My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1311: Be seen through

By the river in the city.

The school where the Purple Phoenix Boat was located was still terrifying. Thousands of lights lit up the county and prospered.

At this moment, there are several big colorful boats parked by the river, the color of the hull is festive red, and the red lanterns the size of a millstone are connected in a string, brightly lit.

The huge venue was vacated, and the scene was black and white, and it was all monks who came here, with different levels of cultivation.

When Su Jin and Yang Ziwen came, they were quiet in their ears, not many people were talking, they were mostly whispering to each other, and among the three colored boats, there was a lot of fairy music, and it was obvious that there was a piano girl and a flute in the ensemble. The middle one was obviously ten feet taller, and everyone's eyes were all on the highest central colored boat.

"The brothers who came earlier have seen Linglong Aoxue go up. Sure enough, the little lord is really as beautiful as the rumors, and there is no pretension at all. Unlike other distinguished people, they will go up later." Someone whispered.

"Keep it down, don't kill—"

"Here! Look! There is another big man on board!" everyone exclaimed.

Yang Ziwen and Su Jin stood side by side on the shore, and they also spotted the person who showed up. After seeing Young Master Su, he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth. It really was a big show!

I saw more than a dozen young people wearing golden armors separated in two rows. A strong young man wearing a crown, with a powerful momentum, walked from the armor master to the side of the ship ladder, step by step on the ship, on the deck At that time, I didn't even look at the onlookers.

"He is full of blood and vigor, wearing a nose ring, a faint dragon-like face on his face, and a powerful aura. This is the young emperor of Chilan Kingdom!" Yang Ziwen took a deep breath.

"The cultivation base is not bad." Su Jin nodded in agreement.

Yang Ziwen was startled and said, "Brother Yefeng, he is at least a master in the early days of the aspiration. The prince trained by the power of one country will become the emperor of Chilan Kingdom in the future, and his cultivation is naturally good."

"How many people imagine him like this, aloof." Su Jin smiled and shook his head. From the envy of other people's eyes, he knew how noble the other person was.

"The same person has no fate, let me wait for the monks to practice hard work!" Yang Ziwen smiled bitterly.

"Someone is going to board again." Su Jin suddenly said again.

Sure enough, after Su Jin's voice fell, an old man carrying a divine sword appeared, and in the blink of an eye he jumped from the ground to the boat.

Amid the suspicion of everyone, Su Jin learned that this was an elder from the Hanging Sword Sect, with an extraordinary identity.

In just ten minutes, two more people got on the boat!

And the last one caused a great uproar. When everyone chanted long live, a beautiful woman in a veil came gracefully surrounded by many maids.

"The princess of the Great Zhou Royal Family!" The smile on Yang Ziwen's face was about to melt. He pressed his own heart, as if afraid that his heart would jump out of his heart, and said the identity of this woman.

Su Jin only saw her in a luxurious brocade, with a faintly beautiful appearance under the veil. She was not real, but this woman was not very pretentious. When everyone was clamoring, she waved to all the fan monks and then walked slowly. The color boat caused a sensation.

"This is over?" Su Jin was a little disappointed.

"Brother Ye Feng, don't worry, Zihuangfang will also show a treasure, and people will come out of the color boat in a while, and we will go home after watching it." Yang Ziwen was not disappointed, and said with a smile.

After waiting for another twenty minutes, Su Jin was a little impatient. Just as he was about to persuade Yang Ziwen to leave, a few beautiful disciples came out from the color boat, with a delicate scroll in his hand.

Su Jin stared at the scroll, strangely strange.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. I won't let everyone come in vain this time. I will wait for two things. One is that I was lucky enough to get a piece of calligraphy from Lord Su Jin, which has been refined by the ancestors of the clan. Lingbao, if you take a look, please come back!" A female disciple with white teeth had a pleasant voice, standing on the bow of the boat and speaking, so that everyone could see it more clearly.

Everyone made a sensation again, and Zihuangfang announced in the morning that he had received Su Jin, but never expected that this matter was true, and left a scroll of calligraphy, which is unimaginable.

The female disciple wore a plain white dress gown, carefully holding out a scroll, and with the cooperation of the other two women, slowly opened it...

When the handwriting was fully opened, I did not expect that the purple air in the sky began to quickly condense, and the handwriting on the banner flashed with purple light, revealing the ultimate arrogant taste!

"Isn't Jin Lin a thing in the pool, it will transform into a dragon in a storm!"

Everyone was shocked, and they couldn't think that the Confucian literati spirit could have such a domineering expression. This poem is destined to be eulogized, and the calligraphy is priceless, and the font is arrogant and domineering. Handle a sharp sword straight into the sky!

A purple qi rose from the lines between the words, and there was a purple dragon faintly tossing and roaring in the sky. Some people stared quietly, and even one could not help but fell to the ground and vomited blood!

"This must be from Su Jin's hand, and there is dragon energy in the ligature, otherwise it will not provoke aliens!" Someone was extremely excited, which obviously matched the sky that many people had seen.

"Could it be that the young man named Su Jin who showed the appearance of the purple dragon was the real reincarnation of the emperor? Otherwise, how could such a majestic dragon aura breed?" Some people were shocked and boldly guessed.

"It must be. This scroll has just been refined into a spiritual treasure. If it continues to be nourished by the spiritual energy in the future, and artificially refined, the mighty power may shake the world!"

Slowly, the woman in plain clothes closed the scroll slowly and put it away intact.

It should not be displayed for a long time. This is explained by the above. For one thing, some cultivators are weak. If you see too much, it will hurt the roots and not conducive to the practice. It is also afraid of accidents. This spiritual treasure is destined to be accepted. No one can **** from the treasure pavilion.

"Beauty! You only did one of the two things, what about the second thing?" Someone could not hide their excitement, and asked directly.

"Yes, one more thing..."


Seeing that the place was a little messy, the Suyi girl couldn't help but said with a smile, "Don't worry, the second thing..."

Everyone is dying in desperation, and the plain-clothed girl is still selling off, and deliberately stopped, so that everyone can't be known urgently. It's so angry.

"Say it!"

"This scroll is the first thing, and the second thing is the finale, it must be more important!"

"Ciao, Xiao Niangpi will be sultry!" I don't know who it is, scratching his head, and can't bear to explode.

The face of the girl in plain clothes suddenly became tense. She glanced at all the monks outside, and said with a trembling voice: "I am waiting for the order of the eldest lady to come to the bow to greet Master Su Jin..."

what? Everyone seemed to be struck by lightning, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Not only was the masses shocked, even Young Master Su frowned. How did Liu Mengwu know that she was there?

It seems that it is not easy to be a crowd of onlookers, and it can also be found by inexplicable means. Su Jin smiled bitterly.

What can I do now? Can only show up!

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