My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 136: Who else is not convinced

After Su Jin came in, he didn't speak, and glanced at the six people present. Hearing their discussion, he was also interested in the instructor in his heart. It would be impossible to convince these people without any strength.

"Cough..." Chongming lowered his head and gave a dry cough, and said to the six people: "Everyone, this is..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice. It was the brash man who was the first to speak. He came here eight days ago. Because he was a new member, he was treated'specially', so Naturally, I couldn't wait to ask: "Chongming, is this person a newcomer?"

Although Chongming is a colonel, they are not ordinary people, so naturally there is no need to be polite to him.

"Don't ask, it must be." Someone said with a smile.

"It should be." The other said the same.

Su Jin observed the six people, but he felt that the most active thing was to lose four men. The other two girls were beside another wall and did not speak. These people seemed to have a lot of time here, except Except for the two women, all the other men were disgraced, and because of the environment, they had nothing to do.

Chongming was afraid that Su Jin would be angry, so he could not help but quickly said: "This is your instructor for the next ten days, instructor Su!"

"Instructor?" Everyone was stunned, including the two girls who didn't speak.

With a smile on his mouth, Su Jin looked at the six people and said, "Yes, I am your instructor, Su Jin."

The room suddenly felt like a pan was fried, and there was a lot of discussion, and it was obvious that Su Jin was not taken seriously.

Seeing this situation, Su Jin couldn't help frowning. These team members didn't even respect themselves as the instructor. Then their previous instructors had to nb more to control them? Moreover, it seems that the instructor is not easy to deal with.

"It's miserable, he's miserable." A male player whispered.

"Yes, if you come to occupy the magpie's nest, you must be finished."

"No matter, everyone is a bird, I'm fed up with the scumbag here!"

Hearing them say this, Su Jin's face suddenly became cold, and he drank: "Stand up for me!"

stand up?

The male players were stunned, and then they laughed loudly.

"I said the new instructor, you should solve your troubles before teaching us!" one person said.

"Haha, yes, do you treat us as ordinary recruits? How stupid!"

"This kid, it's kind of interesting. Why do you want to be our instructor?"

The three male players were very disdainful of Su Jin, but Su Jin saw that one of the male players was very sophisticated and did not join the controversy. However, despite this, he never took a look after Su Jin came in. Look at him, he is quite arrogant.

Su Jin laughed angrily. Looking at Chongming next to him, he also looked helpless, but he could feel that this colonel must feel that he was unable to manage these four bastards!

"Colon Chong, can you leave for a while?" Su Jin asked coldly.

"Leaving? Why?" Chongming was a little puzzled. Although he wanted to leave, he didn't understand what Su Jin meant.

"Because I will scare you later." Su Jin yawned lightly.

Chongming's heart jerked, he still obeyed Su Jin's suggestion and walked out the door.

"By the way, close the door." Su Jin said again.


The old wooden door closed heavily with dust, and Su Jin looked up at a few people who were obviously nervous and said, "I'll tell you bastards, why should I!"

"Damn! What's the matter with the instructor! This person is so young, definitely not our opponent! Go!"

At first glance, Su Jin had the meaning of doing it. Su Jin just pretended to be x in their eyes, so the few people were very upset. In addition, they were exhausted by the instructor on weekdays, and naturally wanted to The fire was on him, and as a result, the scene suddenly became hot.

Even the fire made a crackling noise in a tense atmosphere.

After Su Jin finished speaking, he didn't care about what they said at all. He shook his shoulder and disappeared before the eyes of several people.

Several people had never expected that the instructor Su who came here was a stubborn stubble. After seeing him disappear, his heart was cold!


Su Jin is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, exerting unprecedented force. These people are not simple in physique, and they must have extraordinary human abilities, so he is not polite at all, and he is fistful.

All of a sudden, screams came and went one after another, and the first thing Su Jin took was those three people!

After the faces of the three of them were smashed into pigs, his fists slammed at the male player who was arrogant and ignored him!

I rub, a bit of strength! Su Jin's punch obviously underestimated the opponent's skill, and he even punched in the air, but he didn't use his full strength at all. He attacked with pure hand strength, but after the male player dodged for a circle, he immediately felt his ass. I was slammed on the floor!

Still pretend! It’s you!

Su Jin hated this kind of person the most, so he put it in the last one to clean up. This foot was also quite heavy, and it almost made him fly several meters away, almost hitting the two girls on the other side.

This kind of tragic scene makes people can't bear to look straight. Although Su Jin didn't kill them, one thing he was sure of was that their mother never knew them in front of them!

Su Jin clapped his hands, "Is there anyone who refuses to accept it!"

The scene was silent, and even the three male players who had just been beaten up all held back the pain, with only heavy breathing, and they were forcibly suppressing their pain.

After glanced at several people, Su Jin said coldly, "Stand at attention!"

This time, the two girls also came over. Although the four of them were unwilling in their hearts, they were still very convinced. To deal with people like them, you have to use your fists. You are better than me, and you are the king! Otherwise, go back and eat Xiang!

"Report your name." Su Jin said lightly.

The first three unconvinced male players immediately reported their names one by one.

"Zhao Fei."

"Wu Yang."

"Little fat."

After Su Jin heard it, he turned to look at the young man who had been kicked by him. I wiped it. Not so close, he really didn't pay attention to it. This girl is even more handsome than himself, a little white face type! No wonder you are proud, the family situation should be pretty good, otherwise how could it be maintained like this! He regrets a bit, but he didn't ruin his face just now.

"How about you." Su Jin asked coldly without being polite.

"Ye Dong." The young man's expression was a bit ugly, but he still said obediently.

One of the other two girls was very quiet and the other was obviously very active. At this time, she said first: "Instructor, my name is Wu Qiaoqiao, you call me Qiaoqiao."

Afterwards, Qiaoqiao pulled the quiet girl again.

"Ji Xue." The quiet girl nodded.

"Okay..." Su Jin was about to take a break afterwards. After all, he had watched this thing on TV before, and now it should be quite good to put it on the shelf, but soon he frowned. There was a loud noise.

"Grandma's, who would dare to grab my soldiers! You can't die!" Some sturdy voice appeared.

Su Jin felt that the other party should be a very rough man. Sure enough, he turned around and looked at the figure who kicked the door open, feeling a little helpless.

What is this old fellow, to keep this kind of people away for Mao?

"Who are you?" The male instructor stared at Su Jin fiercely and asked.

"Why answer you? Didn't the above tell you? I temporarily take over here." Su Jin looked at him lightly.

"Take over? Has I got approval from Lao Tzu! Who asked me? Doesn't count if I haven't asked me!" The male instructor snorted.

Although he has a rough appearance, is 1.8 meters tall and weighs two hundred jins, he is not stupid. He was very powerful just now. Maybe he is an instructor here. Which is a simple character? So he naturally looked at Su Jin first, but he soon discovered that the other party looked like a rookie, with no momentum at all, so he was bolder.

The other male team members were also a little gloat. After all, Su Jin just beat them up. Although this rough male instructor also abused a few of them, they just saw Su Jin not pleasing to their eyes!

"With your approval?" Su Jin looked at him coldly.

"Why! Lao Tzu's soldiers are not allowed to touch anyone without my approval!" The rough male instructor stared at Su Jin and said.

"What if I did?" Su Jin sighed. The old guy is making trouble for himself, but if he was just released from prison, he might still be half jealous, but now, he wants to persuade Mao. ? There is no reason to counsel!

"Haha, then you are dead!" The rugged male instructor is an X grid who is fearless and fearless. He can naturally feel that Su Jin owes a beating, so he waited for Su Jin's words to fall, his black hairy arm Then he punched over.

This punch, if you hit an ordinary person, you can kill the opponent with one punch!

Su Jin suddenly had a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and said unhurriedly: "It's just right, you should also rest."

His words made the rugged male instructor take a stab at him, but he slapped him in his hand without turning back! At this time, the male instructor's expression was a bit hideous.


Everyone just felt a shudder on the ground, and there was dust falling on the roof. They looked intently and found that their fists were clashing together.



The rough male instructor's face was pale at this time. Although he had forcibly held it back before, he couldn't help screaming as the scream sounded.

As if there was a violent impact, after another punch with Su Jin, his figure was directly blasted out of the door by the fierce wind, and then he fell heavily to the ground!

Su Jin stood still on the spot. He still admired this instructor. He was very strong, but his personality was a bit too irritable, and he had just faced each other, and his fists were just a little numb. There was nothing wrong with him. Comfortable place, so in this regard, he beat the opponent.


Very miserable!

The instructor was knocked out by the opponent in one move? Not even backhand strength!

The six special team members stared wide, with a dull expression. When they reacted, they all looked at Su Jin with BT. The four men who were dissatisfied before did not dare to say anything. Can you provoke, definitely not!

Su Jin was very satisfied with the expressions of these people, and then pointed to the male instructor who had just been beaten up by himself, and said with a faint sneer: "I believe no one has any objections now, right?"

"Yes, the instructor is so powerful, we serve!"

"Instructor, I have a beautiful sister who hasn't been touched yet. Do you need a wife?"

"Damn—you fight for sister? Believe it or not, I fight for mother?"

"You can do it, you can fight it!"

Su Jin looked at the three dishonest people in a quarrel, his face turned black, who are they?

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