My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1320: Sharp question

It was too sudden.

Just when everyone was not optimistic about Su Jin, the drop of ‘gray gold’ saint’s blood was suddenly pulled by an inexplicable force in the sky above the "Nine-Character Curse Flag" and disappeared directly--

"what's the situation!"

Regarding the repeated accidents in the battlefield, the others were not confused and not much worse. Why did the ‘sage’s blood’ that was held by the nine-character curse flag disappear for no reason?

Only Su Jin knows that although he has the confidence to defeat Xu Yichen, it is the power of the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana, appearing outside the territory, in terms of a small umbrella, there is a risk of being perceived and discovered by the supreme power, and the power under the seal Use once less once, and sometimes it will run out. After using it, there is too much movement. If it is not for real life and death, it should not be used easily.

Now with this saint's blood, the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana can be easily grabbed, and it is not difficult to defeat Xu Yichen with the power of the saint's blood directly! So there is just this situation!

When everyone was astonished, a ash-gold sage blood was directly refined. The instantly refined sage’s blood was too terrifying. It rushed straight into the sky and directly broke through the barrier blockade of the'Nine-character Curse Flag'. Not only that, but also a beard and hair. The white-eyed saint stood up from the void.

The White Eyed Saint is several tens of feet high, and a yellow gourd hung from his waist. Although it is a virtual image, it also scared many monks with low cultivation.


A bolt of lightning shot into his white eyes and hit a curse flag directly.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the huge curse flag collapsed like a tall building, and strands of ashes floated out of it, turning this curse flag directly into dust!

Xu Yichen spit out blood fiercely. It was because of his amazing cultivation that he couldn't stop it. You must know that this'Nine-character Curse Flag' is one of his refining natal weapons. They are connected with each other, and they will be given immediately after being destroyed. He caused trauma.


The second shot was destroyed.

Then the third shot, the fourth...until the ninth shot was wiped out, the old saint with white hair and beard, his figure faded away, slowly disappearing.

The breeze struck, and everyone who watched the game couldn't help but hit a spirit. The power of the saint's blood was too great. This blood must come from the white-bearded old man. Only if there is spirit in the blood can it be regarded as'Holy'. It is really terrifying. .

On the other hand, Xu Yichen now has a disheveled hair and spilled blood all over the floor. He is already severely injured and dying. He was struck by the power of a saint on the'Nine-character Curse Flag' that is connected to his mind. .

"I'm not reconciled! You took my saint's blood!" Xu Yichen was very resentful, with bloodshot eyes, staring at Su Jin who was walking along. He couldn't accept this result. The opponent's cultivation base was clearly worse than his. Few, but he let himself suffer such a serious injury, but the other party is in peace.

"Yes, I shouldn't take your saint's blood, just like...I can't kill you with the weapon that takes you." Su Jin mocked.

Xu Yichen was silent and calmed down. He was too eager to say that. It would be a laughingstock to say that. But now he is in the prime of life, but because of his serious injury, he is no longer Su Jin’s opponent. After staring at Su Jin, he said, "I will kill you in the future, so I will let you go away for a while."

The chariot behind him suddenly rushed, and the wildebeest spewed a blue light directly, engulfing Xu Yichen in it, opening a channel directly from the void, submerged in, and disappeared without a trace.

Su Jin frowned.

He had long felt that the car was extraordinary. It was so capable. It was just the best chance to kill Xu Yichen, but now he escaped. It is really regrettable.

Cheers from the audience——

Su Jin won!

He stood in the court as a winner, unique. And Xu Yichen flees like a mourning dog. Outside the territory, the winner is king, the loser is the bandit, and the weak eats the strong. People only care who wins, no one sympathizes with a weaker!

In the cheers, Su Jin held an extra folding fan in his hand and opened it.

The roar of battle roared, and the peaks above undulated and stretched continuously. It was the Shaoyang Sect's "Mountain God and Big River Picture", but now it has become his Young Master Su's property. After all, Xu Zihao was beheaded by him, and now his elder brother has escaped from injury again.

Immediately, Su Jin landed on the color boat.

"Papa Papa——" The Emperor Shaoman clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Su is really a dragon among people. If I were to confront Xu Yichen, I would have very little chance to win, but Brother Su can do well. I really admire this person."

"Since ancient times, geniuses have been young and old!" Old man Rongfu sighed with emotion.

Dao Lang condensed a trace of depression on his face without saying a word. He was also surprised by the result, but the victory was set, and there was nothing to say.

"Master Su, if he is free in the future, you can visit my Linglong Fortune Land, very welcome." Linglong Aoxue nodded immediately, with a pleasant voice.

Long Yingru stepped forward. Regardless of other people’s opinions, she handed the pregnant Shi Ying to Su Jin anxiously, ignoring other people’s opinions, and said: "You are her'dad'. This princess is not used to Others are sleeping, so I leave it to you!"

Liu Mengwu:...

Shaomanhuang and others:...

The crowd onlookers all wailed, what is the situation? Why did Princess Da Zhou, one of the goddesses of the whole people, suddenly have a child?

There must be something strange in it!

Su Jin’s source stone can’t be cut anymore. He plans to find a chance to slay the stone by himself. The Shi Ying in his arms sleeps sweetly. After thinking about it, he said, “Wife Yingru, there are no men with children since ancient times. Yes, be more obedient... take her to bed."

When Yingru said the word "wife", the whole audience was "Petrochemical".

"You, you--" Long Yingru gritted her teeth, undulating in front of her, the scenery is infinitely beautiful, and her angry face was flushing, when she saw Master Su put the child on her arm, she didn't pick it up, nor did she pick it up. .

Still picked it up! Otherwise, what do those people think when everyone is watching?

Su Jin's folding fan fluttered, and when he saw Emperor Shaoman and the others laughed secretly, he said with a light cough, "It's too early, Miss Mengwu, please go and rest."

"Okay." Liu Mengwu knew that Shi Ying was born with a stone baby and where Long Yingru's child was. He immediately ordered the other female disciples to start disembarking and lead the way, to rest in a well-prepared residence, and no more parties.

The crowd of onlookers also began to leave. Liu Mengwu wanted to think about Su Jin first, but was rejected by him. He had no choice but to do his own business first.

When there were still two people on the last road, Su Jin and Liu Shiyin walked together in a tacit understanding.

"Last night, I was fortunate to pass by and heard Miss Shiyin studying. I felt the same smell, but when the loop came back, the young lady had gone to bed and was disappointed to leave." Su Jin said as he walked to Liu Shiyin.

"I am also shocked by Su Gongzi's Confucianism and Daoism. The future is boundless, and he is destined to be proud of the world." Liu Shiyin blushed, she was praised by Su Jin, a little nervous.

"Miss Shiyin is polite, it's too early, why don't you and I drink a few glasses, how about exchanges?" Su Jin Shixing proclaimed.

The night was about to deepen, and Liu Shiyin didn't know how to answer this request. Normally, he might already be asleep at this time.

In silence, Liu Shiyin thought about it for a while, and felt the "bad intentions" in Su Jin's words, and couldn't help pretending to be annoyed: "It's okay to learn and exchange, but you have to tell me one thing - "

"What's the question? This young master knows everything and can say nothing." Su Jin promised immediately.

But immediately following Liu Shiyin's question, he asked him like five thunders, shocked and tender...

Liu Shiyin asked: "Are you from China?"

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