My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 131: provocative

Su Jin looked at her beautiful face in a daze, and finally sighed. Now that he has no strength to wave his hands, he has to say weakly, "What are you polite to your man?"

Xia Yuyan didn't dare to irritate him anymore, anyway, he did what he said.


"Wife, I want to eat oranges." Su Jin called.

Xia Yuyan brought the fruit basket over.

"My wife, you sit closer, then closer."

"My wife, your eyes are so beautiful."

"Wife, what size underwear do you wear?"


Xia Yuyan resisted the urge to smoke him, couldn't help but watched him answer: "The question is getting more and more excessive. If you do this again, I refuse to answer!"

Su Jinqiang held back his smile with an innocent expression on his face, then saw that the water was about to run out, and then tore the needle from his arm.

"Get a good rest." Xia Yuyan didn't dare to look at Su Jin's eyes, said, and hurried out of the room.

"My wife has really changed." Su Jin was very satisfied with the relationship between the two now, after all, it was better than regular fighting.

Xia Yuyan, who walked out, held her cheeks with her hands, the burning sensation continued. God knows why she cares about him so much. This guy deserves it. Maybe she was hurt by someone else.

If Su Jin wanted to know that she had this kind of thought, he would really vomit blood, but he casually swayed his legs on the bed, constantly analyzing the current situation in Qincheng.

"Sister." Xia Yunxi parked the car and walked into the house. Seeing Xia Yuyan sitting on the sofa, he couldn't help asking curiously, "Is Brother Su Jin back?"

"I'm back." Xia Yuyan nodded.

"Is it severely injured?"

"It was originally not heavy..." Xia Yuyan was helpless on her face, "but I just moved a little bit more, so I called a doctor."


"Don't think about it, not at all."


Xia Yunxi smiled as she watched, and quickly opened the door. Since Su Jin is back, she must visit.

As a result, Young Master Su raised Erlang's legs, humming an unknown song in his mouth and appeared in front of Xia Yunxi. She was taken aback.

Is Brother Su Jin really hurt? Why is it not like?

"I'm back?" Su Jin said without looking at Xia Yunxi.

"Brother Su Jin, what's wrong with your eyes!" Xia Yunxi stepped forward and said concerned.


Su Jin wanted to slap himself and tell you to pretend. Fortunately, it was Xia Yunxi. He thought he was scolding him when he was someone else.

"Nothing." Su Jin looked at her eyes helplessly.

"Oh, I said, you must not have an accident. My dad hasn't slept all night, and the whole family is worried about you." Xia Yunxi said.

"Well, I will get better as soon as possible." Su Jin reached out and grabbed her little hand and said.

Xia Yunxi was taken aback. He wanted to break free, but he didn't succeed. You must know that his sister is outside, why this guy is so bold.

"Brother Su Jin, let go."

"Why release?"

"It's not good to be seen."


Time just passed three days in a relaxed atmosphere.

During these three days, Qin Cheng also had a major event.

Su Tianlong, the chairman of Jutu, was assassinated, and his life and death are uncertain. Although Jutu public relations urgently refuted the rumor and said that the chairman had no problems, the reaction was quite terrifying. Jutu, whose stock price was low, was almost It started diving right away, and that night it fell to the price of a few years ago when Jutu was first listed.

Su Jin turned off the TV and ate some snacks. He hadn't been idle for these three days. His body had recovered to 60% of his previous state, but his 60% state was obviously comparable to his strength when he hadn't broken through.

The melon seed shell was vomited out of his mouth. His wife and Xia Yunxi went to work, and Xiaotong was the only one to accompany him to relieve their boredom. However, regarding Jutu, he personally thinks it will not collapse so quickly. Xia Honghai also thinks so. He also took the opportunity to add some money and invested it, because he knew that as long as Su Jin was there, relying on the old guy behind him, he wouldn't lose him! In other words, two groups with superpowers are not afraid of anyone!

"Xiaotong, bring the bananas to Brother." Su Jin pointed to the fruit basket beside him and said.

"Oh, good." The relationship between Xiaotong and Su Jin can be described as a good friend. She also feels Su Jin's easygoing more and more. The feeling of strong oppression to her has gradually disappeared, even she really Substitute yourself into the role of his sister.

"Can you eat it?" Su Jin looked at her and asked.

Xiaotong blushed a little speechlessly and shook his head.

Su Jin saw something and looked at the banana in his hand. Okay, he also thought about it. He was a little unappetizing, but he didn't eat it anymore. Thinking of this, he got up and said to her: "If Miss Evening comes back, I will say I will go out. Go to work."

"Aren't you coming back for dinner?"

"Not coming back."

Su Jin took out his cell phone and dialed the phone after going out, and the person opposite said, "I invite you to dinner."

Then he got into the car.

Soon after, the car stopped in front of the Civic Group.

He was really unbearable for these three days. Lin Siyan didn’t know where to get her phone. She actually got two a day, which made him a bit big. If he let his wife know, or doubt him, he would live broadcast on the street. Hang!

Su Jin waited quietly, tilting his head and supporting his face, with his arms on the steering wheel, squinting his eyes and breathing out smoke.

"Damn, how long does it take for this girl." Su Jin saw that the other staff were almost gone, Lin Siyan did not appear.

If it weren't for the wrongdoing, plus her urging, he wouldn't do it. The only thing that made him gratified was that the security company of Li Qing and his colleagues finally opened smoothly.

It wasn't until the sky was dim that Su Jin saw Lin Siyan carrying her bag and walking out quietly.

"Su Jin, have you waited a long time?" Lin Siyan asked after opening the car door and sitting in, smiling at him.

"It seems that you don't leave work on time..." Su Jin said, looking at her face.

"I'm sorry, I just forgot the time when I was very busy." Lin Siyan's response to this is obviously beautiful.

"Let's talk, where do you want me to take you to eat?" Su Jin felt that his bank card today is a bit dangerous. I don't know if a few hundred thousand are enough. I heard that the most expensive dish in some hotels is worth millions. The price is very low.

"Whatever." Lin Siyan said with a smile.

"Then any restaurant." Su Jin stepped on the car and chuckled secretly. The restaurant is good for one hundred and full for two hundred, and the rice is free!

Lin Siyan: "..."

Ten minutes later, casual dining.

Lin Siyan secretly scolded Su Jin for being stingy along the way. At any rate, she was also a beauty. This guy drove the big shark to the small restaurant with lightning. Isn't she afraid of walking and being struck by lightning?

Su Jin took her in with a calm look. Lin Siyan's temperament and beauty also made many people look at her in a daze. This kind of girl is not a simple person at first glance.

Lin Siyan has never eaten here. At least after she was born, she lived a life of fine clothes and food. She didn't even need to wash her clothes. Now it must be difficult for her to see here, and the light makes her very uncomfortable. adapt. But she dare not say anything here, it will arouse public anger.

Enduring the discomfort, and then looking at Su Jin's smug expression, Lin Siyan was a bit hungry, but now she only had the acid reflux water, and she probably couldn't eat it.

Su Jin chose a position by the window, and Lin Siyan was sitting opposite him.

"What do you want to eat? This is the menu." asked a fat waitress wearing dark purple professional clothing.

"Whatever." Su Jin naturally said the mantra of coming here often.

"Okay, are five home cooking okay?"

"it is good."

Lin Siyan was very upset. She felt like she had been shaved by Su Jin. Then she watched Su Jin grabbed a beer, and she had to do it herself...

"Drink or not?" Su Jin picked his nails lightly and the beer cap popped out.

"Huh." Lin Siyan became interested. She also drank red wine and very little beer, but she nodded, stared at Su Jin's hand, and said, "Drink."

Su Jin opened a bottle to her as it was, and then it was almost done.

"I heard that you were injured?" Lin Siyan looked at him and asked curiously.

"Why are you paying attention to me so much? My wife will be unhappy." Su Jin said, resting his chin.

"Cut, can't you ask, are we still friends?"


"Uh... why?"

"No, I don't like being ordinary friends with beautiful women."

"You..." Lin Siyan was speechless, feeling this guy is really funny!

"Come on, I want to see me so, what do you want to ask." Su Jin became serious, "Of course, I can choose not to answer."

Lin Siyan stared at him blankly, then turned her eyes slightly, and chuckled: "What can I ask you? I originally wanted you to take me to a good meal, but I didn't expect... hum."

Su Jin was a little embarrassed. If he didn't give Zhou Tianhu his money, he would have the money to invite her, but now it's better to save money. She probably eats often, so it's okay to bring her to eat something special.

"How did you meet your wife?" Lin Siyan looked at him and asked.

Su Jin then told him about his selection of the Xia Family Sisters. Of course, the period when he was in jail was automatically hidden by him.

Lin Siyan was shocked when she heard it, but Su Jin's identity deserved to be treated like this.

"Don't believe me?" Su Jin couldn't help asking, looking at her in a daze.

"I believe it." Lin Siyan pouted.

Su Jin suddenly couldn't see through this girl. It seemed that she should also be very background, otherwise how could she know she was injured? It's impossible for a wife to tell her, the only explanation is that this girl can find out.

"Why look at me like this, I'm not as good as your wife." Lin Siyan said rather strangely.

"Have you heard the saying that home flowers do not have the fragrance of wild flowers?" Su Jin laughed loudly.

"Okay, you dare to say such a thing. Tomorrow, tomorrow I will tell Sister Yuyan, let her see you clearly!" Lin Siyan snorted.

Su Jin simply took the phone to her, "Please call now, just say I'm with you, and see if you can be good friends."

"Well, are you so confident?" Lin Siyan hesitated.

She naturally understood what Su Jin meant. It was nothing more than that his wife liked him Yunyun very much. If the two were alone together, the woman would be her, so she would naturally be jealous.

"of course."

"Forget it." Lin Siyan shook her head and said.

Su Jin installed his mobile phone, and the corners of his mouth were naturally smug.

Lin Siyan suddenly frowned, and soon five dishes and one soup were brought to the table. Seeing Su Jin drinking and eating Zhengxiang, she couldn't help but try it. It felt good, so she started eating and drinking with him.

As a result, there are more and more empty beer bottles on the ground.

Paralyzed, the businessman really could drink, Su Jin looked at her blush, and there seemed to be a provocative scent in her eyes.

Sun, women challenge men?

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