My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1312: You let me lift the veil

Immediately, Su Jin was relieved.

Since Liu Mengwu knew that he was on the scene and sent someone out to invite, naturally he would not allow anyone to make a fuss here. With the ability of the'Purple Phoenix Boat', he would definitely be able to do this.

"What? Su Jin is really there?" Some monks were very surprised.

"Zihuangfang doesn't want to make a joke about this, but why doesn't he show up?" Some people looked around.

"The big news is absolutely heavy. If you can see the young people showing the open air, it will definitely be more shocking than seeing the princesses of the Da Zhou royal family. I will be able to brag about it when I go back!"

The scene was a sensation, and there was a commotion. Obviously, this news was much more important than anything before. Everyone wanted to see the true face of Su Jin's Lushan.

Yang Ziwen was also sighing, turning his head to look at Su Jin's face and asking: "Brother Yefeng, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother Ziwen, sorry, Su did not deliberately conceal it."

Su Jin's voice became a line, his face constantly changed, revealing his true face, and then a folding fan appeared in his hand, which opened with a whistle, and the battle roar on the map of the mountain **** Dachuan suddenly roared, fierce and unstoppable, and then he continued. Said: "You go back first, and I will find you when I'm done."

Yang Ziwen was stunned on the spot, and did not respond for a long time.

There was silence in the field, and in horror, he took the initiative to give way. Su Jin walked to the river, gently slammed the fan, exerted a little force on his feet, and the whole person was flying over the bow of the color boat in an elegant posture!

"Meet Mr. Su Jin..." The girl in plain clothes, with a beautiful face and a beautiful appearance, led the two female disciples with excitement, half-kneeled and bowed her head.

"You're welcome, Miss Sister, please—" Su Jin stretched out his hand in front of the Suyi girl.

When she heard the three words ‘Miss Sister’, the plain-clothed girl’s face was hot and scary. When she was embarrassed, she put her hand on the big hand and was lifted by him. Immediately, following the women, Su Jin walked into the pavilion on the color boat.

After a few people disappeared, there was a rare lively scene outside the venue.

"This person is calm and gentle, with a flamboyant temperament, and is polite to others. I didn't expect the real person to come!" Some people were excited and difficult to understand.

"I really saw it. He dared to come out after Xu Yichen spoke. I admire this kind of attitude."

"I can brag with a few juniors when I go back. Su Jin will definitely be a hero in the future, and his future is incalculable. I didn't expect to be by my side!"

"I'm not envious, this person is now high enough to be comparable to the princes and princes of all countries, and in the future will become a popular guest of honor in some holy places!"

Yang Ziwen was so excited that he was trembling all over. He never expected to get to know Su Jin like this today. Naturally, he would not blame Young Master Su for hiding his identity. Anyone would be more careful when he changed his position. You must know that he showed the appearance of the purple dragon. People! You can sit on the same level as those of noble status on the color boat!

Inside the color boat pavilion.

Following the notice from the Suyi girl, Su Jin walked into a prosperous living room and saw a few people he had seen in advance, as well as those he hadn't had time to see.

The first to bear the brunt is Linglong Aoxue from Exquisite Blessed Land. This girl has an expressive face, exquisite features, and a slender figure. It is wrapped in a snow-white dress. There is a little cinnabar red on the eyebrows, and the skin is white and tender. Sure enough, she is the number one beauty known as the "Izumo Thirteen Prefectures", so pure that she is unimaginable.

Then there is the Emperor Shaoman, who is more than 20 years old, and his stature is so burly that it makes people feel a sense of domineering power.

The old man of the Hanging Sword School, with tiger eyes engendering wind, although he is an old man, his spirit and spirit have reached the extreme, and he is a terrifying master.

Then came the princess of the Great Zhou royal family. This woman covered her face with white gauze, faintly revealing a face that was not inferior to Linglong Aoxue. She was more casual, and she was also looking at Su Jin with her posture.

Liu Mengwu Su Jin had seen it, but she was a girl who looked like her seven or eighth, but it aroused the idea of ​​Young Master Su. This female icy muscle and bones, with a faint purple qi lingering all over her body, seemed to have confuced her. Dao enlightenment has reached the extreme, is this woman Liu Shiyin?

It must be!

The last thing Su Jin saw was a young man with crescent brows. His ears were not human-like, his ears were very sharp, and his pupils were blue and gold. He wanted to be a proud disciple of the half-demon family!

"Master Su, please sit down." Liu Mengwu leaned forward and backward with a smile, his body trembling constantly.

"Everyone, Su was just joining in the fun, but Miss Liu was recognized by an unknown method, very helpless——" Su Jin was also polite, arching his hands, holding the folding fan, and sitting in Zhou Guo The position next to the princess was unwavering, without the slightest tension.

Several people also looked at Su Jin.

The Shaoman Emperor of Chilan Kingdom squinted his eyes and smiled and said: "I heard that Brother Su has cultivated his mastery of the Xuan Dynasty, which has spurred the world and the world, so I came to see him and got fate. I didn't expect to see the real person. My name is Chi. Lan Huge, compared to this name, I still like people calling me Shaomanhuang. This is the young patriarch of the'Moon Wolf Clan' of the half-monster family."

"Sword Wolf." The young patriarch of the Moon Wolf clan nodded to Su Jin.

At this time, Liu Mengwu saw a few girls watching Su Jin. While wondering, he looked at the sword wolf and said: "The moon wolf clan is also called the god-eyed man wolf. Although I know the reputation, I have never seen it. Through this supernatural power."

"That's all about the vulture." Dao Lang's tone was still calm, and he responded politely.

The Emperor Shaoman smiled, "I heard that Brother Su is from the Binghuan country. The old Daowolf must be familiar with that place. I once knew that he had been to the far north and found the eyes of the white-eyed spirit eagle. The environment was extremely harsh. , I didn't expect a strange person who can show off in the open air."

"You guys, don't be so polite. Others don't know. I don't know why you are here..."

Liu Mengwu smiled and told the truth: "The depths of the Jiuyou Jedi are not easy to enter, especially the'Forbidden Immortal Fief' within a thousand miles. There have been countless great abilities buried in the bones. I must have learned about it recently. A lot of news, the'call' that came out of it became stronger and stronger. From the perspective of the little girl, it must be a trap set by the deceitful demon."

"Eleven years ago, my grandfather took a "black gold pot" from the ancestral treasure of the sky-defying and went into it. He has never returned, and his whereabouts are still unknown. It's still there, besides, his calling has been constant during these eleven years, and he must be alive." Dao Lang shook his head and said.

"The Emperor Tai also brought the national treasure, the Great Tiger Treasure Seal. As in the situation of Brother Daolang, my father and I can often hear his calling recently. Presumably the prohibition has begun to weaken, and it is now for rescue. The best time." Shaomanhuang's nose was dangling, his face solemn.

"I also found the news and came together. It's just that because of the appearance of Young Master Su, I took a step first, and several elders of the Supreme Beings will leave for the next day." Linglong Aoxue's small mouth is pleasant, although she didn't say it clearly. But apparently there was also a great power within the gate that was lost in that'forbidden immortal fief'.

Liu Mengwu covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Hehe, let's not talk about this solemn topic again when everyone is here. The protagonist today is Su Gongzi. I have arranged it specially. Mr. Wendao Wolf comes from the God Eye Wolf clan, is very proficient in the source stone, can break the mystery in the stone, everyone is not weak, all are experts, how about betting on the stone?"

Betting on rocks?

Su Jin smiled helplessly in his heart. Obviously Liu Mengwu wanted to see and meet him. After all, he had the experience of cutting out the ancient sacred stone. Other than the curiosity about him in the open-air appearance, they wanted to come to this source stone art. What needs to be seen is just not explained.

"Okay, I will definitely stand on Su Young Master's side." Princess Da Zhou smiled, her veil swayed, but she didn't show her face.

"What if I lose?" Su Jin looked at Princess Da Zhou in surprise, unexpectedly she stood aside so quickly.

"But it's okay to bet." The princess of Da Zhou has a lot of capital, and the princesses of a country are naturally not afraid to bet on stones.

"Then what if... I helped you win?" Su Jin rolled his eyes and started to make bad ideas.

"Won, what do you want to do?" Princess Zhou asked in a uncertain tone.

"It's very simple. If you get something you like, you let me lift my veil and see what I really look like?"

After Su Jin finished speaking, he was itchy in his heart, and the feeling that he could not wait for a few scratches, the princess Da Zhou had obviously been accustomed to wearing the veil.

The real situation is that Su Jin guessed right!

Princess Da Zhou has been wearing a veil since she was seven years old, and until now... almost no one has seen her true face, so...

It depends on how the princess of the Great Zhou royal family responded!

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