My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1323: The maid in bud

"Where to look?" Long Yingru suddenly felt unpredictable.

If it was someone else, she would really think it was a liar, but Su Jin was a magical person and knew a lot. She faintly believed it, so she hesitated to ask.

Su Jin is already familiar with the princess anyway, and there is no one else in the room, so he put down the teacup and moved his body to Long Yingru's side.

Poor Long Yingru really didn't understand, but she had never been so close to a stranger. Su Jin raised her hand to hold her little hand, and suddenly felt warm in the palm of her hand, and a feeling of bonelessness appeared from her hand.

Young Master Su approached and reached in front of her, as if he was about to explode in his intuition. Although the princess's jade body was wrapped in Chinese clothes, she wore a cool night to sleep, and she was immediately looked at by the officials.

The officials are full of emotions, Long Yingru’s beautiful body can never pick out any shortcomings, it has grown up long ago, and has a tendency to expand, but think about it, how can ordinary women eat well, I’m afraid All kinds of Xianzhen have been used, but I can't think of Hongmei.

"You, you!" If Long Yingru doesn't notice anymore, how can she be a clever princess of ice and snow? The face under the veil was red and hot. She finally understood where the career line that Young Master Su said was looking at. This guy is a bastard. If he was in the royal family, he would have been guilty of gouging and beheading.

"It's a natural, flawless body." When Su Jin spoke, it was difficult to understand. "Forget it, the princess will be in good health in the future, without the disaster of blood and light, and Fuze will be accompanied. You can be a princess in this life with peace of mind."

"A ghost believes in you."

Long Yingru was not irritated. From her point of view, anyone would say such nice words, and it was all because of the advantage that she said she would be so-called ‘seeing the picture’.

"It's a pity that I can't see the princess's face. It's a pity." Su Jin stared at her veil closely, and now he has the urge to reach out and pull the veil.

But impulse is the devil, Su Jin's ability to restrain himself is very strong, knowing that he can't bear it, he doesn't want to be Zhou Guo's messenger.

"You tell me sincerely, want to see my face?" Long Yingru said this boldly with a hot face.

"Thinking is thinking, but as a casual cultivator, I'm afraid of getting caught up in it. It's not appropriate..."

Su Jin shook his head repeatedly and said, "Princess, let's drink tea!"

"It's just that, if you don't want it, you won't do anything to you. I'm so timid." Long Yingru hummed, her tone of voice full of mischief.

"Wait later, I don't want to oppose your entire royal family. That would not disturb my heart of pure cultivation." Su Jin felt that it is not the time now, and it is not good to make an accident.

"I don't understand you."

Long Yingru feels that the atmosphere is a bit subtle. How many people want to marry her, and how many people want to see her even under the veil. Now that he is so proactive to give him a chance, he hasn’t done anything yet, obviously right. The first glory of the royal family is not very interested.

"You will understand later, the life of Xianyun Yehe, I am more inclined to the former than the royal glory and wealth." Su Jin shrugged, sat back opposite Long Yingru, and drank tea lightly.

"No matter what, once the immortal forbidden land is over, if you are sure to visit my country of Zhou, you will definitely be treated with the most solemn state banquet." Long Yingru said.

"No problem." Su Jin nodded.


After that, the two talked about some relaxed topics, especially the "Forbidden Immortal Fief". Su Jin deliberately guided this issue. He was a person in the domain and didn't understand this.

I learned from the princess that this time it seemed very difficult. Eleven years ago, the Jiuyou Jedi beasts were raging. Some big monsters led the powerful monsters to attack the city, threatening to regain lost ground and drive humans out of their former turf. Fortunately, the peerless power came to suppress it. It was negotiated again.

More than a thousand miles away, the'forbidden immortal fief' in the Jiuyou Jedi also appeared at that time. Each family had great abilities to plunge into it, and was deceived by legends, saying that it was originally a fairy grave with mysterious immortals inside. treasure. The powers of each power never return, and disappear without a trace. Until recently, the blood inheritors of the major powers have heard sounds that become clearer and clearer.

Many people suspect that those great abilities were just trapped in the "Forbidden Immortal Feudal Land" and did not die. Now there are people and horses gathering from all directions, and the Jiuyou Jedi is back.

"See you tomorrow, princess!" After learning about this, Su Jin and the princess bid farewell and turned away.

While on the road, the young lady was still waiting by the stone bridge. After seeing Su Jin, she smiled and said, "Master Su, I have been talking for a long time."

"It's not early, it's time to rest." Su Jin smiled.

"Follow me." The female disciple of Zihuangfang directly led the way.

After that, Su Jin lived in a pavilion that did not lose any royal visitors, and there were several beautiful maids inside, saying that they were ordered to serve him.

These beautiful maids were not the disciples of Zihuangfang, but the lowest servants outside the territory, and they were all very young because they had only a period of cultivation. After Su Jin asked, the eldest one was only nineteen years old, and he was in bud.

"You all find a room to sleep, I can do it myself." Su Jin smiled bitterly, Zihuangfang was too polite, even the water used in the bath was a top-quality spiritual spring, and I was revealing that I wanted to rest. At that time, these maids came up to dress and bathe him.

"My son, please punish me." The beautiful maids knelt down in front of Su Jin in fear, and shivered on the ground, lest they did not do well, and annoyed Master Su.

Su Jin:...

In desperation, the official Su raised his arms, and several women in the bath changed clothes for him. He suddenly discovered that the foreign folk customs were also quite open, otherwise, how could there be such an amazing move?

As Su Jin entered the water, several maids also went down with joy, and began to wash him carefully. This superb spiritual spring is also of great benefit to the women, and it is good for the improvement of their cultivation. After all, they will not let go of this kind of good thing!

After washing, Su Jin did not touch them, which made the women grateful, and then went back to the room to sleep.


In the early morning, a wisp of purple clouds shone with the sun, and there was a scent of birds and flowers in the Purple Phoenix Boat, a vibrant scene.

Su Jin fanned the folding fan early and wandered around. Before she knew it, she walked outside Miss Liu Mengwu's boudoir, which was a coincidence.

"Master Su, did you sleep well last night?" The door opened, and Liu Mengwu held a half-palm comb in his hand, slowly combing a blue silk on his shoulder.

"Sleep well." Su Jin kept looking at the part in front of Liu Mengwu that was covered by ink hair, and didn't care that Miss Mengwu gave him a blank look.

"The slave family worked hard to make arrangements yesterday. I overslept a bit, and now I am still a little tired." Liu Mengwu walked to Su Jin, stopped the comb in her hand, and Ren Su Jin's eyes lingered in the eye-catching position in front of him.

Su Jin woke up, looked at Liu Mengwu with interest, and said, "Miss Mengwu, I don't know something. In the crowd last night, how did the lady know that I was there?"

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