, but this also made him more confident. Although the truth is that he is not the reincarnation of the emperor, but the future is difficult and dangerous, and he is constantly blessed, and relying on his own efforts may not be able to become a new generation of emperor!

After giving himself confidence, Su Jin stepped on the Qingzhou with his feet and swiftly drove towards the "Ziyou County" outside the region...

Only the remaining quarter of the journey was quickly completed, and it was only dusk to'Ziluo County'!

Su Jin had changed his appearance, so he was not afraid of being recognized by anyone, and walked into the gate of the county town swaggeringly, but was shocked when he entered.

Unlike yesterday, the originally not lively "Ziji County" was crowded with people on the street at this moment, as if it were a bazaar. Not only that, when Su Jin passed by the "Fuyuan Inn", it was full of people. There was a team standing in front of the counter, and the shopkeeper kept explaining that the room was full, but some people were still hot-tempered and cursing.

"Brother, ask something--" Su Jin stopped a young man of similar age.

"You said it." The youth speaks better, although they are on the way, they are not impatient.

"It wasn't so lively when I came yesterday, just because I went out for a day, why today...?" Su Jin asked, wondering.

"That's it. Yesterday, there was an unimaginable terrifying celestial phenomenon in Zijiu County. There was a horrible genius who was born. All the major sacred sects sent proud disciples to come. Moreover, the young man who showed the open-air appearance also cut out. It's related to the'Old Sacred Stone'," the young man said.

"My God..." Su Jin was shocked. Fortunately, he had come here easily, otherwise someone would definitely recognize it, and the trouble he caused was too great to imagine. I believe that some big forces absolutely do not want to have it. If an existence like my own appears, if one doesn't do it, I'm afraid it will be fatal.

"Not only that, I heard that this person also killed the second young master of Shaoyang Sect and took the Lingbao'Mountain God Dachuan Tu'. Shaoyang Sect was furious about this, and has sent a great elder and several inner disciples, and Shaoyang Young Master Zongda Xu Yichen had arrived in the morning, looking for Su Jin frantically, threatening to kill him and chop him into mash."

The young man said and said, then he smiled and reminded that the man named Su Jin was a terrifying genius who showed his appearance in the open air.

Chopped into mashed meat?

Su Jin sneered in his heart, but he didn't care, and said, "Is there so many masters in the county just because of this person?"

"Probably it is! But this place is indeed evil. Two people who can show such a strong appearance have already come out. It is hard to imagine. A few decades ago there was a barefoot monk who came out of the sea of ​​suffering. When he came out, Hua Seeing the flowers blooming, the sky is full of auspicious clouds, and there are gods and Buddhas chanting together in the sky. Many schools have seen it, and it is peaceful."

The young man patted his chest and continued proudly: "I am a local, I must be from outside to hear your accent!"

"That's right—" Su Jin arched his hand to him, "Thank you, Xiongtai for answering questions!"

"It's nothing! There are two evildoers who show off the opposite. As a local, I am proud too! Brother...Would you like to stay at my house? Don't even think about going to the store, there is no one!"

The youth chuckled, then glanced at the other people, gestured in a low voice to let Su Jin approach, and then whispered: "Brother, I heard that Princess Da Zhou is also here for this matter. That is Da Zhou. The princess of the country, it's beautiful... Let's go and take a look later, even if you take a look!"

Su Jin was slightly taken aback.

Princess Da Zhou?

That must be seen-

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