My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1324: Destroy Dao Ding

"Ha ha."

Liu Mengwu smiled and touched Qingsi and said, "The son doesn't know, my physique is the'Phoenix Phoenix Saint'. You hugged me the night before, so I will leave my smell on my body, although outsiders can't smell it. The faint fragrance, but in my perception, you were as dazzling as a beacon."

Su Jin:...

In the final analysis, it is not honest with your hands that you will be caught, no wonder who.

"Hug and hug. Fortunately, we are not enemies, otherwise you may recognize me everywhere." Su Jin didn't expect this to happen, but now he knew it in his heart, and it was very free and easy.

"I haven't been hugged by a man before--" Liu Mengwu glanced at what he said lightly, and cast him a big eye again.

Su Jin's eyes turned, his shoulders swayed, and people also appeared behind Liu Mengwu, hugged her again from behind, and said in her ear: "again, again and again, since Miss Mengwu is not disgusted What’s wrong with holding it a few times."

Liu Mengwu's face was hot, her stiff body was so stiff that she was hugged by those arms, she couldn't help but leaned against that powerful chest, her heart was ashamed, and she felt that Su Jin's arms were all touched... …

The so-called gaining an inch is referring to Su Jin’s behavior. You must know that this is not inside the house, but outside——


The cracking sound of a piece of porcelain falling to the ground was extremely clear.

"Let go of my junior sister!" An angry voice appeared.

Liu Mengwu's beautiful body broke free from Su Jin, his face was flustered, and after looking at each other with Su Jin, he found a young man more than 30 meters away.

This young man with tiger eyes and sword eyebrows, of medium build, came striding forward. He is dressed in a blue gown, looks handsome, and looks quite temperamental, about the age of twenty-five and sixty.

"It's Senior Brother Yue Yunjie." Liu Mengwu's eyes flickered, reminding Su Jin.

"I don't care." Seeing the other party's aggressiveness, Su Jin said he didn't care.

"Junior Sister! Who is this person?" Yue Yunjie pointed to Su Jin and asked Liu Mengwu with a full face.

Liu Mengwu smiled and said, "Brother, I have said that the practice courses are important. I don't have to give me ‘bao porridge’ every morning. I don’t like it."

"If you don't like eating, you can talk to your senior brother. The senior brother understands more than a hundred porridge techniques. I just want to know who he is, so he dare to hug you like that!" Yue Yunjie gritted his teeth.

Half a month ago, he just came out of retreat. In the past few years, I heard that Senior Sister Mengwu likes to drink porridge for breakfast. He has learned more than one hundred kinds of porridge recipes for her, and wants to impress her. As one of the most talented and distinguished disciples in this vein, he Yue Yunjie has his own pride.

For a long time, he had been thinking that the patriarch would be able to marry Sister Mengwu to him, so that he and Sister Mengwu could become a Taoist couple. Who would have thought that he had just come to pick up the porridge and saw such a heartbreaking scene. How could he not be chilled? .

"Senior brother may be far apart, you read it wrong." Liu Mengwu was anxious deep in her eyes, and she did not expect to be seen by Yue Yunjie.

This Yue Yunjie is the strongest genius in Zihuangfang’s “Juefeng” line. A month ago, he retreats firmly and has just broken through the “Aspiration Realm”. Liu Mengwu does not want Su Jin to have any conflict with him, otherwise there is no winner, and he is counted as a winner. Own people.

"How could I read it wrong!" Yue Yunjie gave Su Jin a vicious look.

Liu Mengwu still wants to talk--

Su Jin raised his hand and said lightly: "You are not mistaken, but I do not hold her, what do you care?"

"You're looking for death! She is mine..." Yue Yunjie said in a hurry, shaking his mouth.

"Brother Yue, what are you talking about!" Liu Mengwu gritted her silver teeth. She didn't dislike Yue Yunjie. Although she admired his talent in cultivation, she couldn't talk about liking him. With such a sentence, Yue Yunjie directly told her to never Disgust', to a certain degree of disgust.

"It turned out to be just a poor worm, Lang Youqing, my sister had no intention of--" Su Jin said lightly.

"You, I tore your mouth!" When Yue Yunjie saw Liu Mengwu clear the relationship, he admitted that he was impulsive, but Su Jin's words directly touched his final bottom line.

There was a snake head armguard on Yue Yunjie's arm, and the snake eyes flickered on it, and his figure flashed directly, raising his fist and blasting towards Su Jin——

Liu Mengwu wanted to stop, but it was too late.

The black and red brilliance on Su Jin's right arm flickered.


The violent forces collided, giving birth to a circle of vigor ripples, the cyan gloom and black-red energy, the colors were distinct, and the huge momentum made people very shocked to see.

Yue Yunjie, who was in a hurry, trembled all over, trying to get rid of that huge power, but still took two steps back, shocked in his eyes, and he couldn't believe it. He is the strength of the aspiring period. Among the young talents, how many of them are of this age Achievable! But Su Jin just doesn't move!

Although Liu Mengwu met Su Jinfawei last night, Yue Yunjie’s power of an anaconda is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Leaving aside the magic weapon, Xu Yichen used his strength to punch Senior Brother Yue, which is probably not the upper hand. But now Su Jin has stabilized Brother Yue!

"Impossible!" Yue Yunjie stared at Su Jin now that his arm hurts and couldn't help shouting: "Who are you!"

"Brother Yue calm down! Last night Xu Yichen, who was known as the number one person in the Eastern Region, was defeated by him when he fought against Young Master Su. He fled in embarrassment and was almost killed by him. You are not his opponent..." Liu Mengwu was anxious. Advised.

"I don't believe it! Come again!" Yue Yunjie didn't want to be embarrassed in front of his beloved junior sister. He tried to suppress Su Jin, directly holding Yuan with both hands, and a ‘Daoding’ rose above his head to free up.

This is a three-legged tripod, with snakes swimming on it, densely packed with Dao marks, and a wonderful Dao rhyme. After Yue Yunjie yelled, he rushed into the sky with an unparalleled power.

"You are too close to me."

After Su Jin finished speaking, he directly mobilized his full strength and patted the Dao Ding on Yue Yunjie's head.

Miss Mengwu was shocked, and she opened her mouth and shouted: "Su Gongzi is merciful!"

Su Jin's speed derives to the extreme. There is the blessing of the Qingzhou at his feet, and Yue Yunjie is not allowed to react. With a punch in the Qilin arm, he directly bombards the Dao cauldron!


The palpitating fluctuations appeared. After Yue Yunjie yelled "No", the three-legged Dao Ding directly shattered with Su Jin's full punch! Turned into fragments of green light.

Liu Mengwu's raised hand hasn't come and put it down, and she feels a little unbearable to look straight.

Yue Yunjie only broke through to the aspiration period recently, and he hasn't stabilized at all. I believe Su Jin has seen this a long time ago, so he bombarded strongly at close range, and it really had a miraculous effect.

"Puff." Yue Yunjie's hair was loose, he vomited bright red blood, and he was already seriously injured. He doesn't care about the others now, and he directly swallows the blue light, constantly catching the broken Dao Ding fragments and incorporating it into his body, so that he will need a big price in the future to repair the root Dao Ding, otherwise there will be no breakthrough in the future.

"Smelly boy, the methods are really harsh."

A mature and annoyed female voice appeared in the air, which was refreshing and pleasant.

Su Jin's handsome posture was still maintained, and he couldn't help but look up at the sound, and immediately stunned——

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