My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 135: New training camp instructor

Obviously, Xiaotong's mental state was tense, and Su Jin had deliberately teased her. Such a reaction is normal.


The tears that came from Xiaotong's watery eyes almost fell from Su Jin's slap.

Brother Su is... good BT! She thought to herself.

Su Jin laughed lightly, without looking at her, and said lightly: "At this time recently, if it's not the necessary time, don't go out. Did you hear that?"

Xiaotong didn’t understand why Su Jin slapped her thigh, but after hearing Su Jin’s words, she nodded. Originally, she lived here because she was not from Qincheng, so her accommodation It was also arranged by the Xia family. In this regard, the Xia family did a good job.

"Okay, go and do your job, I'm still waiting for someone." Su Jin said.

Xiaotong got up immediately, scared like something, and ran out quickly. Seeing her like this, Su Jin was a little bit dumbfounded. He didn't do anything to her and almost scared her to cry. Speechless.

But now the question is, who is the old guy? He was very curious about how to pick himself up.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, just after Su Jin hadn't waited long, there was a rumbling noise outside.

For this unusual situation, almost immediately attracted more than n eyes, including Xia Yuyan in the office!

She couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. She saw a huge helicopter that was obviously different from an ordinary military plane and quickly hovered over a clearing in the Xia Group! They only saw that this is the latest advanced helicopter produced by the military. From the perspective of transportation, the size of this helicopter is nearly double that of a normal helicopter! And can serve as a combat mission in a variety of different terrain!

This is the "Eagle" helicopter!

The wild black appearance is almost like a scorpion, lying on the open ground, with the sweep of the propellers around, the wind blowing people can't even open their eyes!

What the **** is it for? Xia Yuyan also had some doubts for a while.

But soon she didn't have any doubts. After hearing the movement, Su Jin couldn't help but walked out the door, and his eyes lit up at the first glance of the helicopter.

The old guy is really good at calculating. If this happens, the news will surely spread to the eyes and ears of all the forces! In other words, he wants to do the task with high profile, not in Qincheng temporarily! Therefore, there is no need for him to send messages!

My goodness, this helicopter is so handsome! It was very scary to see. Without people seeing it up close, it is impossible to imagine the shock it brings to people. Su Jin was deeply attracted. After all, he was also a man who dreamed of becoming a pilot! It's a pity that, in the end, he became a gangster, and his status and profession were lowered by n levels.

He has rarely been satisfied with the old guy, and now this is his most satisfying time, after all, he can live on his face and show his identity!

Su Jin can feel that not only Xia Yuyan is watching, but many people are also observing every move here. After all, so many forces in Qin City are stationed here, and there are a lot of informants, and they are constantly changing Line, keeps some surveillance of himself and the Xia family, of course, these are all understandable.

As the helicopter stabilized, a middle-aged man in military uniform walked down from the plane, and there were n badges hung under his right shoulder. It felt quite shocking. At first glance, he was an incredible figure.

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Su Jin?" The other party was very polite, without any arrogance at all, which made Su Jin feel a little comfortable.

"Yes, you are?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"I'm here to pick you up, may I leave now?" Judging from the other party's tone, it was a bit of a hurry.

Su Jin touched his chin and nodded. Anyway, he has no possessions, so he just wears a suit of clothes and forgets it. By then, there shouldn't even be a supply of clothes there. Thinking of this, he nodded, "It's okay now. go."

"Please." The middle-aged man was very polite and gave way.

At the same time, in front of Xia Yuyan's office window, Xia Yuyan forcibly endured a special excitement in her heart, and a question appeared in her heart, Su Jin, who is it! How can even the military be involved in such a big relationship!

Su Jin glanced in the direction of Xia Yuyan. From his eyesight, he could definitely see Xia Yuyan looking at him. After all, the helicopter was very moving when it came. He didn’t know Xia here. If Yuyan could see it, she couldn't help but raised her hand and made a goodbye gesture to her, and then walked into the helicopter.

The rumbling sound appeared again, and the plane began to rise, and under everyone's attention, it flew quickly to the west.

Su Jin never flew in an airplane. For this, he admitted that he was a failure. After all, his career only changed after he was released from prison. Who could believe that he was a gangster before to make an airplane? That's nonsense, now his identity is different, he will naturally be treated specially, and all this is thanks to the old guy!

"Mr. Su, hello, I am Colonel Chongming!" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Fortunately, the voice in the cabin is not too loud, and normal communication can still be heard clearly. When Su Jin is looking at the other party, the other party naturally understands what he wants to ask. Seeing the other party speak, Su Jin also nodded: "Can say What is the task?"

The middle-aged man gave a dry cough, "This...the upper part commanded that you must be taken to the mission location before you can tell you, so don't embarrass me."

Su Jin sighed secretly, the more mysterious the mission, the more puzzled he was, but fortunately, it was just a trip, no matter what his mission was!

"How far is the distance?" Su Jin asked.

He felt that the other party should answer his own question, after all, it was not an important question.

However, Colonel Chongming's sentence was so far away that he was completely speechless.

"Chongming Colonel, can I ask you a question?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"what is the problem?"

"Is Congliang your sister?"

"Uh..." Chongming's face was flushed, and he shook his head quickly.

Su Jin smiled. There is a lot of space in the helicopter. It seems that it was dispatched specifically to pick him up. Obviously, the plane has been filled with fuel and left Qincheng. It’s just that Qincheng has been mixed up for so long. No military air base was found.

Regardless, as long as this thing does not fall, he can reach the destination, and then see what the task is. After thinking about this, Su Jin and Chongming made a few jokes, and found an excuse to close his eyes and practice. stand up.

He didn't know how shocking his actions were in Chongming's eyes, Chongming also secretly said in his heart, this is another big BT!

I don't know how long it took, but it was clear that they started flying in the morning. After a few short breaks and refueling, they flew until dark, and then slowly landed on a clearing. Su Jin also opened his eyes at this time. Chongming's heart was startled by the sharp glow in his eyes.

"Where is this?" Su Jin was stunned. He obviously felt that the place was a lot hotter and the air was very dry.

"This is the Naligan Desert, the border..." Chongming nodded and said.

I rub--

Su Jin suddenly wondered, "Then what is my task?"

"After getting off the plane, come with me and talk as you walk." Chongming nodded worriedly.

Su Jin saw his worry, but didn't understand the meaning behind it. It seemed that he was very dangerous?

Danger is good, his recent laziness has committed again, and he needs to be cured!

After getting off the helicopter, Su Jin took a breath. Although the sky was dark, he could still feel a nervous smell here, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air. Although it was very light, he was sensitive. Of the catch.

This is a small town, but apart from the wind and sand, there is not much noise here. It seems that residents lived here a long time ago!

Ordinary sand-and-earth houses are dilapidated. Not only are there many such houses here, but there is also the danger of collapse at any time.

Although the environment is not good, Su Jin feels nothing. He hasn't experienced this kind of thing before, so it would be nice to come and play, after all, not everyone can enter here.

"Talk about the task." Su Jin said after scanning.

"Here, it is a training camp for the devil, and it is a kind of actual combat training camp." Chongming said.

"Interesting, you said, I am a team member?" Su Jin asked.

"No, you are here as an instructor!" Chongming said seriously.

I'm rubbing...

Instructor? I have never played such a crazy thing. It is crazy enough to let a person with no field experience as an instructor, but he likes it because the old guy taught him enough.

"Oh, then?" Su Jin said.

"That's it. You have to be an instructor for ten days, but you have to be careful. There are many people with your ability. You are mainly responsible for them. Of course, there are also many ordinary special forces, but they are also very powerful. Opportunity." Chongming said.

Su Jin couldn't help but smile a little when he heard what he said, so he was careful? Can those recruits beat him? Besides, those who can enter the training camp are at most the same age as him. He is absolutely crushing people of the same age, otherwise he is not the old fellow's apprentice for nothing?

"Go, go and see." Su Jin said.

"Okay, come with me." Chongming hesitated, but still said.

"How do I feel, you are a little scared?" Su Jin walked side by side with him, and said.

"It's more than just being afraid. Those who are as capable as you don't take us in their eyes, let alone ordinary soldiers. You have to be careful this time. He is the previous instructor, so you After coming here temporarily to replace him, he was very upset, so he didn't take you seriously." Chongming felt that Su Jin had a very good personality, so he reminded him.

"Nothing." Su Jin shook his head.

Chongming sighed when he saw this. He hadn't seen Su Jin's skill, but he still couldn't help worrying about him. The instructor was not a simple stuff, he was simply defiant, but his skill was strong. Can't be convicted, that's why the opponent's domineering character is caused.

I don't know, this young man can withstand the pressure, Chongming thought.

A few minutes later, Chongming took Su Jin into a dilapidated earthen house. Although it was dilapidated, it was the most intact house nearby. It was no problem to shelter the wind and sand.

And here, there was no electricity. After Su Jin walked in, he found several fiery gazes.

"Are new products coming again? Oh, I'm finally going to get free!" The young man leaning on the corner and holding his arms, said, licking his chapped lips.

"This person is about our age, he must be a rookie, but I don't know what he is capable of." Another person also said.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the new product is a sin. Who of us has not been tortured? He will be able to distract the instructor!"

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