My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 133: You have a personality problem

"Sister, Dad will be able to get out of bed in two days." Xia Yunxi saw that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, so he could not help but open the conversation box first, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Xia Yuyan nodded, "Yes."

"You quarreled again?" Xia Yunxi asked weakly.


Contrary to Xia Yunxi's expectation, the two of them uttered two words in unison, and they appeared to be quite in agreement.

Xia Yuyan gritted her teeth a bit, but she felt that Su Jin was a little bit embarrassed. Yesterday he actually... did that step and did not do to himself what a couple should do. In recent days, although living in the same house with her father, But she didn't dare to see him, otherwise she would be scolded miserably every time, God knows what Ecstasy Su Jin poured into her father!

Of course, the main problem lies with herself, she knows this very well, but she has changed now, this guy still thinks that she is the same one before!

It is natural to be depressed.

Su Jin is also very depressed. In these years, his wife has been in a big trouble, and who is responsible? And he felt that he couldn't figure out exactly what she thought. Judging from the painful interactions with his wife in the past, he burnt incense without being noticed last night.

In fact, both of them are a bit contradictory now. Although Xia Yuyan’s x son has changed a little, if she is asked to say that, it is difficult for her as a big girl to say it. Both of them hope that each other can be more proactive. Obviously, after Su Jin had experienced the painful lesson, he would never leapfrog one step further, but Xia Yuyan was not the one who said that.

According to what she thought, she was dressed like that, anyway, let the other party take the initiative!

In this way, the situation seems to have reached a deadlock.

The expressions of the two made Xia Yunxi secretly funny, but this Nizi was also clever and couldn't help but nodded: "It's fine if you don't get awkward, hehe, let's eat, eat!"

Su Jin did not sit with his wife, but sat diagonally across from her. At this time, he carefully observed Xia Yuyan's every move, but from the state of her expressionless face, he was not sure whether she had found out. He still didn't find it, but finally he was relieved. What if he found it? I grew up vigorously, afraid of wool!

"Dingding, you have a short message."

Su Jin took out his mobile phone when he heard it, and after holding back a few strange glances, he opened the message box, and then he was taken aback.

Mo Yulin is leaving? So fast?

The content of her message to Su Jinfa was: "I'm leaving with the master, and he wants you to come and see him."

Su Jin reacted from a daze, looked at the women blankly, put the knife in his hand on the plate and wiped his mouth, and said: "I have something to do, you talk."

"Brother Su Jin, goodbye." Xia Yunxi's eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, and he waved his hand.

"Hmph, I don't know which fairy I went to see." Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin's back with a somewhat dissatisfied look, and murmured in her small mouth.

"Sister, what did you say?" Xia Yuyan didn't hear clearly, but Xiaotong behind her sister heard it, and couldn't help being startled.

"Nothing." Xia Yuyan continued to eat.

This is Blue Shield Security Company.

When Su Jin appeared with his trouser pocket in it, it was obvious that Mo Yulin had already packed up and waited for him to come to say goodbye. However, the old guy next to him was smoking a cigarette calmly. I don't care about it.

"Loading X cargo." After Su Jin cursed in his heart, he looked at Mo Yulin with a smile and said, "When is the plane?"

"Ten o'clock." Mo Yulin was obviously a little lonely in his heart.

"Explain it?" Su Jin asked again.

"All right."

Su Jin nodded in satisfaction. Mo Yulin was able to resist the family's opposition. From this point of view, she was doing very well.

He was wrong about this. Mo Yulin's family didn't allow her to leave Qincheng. They were reluctant to die. In desperation, the old guy came out. She didn't know what the master had talked with her parents. In less than ten minutes, the attitude of her parents was turned into a 360-degree turn, which made her follow the old guy.

After Su Jin sat down, Mo Yulin stood beside the two and did not speak any more.

In fact, this farewell, Su Jin is 100% coming to see the old guy. If this old immortal leaves without saying a word, I am afraid he will definitely have to call him immoral in the future, mainly he wants to ask the old immortal playing. What is it, so many masters and organizations have not been transferred to their own management, which has caused him not to have a good life now, so he is very dissatisfied now, that is to say, he is now looking for him, asking him to delegate power.

"Smelly boy, what are you doing looking at me like this?" The old guy was spouting clouds and was staring at Su Jin, his old bone was quite uncomfortable.

Su Jin nodded: "Master, I haven't noticed when I was in prison, but now I have found a small problem."

"What's the problem?" The old guy came interested.

"You're a bit ws." Su Jin smiled.

"I ws?" The old guy almost died out of anger. He was already very old. He had already passed the age that young people loved to play. How could he not make him angry when he said that.

"Well, there is a problem with your personality."


Su Jin suddenly sank. Since the old guy is leaving, he has to make it clear that Qin Cheng's affairs have made him a big head. Besides, what are his parents and Xia Honghai and this old guy? What's the relationship? Why Xia Honghai said that it was because of his own family that the old guy blessed his Xia family. He had to figure out the various things inside, as well as the distribution of major forces, before he could finally talk about decentralization.

"You little bastard, what do you want to ask?" After taking a close look at Su Jin, the old guy was deeply aware of his transformation. Compared to when he was in prison, he was obviously much more mature.

Su Jin asked the question he wanted to ask.

The first one is the matter of his father. Although he also knows that his mother is alive, he does not plan to look for it, because he is already very disappointed in this mother. From his arrest to his release, my mother Haven't been there once, it's not clear whether he is a son? Even though he had done a lot of **** things in the past, he had been around, stabbed, and smashed others, but if his son is rebellious, then he is not his son?

Regarding this question, the old guy frowned, looked at him and said, "This matter is a long story."

"Then make a long story short."

"It's not good for you to know now. I will tell you all about it in the future." The old guy sighed, "Next question."

Are you wave-

Well, since the old guy says he can’t know now, don’t ask. One day he will find out who the father killed and why he died. On this issue, I’m afraid I’m here. Only the old guy and Xia Honghai know best, because they are the parties!

"It's okay. Quickly transfer someone to me. The Tengying and Longya are both transferred." Su Jin scratched his brows and said with a very awkward expression.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the old guy took a deep breath, looked at him and asked, "You think it belongs to your house!"

"Isn't it yours?" Su Jin asked with a shrug.

"It's mine, but you can just call one over and slap you to death. Are you sure you can control them?" the old guy said again.


So nb?

Forget it, Su Jin immediately gave up this decision, and now the heart is not old, what if he kills himself for the sake of Bo superior? It's not that he's afraid of things, but that his training time is short, using the old guy's old mouth to say, you are still a child!

Su Jin was speechless to the old guy now. After the two of them stared at Maimang for a while, he took out a cigarette, stared at the flame on the lighter, lit the cigarette and took a deep breath and said, "Then if Qincheng crashes Don’t blame me."

"Nothing, do you think I really didn't intervene in this matter? Otherwise, you would hang up a long time ago, and you can still sit here and talk to me? However, Hon Hai's accident was unexpected. He is safe for you. Don't worry, I will protect his Xia family from worry." The old guy nodded and said.

Su Jin's eyes lit up. He didn't plan to see anyone this time, but after the old guy made this promise, his heart was relieved. It seems that Xia Honghai almost died last time and angered the old guy.

"The last question." Su Jin said, looking at him seriously.


"Then why is this blood prison built?" Su Jin felt that the old guy must have a lot of influence, and the blood prison is still very weak, so he doesn't understand.

The old guy smiled and nodded: "For you to play."

"I'm going..." In his heart, Su Jin has actually cursed this old thing with no bones left. This Nima, let him play? Although he did not invest resources on the surface, in fact, there is more than he thought, including An Qianyi, including Sister Lan, and Sister Qin. Whichever one is placed elsewhere, it is not to be underestimated. the power of.

"Don’t be surprised, the appearance of the blood prison is not a joke with you. I just want to give you a platform. If you don’t work hard and you can’t convince the crowd in the future, then the identity of the successor will likely be boycotted and deprived by others. It's not as simple as you thought, but you have improved a lot recently, and I am very satisfied, so I made a decision." The old guy said to Su Jin seriously.

Listening to the old guy's praise of him, Su Jin was still very useful, but he was a little puzzled about the old guy's last sentence.

"What decision?" Su Jin asked in a daze.

"The situation in Qincheng will become more and more complicated. There will be more and more players, so there is a great possibility of losing control. Of course, this will take time. Didn't you find that you are on the cusp?

"I found out, Master has a way?" Su Jin suddenly felt in his heart that the old guy is the smartest and will definitely point out a clear way for himself.

"Of course." The old guy looked at him and smiled.

"Say it!"

"go away."


Su Jin immediately touched his forehead. It seemed useless to say this. How could he leave? This is his base camp, that is, the old nest. The old guy can't speak while standing.

The old guy knew he would be disappointed, but his next sentence made Su Jin’s eyes light up, "Smelly boy, I just let you leave for a short time, ten days and a half month, and it happens that I have something in my hand. It’s up to you to take care of it, and if it’s done, it’s only good for you and no harm."

"What about the Xia family?" Su Jin asked, although the old guy's guarantee, isn't this thing accidental? What was that before?

The old guy smiled indifferently: "I said, no one dares to move the person I want to protect!"

"What if the darkblooded people do it?" Su Jin obviously didn't believe him.

"Hehe." The old guy laughed, laughing loudly, which made Su Jin and Mo Yulin a little baffling.

However, the old guy soon gave an answer that made both of them sluggish.

"Then destroy them." The old guy's expression also showed a chill.

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