My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1319: Shocking

Seeing where he was, Su Jin stood in the air.

A fierceness that seemed to come from ancient times suddenly appeared, everyone was shocked at the moment when the fierceness appeared.

Su Jin's right arm had a big change in his vision! I saw a trace of black and red power entwined on his right arm. In a blink of an eye, his right arm was enveloped in a thick black and red fog. The fog gradually shrank. A huge beast skull with antlers on top The blood basin with a few sharp teeth appeared on his arm.


Su Jin greeted the giant tiger with the word king, raised his right arm, and blasted out with a punch—


Let everyone stunned.

After the deafening sound, the giant tiger was blasted through the body with a fist from Su Jin, and could no longer roar arrogantly. The entire tiger body also turned into a little golden light and dissipated in the world.

"It's terrible--" Yang Ziwen was trembling in the crowd. He rubbed his already stiff face with his hands. Just now he maintained a shocked expression all the way, and the muscles on his face began to twitch. It was hard to believe what he saw. A few scenes.

"This Su Jinjing this battle, if he does not must be known as the Eastern Territory, and the first battle cried!" Someone said in a daze among the crowd.

"Yeah, it's amazing. Xu Yichen rarely has such an opponent. Now he is firmly suppressed by the opponent, I can't believe it."

"Xu Yichen himself is known as the first person in the Eastern Region, and now he has suffered a lot!"


On the color boat, she was still amazed.

Long Yingru's expression became more and more surprised, and said: "It is recorded in the Great Wasteland that Qi, Ren Chong, and a corner of the elk's dragon tail. Nie Lin, Mi Qi Ye. In this arm, there is the power of a unicorn."

"The unicorn arm, whose whimsy is it, who took such a big risk to refining an ancient unicorn soul in his arm!" The old man Rongfu was stunned and shocked.

The Emperor Shaoman’s jaw almost fell off because of this, his tongue was bitten severely by him unconsciously, and he said: “I have a great demon in the northern barbarous land. I call myself the ancestor of the Qilin. Semi-Holy Power, if he saw it...I don’t know how surprised it would be."

"He's getting more and more interesting." Linglong Aoxue nodded slightly, her beautiful eyes radiating strange brilliance, not knowing what she thought.

But Liu Mengwu, who was deterred, stood back again. She looked at the other'sisters', her brows were lightly condensed, and her heart was a little depressed. Now Su Jinjing will be famous in this battle, and she will want to make peace. He doesn't know how many beauties are all Taoists, hum, I'm afraid other beauties present have this idea too.

Dao Lang was staring at Su Jin, his heart became unbalanced, saying that it is not to be jealous...

In the field, after Su Jin smashed the giant tiger, he was not fatigued at all. Now the lonely spiritual energy around him is constantly being absorbed by him, and the huge amount of power is supplying him, and he strode out directly, with a touch of blue light on his feet. Going directly to Xu Yichen's side, he directly punched again.

Although Su Jin was extremely fast, Xu Yichen was also alert, and his face turned blue after avoiding the punch.

I thought it was a crushing game, but now it was turned into this by Su Jin. After Xu Yichen dodged directly from the void bag he carried, he drew a nine-shot flag, shook his hand and hit the four sides, to control the small square world.

The nine-bar flag sank into the void, but some people still saw the words on it.

On each banner, there is a word written: Lin, Bing, Fight, Zhe, Ji, Array, Column, Front.

"Heaven-level Lingbao, nine-character curse flag!" Old man Rongfu was surprised, "Xu Yichen's methods are so many, I didn't expect Shaoyang Sect to even hand over this heavy treasure to him."

"Nine to the extreme, the soldiers descend on the earth, the flags are sealed to the sky, the King of Fighting Holy War is on the top, I sacrifice the blood of the saints, and the incomparably powerful spirits of the flag, help me kill the enemy! Alas!" Xu Yichen appeared in his hand when he said the words. A half-inch high porcelain bottle, from which a ash-golden blood ejected.

The Nine Array Flags waved out a misty curtain, united, and directly used the ‘saint’s blood’ above the sky as the source of power, and the aura immediately filled the earth!

Elder Rongfu screamed, a distressed scream, and yelled: "This Shaoyang Sect is too arrogant! Sacrifice with real saint blood just to kill Su Jin? If this saint blood was taken by the kid Xu Yichen, You can go up to two small realms directly, and your combat power is endless. It's simply a ruin!"

"Sage's blood! Not good!" Liu Mengwu's face was pale, Xu Yichen was mad and wanted to use all major means to obliterate Su Jin and kill him on the spot.

"Sister, you should go to the patriarch as soon as possible, and let her take the initiative. Naturally, this can stop all of this." Liu Shiyin was also a pity, and he didn't want Su Jin to be beheaded, so he hurriedly said to her sister.

"It's terrible!" Long Yingru had no good idea. If she just wanted to use the Lingbao to help Su Jin, but now it is completely useless. The blood of the saint is extremely precious, even a small drop of Rongfu can do it. Meat hurts, showing how mysterious and mighty it is.

"It's a pity Brother Su, I can't help if I want to." Shaomanhuang's expression was uncertain, and then he sighed heavily.

"From the very beginning, he pretended to be compelling. He was capable, and he was amazing. But I have seen Xu Yichen a few times, and there are really few people who can compare it. There are countless genius masters killed by him. He is not surprised by his hands." Dao Lang smiled composurely when he saw this, his tone was somewhat mocking.

And these remarks also caused several beauties to stare at each other, and the knife wolf suddenly became uncomfortable.

"Brother Daolang, you shouldn't say it like this. Brother Su and I were very angry at me at first sight. You can tell what other beautiful women think about you?" Shaomanhuang blamed.

The sword wolf ignored the eyes of everyone, and suddenly said nothing, with a little bit of hatred in his eyes, and stared at Su Jin. It was the first time to meet each other. He was a passer-by. He first dropped Su Jin on the source stone and felt a little bit in his heart. Unhappy, now that everyone else is speaking for Su Jin, a few fairies are also dissatisfied with him, and now he even really wants to see Su Jin killed by Xu Yichen, killed in a miserable way!

"Don't be happy too early, what if Su Jin didn't use all the means?" Liu Mengwu said to someone, she is now in a dilemma. If she asks for help right away, it will take time. It's already too late, maybe this Su Jin will be in danger within a short time.

Sure enough, she was right.

A scene that shakes the world and the earth is about to unfold. Now Su Jin's eyes are brighter, and he is communicating with Xiao Umbrella in his heart.

Soon when everyone was not optimistic about Su Jin, few people noticed that there was a black umbrella on his back, just like ordinary rain gear, it could not be restrained, but it could cling to the back like the back of his body. Freehand like a long sword.

Xu Yichen squinted his eyes with a smile on his face. Now he is using the holy blood as his ‘lead’, and all his power is poured into the formation flag, holding the nine battle flags, so if Su Jin is still immortal, he doesn’t believe it at all.

Suddenly, Xu Yichen's smiling face stiffened and became extremely ugly. He roared, "Dare you take my saint's blood!"

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