My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1340: War will begin

Xia Yunxi wore a pink dress with flowers.

The material is chiffon, very soft and smooth, and she is dressed like a sister next door, making Su Jin feel that there is a wave of heat on her body.

All in one!

She had a small white face, her fine snow-colored legs, and then she wore a pair of blue slippers on her little feet.

Su Jin's hand passed the hem of the soft skirt above her knee, touched the warm knee, held it, and said, "Sister, no matter how much you eat, you haven't seen you get fat--"

"Hehe, I often got sick when I was a child, and this girl has a bad stomach, so I can't eat fat." Xia Yunxi felt the warmth of that big hand, a shyness flashed in his eyes, and there was an urge to take it away.

"If there is a place in the future that is not the so-called monogamy, would you like to go with me?" Su Jin suddenly asked.

"Ah? Abroad?" Xia Yunxi covered his face, and almost instantly the blush spread all over his cheeks. Why is Big Brother Su asking about this now, so embarrassed——

Although Xia Yunxi didn't clarify, Su Jin had already got an accurate answer. There was no way...I suffered a lot from Yuyan's wife, and we can still get a lot of comfort from our sister Yunxi.

"Needless to say, I already know your thoughts."

Su Jin retracted his hand, confident brother instantly possessed the body, reflected in him, and then said: "Tell Yuyan, I will go out for a while and do a big thing."

"Going again!" Xia Yunxi opened her beautiful eyes, blinked her big eyes, and said with her small mouth pouting.

Su Jin shook her heart, holding her little face in both hands, and kissed her——


It didn't take long for Su Jin's confidence to disappear in Xia Yunxi's eyes.

Just now, Su Jin not only kissed her again, but also...

Xia Yunxi could still feel the pressure of his fingers just now. After a long time in front of the door, her shyness gradually faded. With a happy smile on the corner of her mouth, she thought...How could she not agree? There is no better man in the world than Brother Su--

Su Jin did not drive and walked straight out of the house.

At the crossroads where pedestrians are in a hurry, traffic is busy, red lights stop and green lights go, many people are waiting patiently...

The pace is too fast.

Su Jin suddenly felt unreal, in another place, outside the territory. Life there is completely different, realm, practice, and fighting. The winner is king, combat power is the means of survival, and these will always be the main theme outside the territory.

"Mom, did you bring your wallet? The teacher asked you to pay the money, don't you forget--" a little girl in pink with croissants, holding her mother's hand, asked at the crossroads.

"Bring it. Xunyi must study hard and strive for the top three in the exam!"

"Hmm!" The six or seven year old girl glanced at Su Jin, then took her mother's hand and started crossing the road.

Su Jin woke up with a smile, stopped, and continued to walk towards the Temple of Yama. Although the estrangement of the endless ages and the exhaustion of aura, the current China, for ordinary people, is not a pure land?


Nearly two hours later, Su Jin was on the beach in Kuhai, with a Tsing Yi robe and a folding fan to protect his body.

When he got to the shore, Su Jin felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The noise of Zijiu County can be faintly heard. Although the "Forbidden Immortal Fief" will be opened soon and there will be many people, it will not be so noisy.

The sky above the'Nine Nether Jedi' not far away was full of black crows, and you could faintly see the gleaming of colorful precious lights, and I don't know what happened.

Su Jin frowned, thinking of a terrible fact.

Has it already begun?

Without making more stops, Su Jin rushed to resemble the city of Zijiu County, and there were many more people outside the city gate. Most of them rushed to Jiuyou Jedi.

"Brother, ask, what's going on here?" Su Jin asked the young man who was on the road in a hurry. There was a woman in white clothes beside him.

"Just here?" The young man was still patient.

"Yeah." Su Jin nodded.

"It's still a matter of the forbidden immortal fief. Yesterday evening, the great demon in the Jiuyou Jedi provoked and said that the ‘forbidden immortal fief’ belonged to their demons and no one was allowed to enter."

The young man was talking, with some unbearable anger flowing out of his face, "They deceive people too much! Eleven years ago, the beast tide was sent to attack the city and threatened to take back the lost ground of the monster race. At that time, my human race was against the sky. They were only defeated when they were able to make a move. The agreement signed at that time, written in black and white, was 1,500 miles away from Jiuyou Jedi to govern my'Izumo Thirteen Prefectures', and now they have to tear the contract!"

"My grandfather died here eleven years ago. Although we are weak, we can still be regarded as a group, and death can't let those monsters dominate!" the girl also said.

"Do you know how the battle is now? Who participated?" Su Jin frowned and asked.

"Some great abilities are still a while away, but it is known that Palace Master Jiujiang, Fairy Miaoyun, and Extinction God and Niu have all gone, and the proud disciples of various sects have also rushed there. I am Jianyi. One of the disciples of Zong." said the young man.

"The Shaoman Emperor of Chilan Kingdom, have you heard that he has gone?" Su Jin asked again.

"Yes, he is together with Linglong Aoxue and Princess Dazhou. Someone saw the people from Jiujiang Water Mansion and entered the Jiuyou Jedi. He has not returned yet." The youth nodded.

Su Jin smiled and said: "It just happens that I have nothing to do, so let's go to help out with Xiongtai!"

"Okay!" Seeing Su Jin doing this, the young man smiled and said, "Xiongtai is so courageous. When that time comes, kill a few more little monsters to raise the fierce power of my human race and kill them without leaving a piece! My name is Yun Tianyang, this is My junior sister, Linger, how about you?"

"Night breeze--" Su Jin put away the folding fan and said as he walked.

The picture of the mountain **** Dachuan is too important, and the young man and his junior sisters obviously did not pay attention to this folding fan, but there must be some people coming and going. He still doesn’t want to reveal his identity, so let’s meet Shaomanhuang and others first. , After all, it was unexpected that the war had begun.

Su Jin followed Yun Tianyang and the two people, and gradually walked towards Jiuyou Jedi. People encountered more and more people. They almost gathered in the crowd. All these people came to support, but the young master Seeing that few are in the infant and fairy period, if they fight, these people can say it is cannon fodder, but there is one advantage to more people, that is, they are well informed...

"It's too dangerous. I had a brother who retreated from the battlefield last night and saw the earth-shattering battle. Palace Master Jiujiang is really powerful." Someone admired him.

"Palace Master Jiujiang is powerful, naturally powerful. If it weren't for them to protect some of the juniors and let them escape, I'm afraid your brother would have to die on the spot." Someone teased.

"It's incomparable. They are all young people. Those young masters from the big sect have shown their strength, which makes me ashamed." A person who obviously participated in the war last night said with emotion.

"Yes! At that time, the Emperor Shaoman angered a demon genius in the later stage of soul refining, and the other party threatened to kill him. In the last fight, he was only defeated by half the move—"

"Tell me! How can the Shaoman Emperor's initial cultivation base be able to compete with the monster geniuses of the same realm in the later stage of soul refining?" Someone exclaimed.

"Listen to the master...The Emperor Shaoman wears a flawless saint-"

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