My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 134: Before leaving


Su Jin and Mo Yulin took a breath at the same time. Mo Yulin is okay. She is the least aware of the situation, but it sounds like "Dark Blood" is terrifying, but the old guy said with such confidence, So she was just shocked.

Good deed, Su Jin is different, what is Dark Blood? The top five assassination organizations in the world have hatred with the old guy. He naturally knows this situation, so he can't see the true origin of the old guy more and more, but since he is so sure, he will also consider the old guy carefully. Perhaps it would be better to leave Qincheng during this period of time. It would be better to wait for them to come back and come back by themselves. It seems that this possibility is very small.

And he also understands the old guy’s intention to give himself this question. It is very obvious that Su Jin has been sent out by the old guy. I will not get involved in the situation in Qincheng for the time being. I will remain neutral. If I leave, I will be neutral. Of course, He did this after taking a lot of advantage. It is estimated that Su Tianlong and Qin Shisanniang were so angry that they knew.

"High..." After thinking about it clearly, Su Jin gave the old guy a thumbs up.

The old guy then said to him: "I have a task that I can't push away. It lasts for ten days, so you can do some exercise."

"What task?" Su Jin asked curiously. The old guy didn't make it clear because he was afraid of being scammed.

Sure enough, the old guy smiled without saying a word, and shook his head, right? Su Jin knew it was not a good thing, and finally nodded in agreement.

"Lin'er, let's start with the master now. A year later, let the old immortals see that my disciples are better than theirs from time to time!" The old guy got up, showing his vigor.

"Oh." Mo Yulin glanced at Su Jin, everything is silent...

Su Jin then sighed in his heart, and after nodding at her, Mo Yulin also understood what he meant and didn't say anything.

Before leaving, the old guy told Su Jin that someone would pick up Su Jin at noon. He didn’t disclose the others. Anyway, Su Jin felt that it was a divine pit. It was probably not a good job, but they all jumped off. It’s only ten days, and it’s useless to go back.

Su Jin left with the old guy. He didn't go to see Mo Xuejiao. She is a novice in a place like Lan Dun. It is estimated that she will be very busy dealing with problems, and she will be exhausted in a short time. , So he still has to deal with important matters now.

Of course, the thing that he wants to leave must be spread. He is thinking about how to spread it. Secondly, he has to comfort Xia Honghai's heart. He has experienced the last time. Without him at home, it is estimated that the old man still has Xia Honghai. My sisters are insecure, so he has become the object of the Xia family now!

His thoughts were very complicated, and then he drove back to the Xia Family Group. First of all, he told his wife about this matter. Xia Yunxi had been informed by her sister, so he didn't go.


CEO's office.

"Come in." Xia Yuyan said.

When meeting Su Jin, Xia Yuyan didn't have any surprises. Anyway, this guy turned around like a okay person every day. It was the same as him or him in the group, but she soon stopped thinking about it!

"My wife, I have something to tell you." Su Jin smiled and supported her on the desk next to her with his arms.

"Say, what's the matter." Xia Yuyan was still looking at the work at hand and didn't realize anything.

"I will be away for a while."

Xia Yuyan's body shook, and the work on her hands naturally stopped. At the same time, her heartbeat accelerated. How can she do without Su Jin at this time at home!

"Where are you going?" Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin, her expression a little flustered.

"Uh, I really don't know, but this is a task, there is no way not to do it." Su Jin was also helpless.

"Task? How many things are you hiding from me? It won't work without you at home now. What should we do if you leave?" Xia Yuyan said worriedly.

"Your safety will not go wrong at all. I have arranged it. There are experts who are stronger than me to protect you in secret, and those people dare not do it." Su Jin said.

Xia Yuyan was still very uncomfortable, and at the same time, she was a little entangled in her heart. She secretly said what happened to her. He didn't feel how important Su Jin was before. Now that he is leaving for a period of time, her sense of crisis immediately rises to the point that she is not even she To the point of daring to think, this feeling is very uncomfortable.

Su Jin held her perfect face, "Why, reluctant?"

Seeing Su Jin's intimate behavior, and still in broad daylight, Xia Yuyan suddenly blushed and her ears were hot, and a panic appeared in her big eyes. Does this guy just want to see herself making a fool of herself, and leave as a pretense?

"Are you really going to be away for a while?"

"Really, leave at noon."

"how long."

"About ten days."

"doing what."

"All said, the task is not clear yet, I will explain these things clearly to your dad." Su Jin said to her seriously.

Xia Yuyan bit her teeth and let him hold his cheek, and asked, "Can you not leave?"

"No." Su Jin shook his head.


Su Jin saw that she was still reluctant to leave for the time being, but he was doing it for the good of the Xia family. Sometimes, it might not be a good thing to retreat and retreat. It's just a strategy. If you stay here, who should you support? ? If you kill anyone from either side, the Xia Family will probably become the target of the public. This is a very unprofitable behavior. Of course, since the old guy allowed himself to leave for ten days, he should have his own consideration.

Xia Yuyan stared at Su Jin blankly, but when she watched Su Jin's mouth close with her big eyes, the complexity in her heart instantly disappeared, and he wanted to kiss herself instead?

Sure enough, his wife was very honest, and she was kissed by him without any resistance!

Wife's little mouth is different from other women! Su Jin is very useful and gentle. He didn't use violence. How could violence be used in such a good atmosphere, and his wife closed her eyes with enjoyment? It seems that my progress is going very smoothly! At least she has accepted herself, but unfortunately, if possible, she can be done at night, but she has to leave at noon and can only be postponed.

After kissing for a full ten minutes, Su Jin squeezed her cheek and said, "You take care of your work, that is, ten days. There is no need to worry about safety. Without me, it is safer on the contrary, isn't it?"

Xia Yuyan did not answer his words. In fact, she had the opposite opinion with him in her heart. After Su Jin finished this action, she also left the room under her watch.

After Su Jin went out of the room, she first found Zhang Anna and explained the situation to her. She also maintained her support. She knew that Su Jin could handle these matters, and then he sent his woman's mobile phone number. Once again, I am about to leave.

And he didn’t reply to the information that came back. It’s useless to explain this kind of thing. Gu Shuzhai didn’t plan to go again. After all, the old guy probably had arranged it in advance, and Zhou Tianhu had already learned about it. Maybe.

After doing all this, Su Jin took a deep breath. Before walking back to see Xia Honghai, he was still a little wondering what the mission was and why the old guy did it so mysteriously, but he was just asking questions in his heart. I came to a conclusion, the old guy is his master, can the master harm the apprentice? That's nonsense, I just found him a good seedling!

After figuring it out, he walked home only five minutes later and entered Xia Honghai's room.

After hearing Su Jin's decision, Xia Honghai was also shocked, but with Su Jin's explanation, he was relieved.

This time, Su Jin gave him peace of mind by telling the old guy’s words to Xia Honghai. For so many years, he hasn’t been in contact with the old guy. Now he heard the old guy’s favor of his Xia family, and he was still embarrassed. , But also more confident.

"This is a good way. It's tantamount to fooling people. They don't want you to mix up. The old guy has a good idea about this matter, but I have to remind you, be careful in all things." Xia Honghai looked at it solemnly. With Su Jin.

"I know." Su Jin nodded.

"With the guarantee of the old guy, I don't have to worry about it, you just let it go. After ten days, we will wait for you to come back." Xia Honghai said.

"Okay!" Su Jin wanted to ask about his father, but he resisted asking, and then he exchanged a few words with Xia Honghai, and then left his room.

However, he did not see the bitter smile on Xia Honghai's mouth. At this time, Xia Honghai had an extra thought in his heart. If Su Jin knew about it, would he hate the old guy...

Su Jin closed the door and saw Xiaotong coming out of the bathroom.

For this girl, Su Jin felt as kind as the little girl next door, and he didn't remind him of the danger here, but with the old guy, she can be assured of her safety.

At this time, Xiaotong was still wearing the immutable black and white maid dress, and that dress was definitely not old-fashioned! On the contrary, working as a maid in a wealthy family, especially young people, this maid dress will often become a beautiful landscape, and it will be very fashionable, especially a woman like Xiaotong who coexists in appearance and figure.

But here, Su Jin didn't take her to look at her present.

"Su, Brother Su." Xiaotong was a little embarrassed. When she was alone with Su Jin, she always felt a little awkward, but she couldn't say what it was like, maybe it was a difference in identity.

"Well, come and sit." Su Jin sat on the sofa. It was close to ten o'clock, and his time was not too much.

Since there was no one else, Xiaotong didn't mind. After sitting next to Su Jin, he asked curiously, "Brother Su, you seem to have something on your mind."

"Of course I have. Brother will leave right away, so I can't bear you." Su Jin touched her head and said with a smile.


Xiaotong suddenly made a big red face, but she was very well-behaved and let him touch her head motionlessly, with a little weirdness in her eyes, and asked, "Where are we going?"

"I don't know, but I will be back soon. Don't worry." Su Jin now has a strong urge to hold her in his arms.

I don’t know what Xia Yunxi thinks, he made myself know such a beautiful maid. When he was alone, his attention was always drifting~, he couldn’t help but glanced her up and down without Xiaotong noticing it. , Especially on the upper body wrapped in the black clothes, the two cloud peaks towering, it was even more flawless, and a special sense of beauty appeared in his heart.

"Okay, Xiaotong is waiting for you at home." Xiaotong turned to look, and then found that the young master's eyes were aiming at... places that shouldn't be aiming.

The deer banged in her heart, but she was absolutely not angry at all, except for shyness or shyness!

Su Jin reacted and sighed inwardly. After shook his head, his hands were naturally placed on her long legs.

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