My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1339: It's all blockbuster!

"you sure?"

Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows, his excitement was beyond words.

"Of course I'm sure, go—"

"Wife! You are becoming more and more satisfying to me..."

"Ha ha."

Xia Yuyan walked to the door and opened the door, Su Jin also jumped up from the sofa, taking the lead as a matter of course to the living room.

The TV was still showing the usual commercials. Su Jin skillfully turned the remote control to that channel and entered the password Xia Yunxi had told him. At this time, Young Master Su turned his head and glanced, seeing his face shy, sitting on the sofa. Yuyan wife, he finally pressed the OK button proudly.

Damn it!

Sure enough, they are all blockbusters!

Su Jin was stunned, watching the pictures that appeared on TV, and found that they were all kinds of serious science fiction blockbusters abroad. There were a lot of justice films with zombies, family comedies, and fierce battles between police and robbers. The only exception was the lack of high officials. The kind of film that people have seen before, this is not the result he wants!

Damn, it must be Xia Yuyan's ghost. He once found sister Yunxi, but he was caught on the spot. Maybe he changed the channel at that time and replaced it with serious resources.

Su Jin was down.

Ten minutes later...

Xia Yuyan's face rested on Su Jin's shoulders, watching the'Smecta Kingdom' movie earnestly, and giggling from time to time, while Master Su's eyes were dull, with a cigarette in his hand, and he kept busy. , Was peeling the orange, and then put it into Xia Yuyan's cherry blossoms petal by petal.

Burst into tears

This movie is too serious!

After Su Jin peeled two oranges, Xia Yuyan couldn't eat it anymore, but she watched it seriously and was engrossed in the movie. She didn't seem to notice her husband's hand on her lap.

Finally, Su Jin resigned helplessly and got up.

"Don't look at it?" Xia Yuyan asked, squinting.

"I didn't even look at it at all!" Su Jin hates, what a broken movie, isn't the Smecta country claiming to be more open than any other country, there is no kiss, and the hostess hugs it when she is sad. There is no me. You don’t have to watch this kind of film.

"It's pretty." Xia Yuyan's face was full of innocence.

"You see!"

"You just slept in the afternoon, are you still going to bed now?"

"This king is going to take a bath—"

Su Jin left a word, walked into the bedroom, and started to wake up completely under the torrent, and it took a while to wipe out his depression.

After taking a bath, Su Jin began to count all of his treasures, a few petals of the seven-petal charm lotus, eight enlightenment talisman seals, and the "green gold striped fragments" obtained at the Beijing exchange meeting. Of course, the most important thing is The ghosts, Buddhas and Bodhi all eventually appeared in the'Mountain God and Dachuan Map'.

Now in the mountain **** Dachuan map, there are Chengshan cigarettes. Although they were purchased with nearly 2 million funds in China, they are far not worth the price outside the territory. In the foreseeable future, a ‘big dog family’ is about to be born!

Su Jin was wearing pajamas, lying on the bed, with a seal of enlightenment in his hand.

On this enlightenment talisman, a trace of the Taoist mark seems to be walking slowly, Su Jin intends to find a chance after going outside the territory to try a big breakthrough, but these enlightenment talisman can be used, but I don’t know how effective it is, Fu Luo There are some of the princess, even Fairy Ziyun knows its importance, and it will not be ordinary if it wants to come outside the territory.

One hour, two hours, four hours of riding a horse--

Su Jin didn't know when he fell asleep, but he felt a dazed feeling that someone hid in his arms. He was very familiar with him, so he held her body tightly, and there was a place full of warmth in his hands. Move closer to your arms, face to face, and then fall asleep at ease.


In the early morning, a dazzling sunlight shone into the room.

Su Jin felt the remaining warm next to him, and then looked at the time. It was already half past seven, he moved off the bed, stepped on the board and walked out.


The door of the living room was closed, and the lotus arm left the doorknob vaguely. It was a wife!

"Don't look, it's sister." Xia Yunxi said while drinking milk and looking at Su Jin.

"I know it's your sister..." Su Jin's face was bitter, why did Xia Yuyan watch it so late last night and didn't go to sleep?

Su Jin naturally knew what she was thinking.

She was scared--

Su Jin is not a man who is troubled by others, and everything is just fine. On that day in the near future, Xia Yuyan will definitely be happy, break all imprisoned thoughts, and will fulfill him.

The twisted melon is not sweet!

Su Jin can only comfort himself like this.

"What's the matter? I didn't even come out in order not to disturb you watching the action movie last night!" Xia Yunxi said blushingly.

"Don't mention this! The egg hurts!" Su Jin didn't get angry. It turned out that the so-called'action movie' was really an action movie. It was a firestorm, and various special effects bombed the sky and the earth. All people retreat, and the human beings on horses have won!

"Sick?" Xia Yunxi suppressed a smile, obviously guessing.

"You stinky girl, do you know the inside story? The channel is clearly clean..." Su Jin stared at Xia Yunxi and asked.

"I really don't know! What happened on earth?" Xia Yunxi asked strangely.

Su Jin squeezed his fist, gradually loosened it, sighed, and said, "Forget it, don't care about you, my brother has a good mentality, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly."

"Actually, since my sister knew that there was such a channel, she had asked her to call for a change." Xia Yunxi covered her small mouth, giggled, and told the truth.

"Just your thief--" Su Jin had nothing to say.

"Brother Su, I can't finish the milk." Xia Yunxi handed over half a cup of milk to Su Jin, "Drink it!"

Su Jin held the milk cup and began to drink it. The taste was sweet. God knows that Yunxi girl has added a few tablespoons of sugar to it, but the eldest master didn't bother, and drank Xia Yunxi's milk in a few mouthfuls.

"Are you not going to work?" Su Jin glanced at her and asked.

"I give myself a vacation, the company has nothing important." Xia Yunxi took the cup and smiled, his eyes narrowed into crescents.

Su Jin smiled and nodded, took a cigarette, turned and walked to the sofa to sit down. After thinking about it carefully, he had to set up the overall situation outside the territory, starting with the royal nobles first, so as to promote his cigarettes.

Once the fame rises, Young Master Su will become the only monopolist of cigarettes outside the territory. Of course, he still has to be a hand shopkeeper, so let's try something in Zizhen County!

In his thoughts, the future is bright.

Su Jin breathed too much and drew on the fragrance, Xia Yunxi put the cup back, and came to him to sit down, but saw that Big Brother Su thought about it--

"So full!" Xia Yunxi touched her flat abdomen, squinted and lay down on the sofa.

There was a fanatical strange color in Su Jin's eyes, and he stretched out his hand...

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