My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 137: Miao Jiang girl

"Well, don't make any noise, take a good rest in the evening and train tomorrow morning." Su Jin waved his hand and said.

He wondered, it's no wonder that these goods were miserably repaired by the instructor. It was all right. If you don't die, you won't die, and it fully manifests in them.

After speaking, Su Jin glanced at a few people, "Why haven't you left?"


Others dared not be disrespectful to him. At this time, Wu Yang touched his face and smiled and said: "Boss, we live here, where do you want us to go?"

Su Jin was stunned. Nima, four men and two women live together, what style? However, two girls should have the ability to make four men afraid of them. It should not be easy.

But this is not convenient, isn't it? After all, there is a difference between men and women, and it is not convenient for the two girls to go to the toilet. He immediately rolled his eyes and said, "You can find a place to live, as long as tomorrow... well, it will be done at four o'clock tomorrow."

"Four o'clock? Damn, it's so cruel." Several big men were crying in their hearts, even if the instructor of the beast just asked them to train at six o'clock, Su Jin came two o'clock early, four o'clock. , The sky is still dark!

But it should be good to be able to go out and find a place to sleep alone. They have been fed up with this place for a long time, and there are many people with small ideas. As for indecent other female soldiers, they dare not, because they have long heard that some people were born. Killing, whether it is a special player or not, you can have an idea about the female soldier, but if you do it, it will definitely be a miserable end!

As for escape, can they escape? There are people who smoke hundreds of miles away, and they need transport planes for supplies. They estimate that they were thirst and starved to death before they left the desert. This hasn’t happened before, so other people dare not think about it. .

After seeing the four men walking out, Su Jin turned to look at the two girls and curiously said, "Why don't you leave?"

"Instructor, this house is the best, can you let us live?" Wu Qiaoqiao said with a small mouth.


This is the rhythm of driving the instructor's brother out to live.

Su Jin was speechless, but when he saw the two girls walking by the fire, his face was startled, and he could see the appearance of the two girls clearly.

Wu Qiaoqiao's appearance is that kind of girl who is very watery and full of aura. Her face is as small as her figure, petite and cute. What makes him strange is that she wears a very special bamboo basket around her waist. Very beautiful clothes, it seems that as girls, they love more cleanliness than other men.

But Ji Xue makes Su Jin even more curious. She has a much better figure than Wu Qiaoqiao. Although the fruits in front of her are not too big, but the quietness makes people feel calm and refreshing. Kind of very ladylike feeling.

Su Jin smiled and nodded, "No problem, ladies first, if you choose here, I will find another place."

There is no way for this. As a big man, he competes with women for land? Are you ashamed?

"Thank you Brother Su, you are much better than that big bear!" Wu Qiaoqiao said with a smile.

Su Jin was stunned, and understood that the big bear he was talking about was the male instructor who had been beaten badly by himself before. After he reacted, he couldn't help but smile, "It's getting late, you guys have a good rest."

"Can't sleep, Brother Su, can you chat with us?" Wu Qiaoqiao now wants to take the opportunity to get to know Su Jin. For this man who is similar to their age, he has such a strong strength. As a similar person, naturally very curious.

Su Jin looked at the time, and it was just after 8 o’clock. If they wanted to chat, it’s okay. Thinking of this, he nodded and sat down on a simple chair. The two women also gathered around the fire, using some Looked at him curiously.

"What abilities do you all have?" Su Jin looked at Wu Qiaoqiao's bamboo basket, and he had a feeling in his heart that this girl is not simple.

Wu Qiaoqiao smiled and stood up very sunny, "I'm from Miaojiang!"

Miao Jiang? It's far from here, but it's definitely much closer than Qincheng.

"Then your ability is Witch Gu?" Su Jin took a deep breath, definitely this, because he had heard the old guy once said that Miao Jiang's most BT is the Witch Gu technique!

"Yes, you are so smart." Wu Qiaoqiao said with a smile, "I will show you."

"Good." Su Jin had only heard of it, but had never seen it.

Then, Wu Qiaoqiao raised her two white tender little hands, and Su Jin didn't see when she put the whistle on her lips. A special whistle appeared, very small.

Su Jin frowned. Wu Qiaoqiao’s strength is still too small. If you deal with a person like him, there is no chance of winning at all. He has heard the old guy say that Miao Jiang’s Wugu death is very powerful, as long as you practice it to the extreme, You only need to use special abilities to summon poisonous insects to your side, or to use the Witch Gu God to control people silently. Wu Qiaoqiao is obviously a lot worse, but this thing only needs to increase in strength. It's nothing.

Ji Xue, who was next to him, had obviously seen Wu Qiaoqiao’s display, so she didn’t say anything.


A series of small voices appeared, and Su Jin frowned. After a while, he saw more than a dozen sand snakes walking by, and the speed was not slow!

These sand snakes were not poisonous, and they were of little use in the deserted city. Su Jin didn't understand what she wanted to show.

I saw Wu Qiaoqiao holding one of them in his hand, and then after kissing it, let go.

"It's over?" Su Jin couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Wu Qiaoqiao said while looking at him.

"and then?"

"They are all gone."

I go, I know they are all gone! Several black lines appeared on Su Jin's forehead.

Wu Qiaoqiao shook his mind and understood what Su Jin meant. He hey smiled and said, "That's it, Brother Su, although they are not very smart and can't speak, but I can communicate with them... very mysterious. Kind of communication."


Su Jin took a breath. This is too BT. If this ability is placed elsewhere, it will be invincible. Just imagine, if she is by her side, she wants to spy on other people’s conversations and see other things. Is there anyone in the room, isn't it all a secret to her?

Seeing the shock in Su Jin’s eyes, Wu Qiaoqiao smiled and shook his head: “However, this ability also has limitations. First of all, I can only control them within ten meters after recruiting them, and it’s a waste of energy. Yes, I will have a headache if I communicate too much, so I don’t want to suffer that kind of pain."

Fortunately, Su Jin almost didn't feel ashamed. This ability he thought so, it must be very useful, but if there is a distance limit, then this ability is not very useful, and it can even be described as chicken ribs, but if As her strength grows in the future, this situation will definitely improve a lot.

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