My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1322: Night princess

Although the idea is good, Su Jin feels it should be a trouble.

Long Yingru, as the princess of Zhou Dynasty, if she throws that Shi Ying to herself, how can her grandfather be able to raise her?

"Miss Shiyin, it's not early, let's go to bed early." Su Jin still has to go and take a look, otherwise the princess and herself will not have trouble, even if they say good night to Liu Shiyin.

"Okay." Liu Shiyin looked at Su Jin a few more times before nodding, and then staring at the silent two.

"Miss sister, please lead the way." Su Jin said to the female disciple, and made a gesture.

The girl didn't mind when she heard calling herself ‘Miss Sister’, she was indeed much older than Su Jin, but she was not accustomed to calling her like that.

Leaving the door of Liu Shiyin’s residence, the female disciple was leading the way. She always had an inexplicable illusion. She felt that there was a special eye behind her looking at herself. Of course, that person must be Su Jin. She had this for the first time. This kind of feeling, flushed his face, silently led in front.

Su Jin followed, watching'Miss Sister' dressed in a green shirt, her exquisite body wrapped in it, the bag was tight, but the perfect line on her figure was outlined.

Although this young lady is only a disciple, even mortals have better figures. He deliberately follows behind the other person, walking slowly, which is quite seductive.

Skip the two small stone bridges, the surrounding scenery is good, and there are no less than dozens of varieties of rare and exotic flowers. Zhou Princess Long Yingru was arranged in a glorious pavilion in front of the small stone bridge with a few green leaves outside. The green willows are full of meaning, and the environment is quiet and peaceful.

Su Jin had never been so worried.

When the first small stone bridge came over, he faintly heard Shi Ying's crying, and now he immediately came to the pavilion, and he didn't know what would happen after entering.

"Cry and cry, cry and throw you into the river--" Long Yingru threatened viciously.

"Don't cry, let this princess sleep?"

"Still crying, let your dad come and clean you up later..."

Su Jin, who stopped outside the door, trembled and looked innocently at the ‘Miss Sister’ who was snickering. That’s good, it’s a disaster.

"Princess, do you need any help?" Su Jin sighed and asked loudly.

"You're here? Why didn't you say it earlier? Come in!" Long Yingru was taken aback. She was annoyed by being rectified just now, so she said that. She must have been heard by Young Master Su. went.

Miss Sister's smiling face was about to cramp, Su Jin stretched out her hand and motioned to her to go back, here he will take care of it.

Then Su Jin strode forward and kept stepping on the steps. Secretly, he also found a lot of Zhou's masters. After paying more attention to him, he came to the door and pushed the door open.

The interiors of the pavilion are brilliant, golden light, very in line with the royal decorations, with strands of wonderful scent wandering through them, Su Jin closed the door, and saw the bookshelves, the smoky incense burner, and a large bed on the side. But the big bed is surrounded by curtains.

Shi Ying's cries spread from here.

"Princess, can you be on the bed?" Su Jin's heart jumped and felt the presence of the bed.

The bed curtain moved a few times and opened a hole. Long Yingru moved her legs first, and the official Su who was watching was dumbfounded.

Such legs are simply rare, slender and terrible, white and greasy, plus those little feet that are not much bigger than a palm, it is simply unimaginable. On those little feet, the little toes appeared like crystal clear jade, and they got into the slippers, and then Long Yingru got up.

The satin-like silk clothes appeared, Long Yingru's veil covered her face, she didn't wear much, her flat belly and belly button were exposed, and she was very cool.

"Look at her, I'm so sleepy... I've been crying and crying all the time." Long Yingru kept shaking her arms, but Shi Ying was still crying and torturing her upset.

"I'll take a look." Su Jin really didn't want to pick it up. To define it accurately, this Shi Ying is not a ‘person’.

Sure enough, Shi Ying, who was crying aloud, had no tears, but her crystal clear white face was frowning, as if she had suffered a great grievance, and it was pitiful.

Only then did Long Yingru free her hand, now her arms were sore, and her face relaxed a lot.

"You don't know how abhorrent this little thing is. I sent a few people to take care of her. It's useless! I cried for a long time, and I feel like I'm going crazy..."

Long Yingru was talking, with a surprised expression: "Hey, why do you hold her so that she won't cry?"

"Sister, where did you bring a child like this?" Su Jin sighed heavily, and then said: "You can't hold her in a position, you sometimes have to..."

Su Jin lifted Shi Ying up and down with both hands... up and down...

Shi Ying didn't cry, she also giggled.

"That's so tiring--" Long Yingru couldn't help saying. However, she borrowed this method. If only this works, she will go home when the time comes, and directly let a few females "nanny" to raise them, if she cries again, she might really collapse.

"It's better to be bigger than your head." Su Jin handed Shi Ying to Long Yingru, let her try it, and reminded her to keep smiling and not to be harsh to her.

Long Yingru tried twice, then hugged it back in her arms, and she didn't cry for a while, which made her feel refreshed, and she immediately hugged the child and walked to a tea table with Su Jin.

The tea table was very short, and there was a precious blanket spread on the ground. She gently crossed her legs, so Su Jin couldn’t help but look at it a few more times. Then the official himself poured two cups of tea on his stomach. The evil fire in his body was suppressed. During this period, Long Yingru teased Shi Ying's smiling face with his fingers, and found that it also had a miraculous effect.

"I haven't named her yet! What would you like to call her?" Long Yingru asked.

"You chant--" Su Jin shrugged.

Zihuangfang’s tea is good. It has a cool and sweet taste when you drink it. It is refreshing and refreshing. It is very useful to suppress the evil fire. Otherwise, the wonderful Princess Zhou, sitting in such a stately manner, the young master may really be unable to help it. Discuss with her about life.

"How about calling her Shuang'er?" Long Yingru asked Su Jin for advice.

"Long Shuang'er?"


"It's pretty good. I am very optimistic about its future. As long as the princess carefully adjusts it in the future, it will be very helpful to Zhou's future." Su Jin nodded.

"Really? How did you tell?"

"I don't want to hide it, I have the ability to look at the face." Su Jin changed his body and said that he was a magic stick, with a deep meaning in his tone.

"Divination? I don't believe it..." Long Yingru shook her head, Shi Ying in her hands stopped crying, but still jumped a few times. She tried to put her on the ground, and she really saw her full of joy. Get up and move.

"Forget it if you don't believe it, this young master's physiognomy is unprecedented, you must have never seen it before." Su Jin sold it off and said with satisfaction.

Long Yingru's eyes were full of suspicion. She stretched her hand in front of Su Jin and said, "Let me see!"

"The palmistry is too low-level, this son looks at the career line." Su Jin said earnestly.

Long Yingru was dumbfounded, she didn't know what the career line was--

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