My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 132: It's because of him

"Come... again." Lin Siyan's cheeks were flushed like blood, and her eyes became blurred.

Su Jin put down the wine bottle, "Give me a fart, I'll take you home."

Lin Siyan's head was a little dizzy, and she seemed to feel that she was drinking too much. She looked at him and said, "It's too late and I don't want to go back. If my brother sees me taking a man home, he will scold me to death."

Uh... She also has a brother who is in charge.

"I'm not afraid of the shadow leaning." Su Jin grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

"No~" Lin Siyan muttered, "You go back, I'll go to the hotel."

Several black lines suddenly appeared on Su Jin's forehead, "Go by yourself?"

"Ang, can't you?"

"I'll see you." Su Jin had to help her out of the room.

Originally, his drinking capacity was quite good, but this beauty was too crazy and her head was a little dizzy.

Lin Siyan, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help but close her eyes. The combination of high-intensity work and drinking made her feel very sleepy now.

Su Jin’s eyes rested on this beautiful president. She was not as old as Xia Yuyan, and she showed her true temperament just now. After all, she can see that this girl doesn’t seem to like such serious work every day, but Because of her work, she had to pretend to be more dignified.

His eyes glanced at the slender legs wearing black leg socks, this reclining position made his heart beat faster.

Su Jin shook his head and tried to get himself sober, then drove the car to the door of the nearest five-star hotel and opened the room. He felt that if he stinged again this time, he would not know if he would see her next time. When, I don’t know how she would belittle herself!

"What are you doing." Lin Siyan raised her head slightly, feeling that she was sleeping on a comfortable and soft big bed, and now someone took off

Su Jin was embarrassed, holding her ankles, her feet were only a little bigger than her own slap, they looked so cute, I really didn't know how long.

"Sleep well." Su Jin said with a smile.

Lin Siyan was confused and saw Su Jin, muttering: "Hey, you, you stop me."


"The rooms are all open, so go to sleep." Lin Siyan closed her eyes and said in her mouth.


Beauty, you are so sturdy, do people all over the world know!

Su Jin scratched his scalp, his body recovered, but she was drunk, is that considered taking advantage of others?

"Hot~" Lin Siyan began to tear her hair, her face seemed impatiently muttering to herself.

Su Jin forgot to turn on the air conditioner directly, but it still takes a little time to cool down. During this short period of time, his brain banged, staring at Lin Siyan blankly, swallowing hard, this beauty... ...Too bold!

Soon after Lin Siyan felt that the heat was no longer hot, she lay motionless in the big shape of Cheng on the bed, and Su Jin's untidy shirt was firmly in sight.

What to do

Su Jin hesitated, he sat next to Lin Siyan, his eyes on her upper body kept carefully seeing the small toes, and when she kept this position, the long legs next to the skirt could not be affected by those legs. The socks cover it, and the white snowy skin is free for people to see.

Bai Fumei, a very typical existence, Su Jin's hand swayed on her shoulder twice, and she called her name.

The so-called spoken truth after drinking, since she knew that she had opened the room just now, it was a tacit meaning. If she leaves without touching it, can she meet tomorrow? Naturally not.

After Su Jin imposed such a reason on himself, he could no longer suppress the flame in his blood.

In the end, the beauty's voice was depressed, and Su Jin couldn't bear it anymore——


Unconsciously, it was late at night.

Su Jin's head is a little confused at this time, is Bai Fumei still slipping through the net? He looked at a little bit of red blood, and then at the strange meaning revealed in Lin Siyan's eyes, he was dumbfounded.

Lin Siyan had just been ‘sniped’, and the pain caused her to fall asleep. At this time, she could only look at Su Jin with some gentle eyes.

"Mr. Lin, are you...your'good friend' here?" Su Jin looked at her in wonder.

Lin Siyan's eyes widened suddenly, and she almost wanted to scold this bastard, ‘good friend’? Luckily he thought it out!

Just now, most of her drunkenness disappeared in the volatilization of sweat. After all, it was beer. If she changed to liquor, she might have to sleep until tomorrow morning.

"Huh." Lin Siyan pulled the pillow and buried her face in it. It's shameful to be considered so!

This guy actually thinks that way, is there a person of his kind in the world! Could that be the one for girls once a month? Oh my God, I can't stand him!

Su Jin just made a joke, can he not feel it? It's just that the two were too embarrassed to ease the atmosphere. Su Jin then rolled his eyes and smiled: "Siyan, can I call you like that in the future?"


"What are you talking about?" Su Jin felt that the woman was so strange. She shouted so loudly just now, as if people in the world didn't know how happy she was, but now she was covered with a pillow and couldn't even speak.

Lin Siyan took the pillow away and stared at him and said, "Yes!"

Su Jin put his hand on her little face naturally, "rest well."

"Are you going?" Lin Siyan looked at him with complicated eyes. Now that the relationship between the two is like this, she can't say anything. Nowadays, people are all about opening the room, just treat it like this lady opens the room once. .


"What kind of Ecstasy did Sister Yuyan give you?" Although Lin Siyan told him before that Xia Yuyan is more beautiful than her, but in fact she is very self-confident. The two are at best evenly divided, but they are all friends. , She would not say anything about it.

Su Jin hugged her in his arms and coaxed her for a while.

"Ah, you go quickly!" Lin Siyan grabbed the thin blanket. Just now, this guy wanted to...

Su Jin knew that this trick was effective, and couldn't help but say goodbye to her with a smile. After all, he was the first man of a white rich and beautiful god. He felt incredible even thinking about it. Although he was reluctant to give up, he still thought that his wife was important!


When he got home, it was already midnight, Su Jin opened the bedroom door and walked in.


Su Jin took a breath from the scene when he turned on the light.

On the big bed, a perfect body appeared in Su Jin's pupils.

My wife is now sleeping more and more boldly. I used to guard myself and drew 38 lines. Later, I changed from pajamas to nightdresses of various colors, but now they changed from nightdresses to this...what is this called?

Anyway, Su Jin didn't know much, but he knew that the clothes were a little special, and he also noticed that there was a particularly eye-catching bow tied to his wife's hair. There was a scent of cuteness. Is her character suitable?

Su Jin felt very strange.

Why is my wife like this? Do you feel that your competitiveness is slowly declining?

But if it weren't, how could this Nima sleep? It is estimated that any man will not fall asleep when encountering such a thing!

Su Jin's heart was pounding, he quickly took his pajamas, rushed into the bathroom and started washing up happily, at least he thought his wife had a rhythm of devotion today.

And he didn't know that after he rushed into the bathroom anxiously, Xia Yuyan blushed and opened her eyes. It was only twelve o'clock. How could she sleep without waiting for him to come back!

What made her more satisfied was that this guy was obviously deeply attracted by her dress just now, so, in her shyness, she began to wait for Su Jin's arrival.

Wife, this is the rhythm of dedication!

It's finally time to wait until this moment, Su Jin's heart is extremely excited, but he still hasn't been dazzled by joy, who knows if his wife just lets him take a look, what's the use of having an eye addiction? Actual combat is the ultimate goal of testing a man! Soon he was suspicious and walked out after washing.

Xia Yuyan still fell asleep quietly, without moving at all.

Su Jin hesitated, is it really okay to touch her like this?

Paralyzed, my wife is not like Lin Siyan, she might kill her if she doesn't! Although his injury is almost healed, he still feels very careful.

"Wife? Did you sleep?" Su Jin turned off the light and asked in a low voice beside the bed.


She did not respond.

Su Jin laughed at himself, sat on the bed to find a cigarette, smoked a cigarette, took a deep breath, and began to spray.

Brother was just here anyway, Su Jin emphasized himself this way, and felt that there should not be too much disappointment. It would be nice for his wife to show him this way. After all, he had never been like this before, so don't think too much and sleep.

Su Jin didn't throw away the cigarette until the cigarette **** was burning, and then lay flat beside Xia Yuyan.

But he is such a stubborn person. If he doesn't touch him, he has to hug him, Su Jin thought. Without a word, he turned over and hugged him, because after this recent practice from time to time, Xia Yuyan has adapted to his hug. She sleeps, which in itself is also a big breakthrough——

Sniffing the scent of Xia Yuyan's body fascinated, Su Jin fell asleep...

In the morning, Su Jin paid much attention to Xia Yuyan's face. Although he didn't want to look at his wife's face, the feeling last night continued until dawn!

Su Jin was familiar with this feeling when Xia Yuyan looked like a okay person, so naturally he should stay away from her later, otherwise the appointment would be unlucky.

Xia Yunxi and Xiaotong on the side looked at the two of them in puzzlement. They were normally normal, so why didn't they talk anymore today.

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