My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1342: Lord wants to accept you!

The people in the forest, at first only looked down on Su Jin.

Afterwards, someone finally discovered something was wrong, and a faint pink mist began to appear around, but everyone who smelled it felt dizzy.

"Everyone, be careful, there are monsters!" A monk reminded everyone to be vigilant.

Seeing everyone become vigilant, a laughter full of temptation sounded in everyone's ears, "Ha ha ha -"

Suddenly, a graceful figure appeared among the monks. Her eyes were different from ordinary people. Her eyes were strange pink. After her laughter, her posture was light, and many male monks opened their eyes and mouths. Drooling, staring straight at this thinly-dressed, slim-looking girl——

The girl has long pink hair and a seven-colored bell tied to her neck. Ling'er has a soft voice when she walks up with her delicate snow-colored legs. She is all in one color, fair complexion, and a delicate figure. When I laughed while walking, my body trembled, as if the whole person was dancing.


The girl's pink eyes became more and more rippling, her hands stretched out, six bowl-thick tails, straight up from behind!

'Puff puff'!

The six tails directly penetrated the six people who were intoxicated nearby, and the miserable screams of these six made everyone panic, and they continued to back away.

"The demon and fox clan!" Someone ran away in a hurry, shouting with a numb scalp.

The girl was not impatient or impatient, a burst of brilliance spread to her with the tail, and the bodies of the six people quickly dried up, and finally all the blood, blood and spiritual power were absorbed and looted by her!

"Oh, the cultivation base is too bad, not even a snack." The fox demon with pink eyes licked his mouth, and the six foxtails suddenly retracted, leaving only six human skins falling to the ground...

This scene is seen by people, as if they have seen a ghost, they are constantly backing away in fear.

It’s terrible, this demon girl is so conscientious, the methods are so fierce, and everyone who sees it, there is a chill behind her, the foxtail that **** human blood has the effect of'bone bone', people really become An empty skin bag!

"Huh?" The fox girl was surprised to see that there were still two people in the court who had not retreated, and all the others were hiding 30 meters away with horrified expressions.

"Run away--" Xiao Ling'er tugged at Su Jin's clothes. Although she looked down on this person, she knew him once, so she couldn't ignore the others and just run away.

"Why are you running?" Su Jin looked at Xiao Ling'er strangely.

"Don't die! Don't care about you!" Xiao Ling'er bit her scalp, gritted her teeth and rejoined the crowd. She didn't know Su Jin's details. From the look in Su Jin's eyes just now, she felt that this person's eyes looked pretty at Fox Girl If you are not serious, you deserve to be beaten to death!

"Interesting, aren't you afraid of me?" The fox girl with long pink hair felt her interest and smiled a few times when she looked at Su Jinyin.

"You're so stupid, why should I be afraid of you?" Su Jin felt inexplicable. Although he was watched by everyone like a group of chickens, these people were too wrong, and they were so ridiculous.

"You are so courageous in the fairy stage--" The pink fox girl pouted her small mouth, her tone was full of charm, and then she said again: "With this skill, sister, I don't believe you dare to stay where you are. Standing..."

"Is elder sister coming over? Okay, come here, I won't move to show you." Su Jin hooked her, and as she walked gently, the official Su, who spoke from ear to ear, almost stood on tiptoe. Tiptoe.

Now the benefits of being tall can be realized. Although the pink fox girl is petite, the beauty of the place is more flavorful than that of human women. Su Jin sees that her clothes are scarce, so naturally she has a big advantage.

Xiao Ling'er, who retreated into the crowd, was almost to death. Now the brother above her head is still fighting **** battles. When she left, she let this so-called'Brother Yefeng' protect her well. Now she has begun to be beautiful. The look was fascinated, and it was clearly at stake.

"Is this man stupid? The other party is a monster that **** human blood and does not kill people. He even covets the other party's beauty and does not avoid it!" A male monk in the crowd said in surprise.

"He is about the same age as ours, he must be a disciple from the martial arts, and his cultivation base is much higher than ours. If he had just helped other people kill the golden eagle, maybe we don't have such a crisis now!"

"He is greedy for life and fear of death, and now he is seduced by charm. He has already died soon!"

"It's over, I don't know if there are any hidden monster masters around, we are now irresistible, maybe we have to explain here."

The faces of everyone were as gray as death, and the pink fox girl's method instantly defeated their confidence. Fortunately, Su Jin was on the court to attract the attention of the demon girl, and there was no need to escape for the time being.

"Hey, you are very special, you are not afraid that I will kill you?" The pink fox girl came to Su Jin and allowed him to linger on her wantonly. Her tone was deliberately ruthless, and she also kept looking at Su Da. Master.

"Then do you dare to come up, and you are not afraid that I will catch you?" Su Jin felt that the other party was a little confident, and Jian eyebrows raised and asked.

"I'm so scared, you want to catch me——" The pink fox girl sighed with six foxtails behind her, "You are very interesting. Although the cultivation base is lower, it is a pity to kill. Stay with me. It’s not bad to be a personal pet by your side."

"I also want to catch a demon pet for fun. It just happens to be hot right now. You foxtail can still be used as a fan for your grandfather. Not bad. My grandfather has decided. My grandfather will take you!" Su Jin immediately made a big discovery. .

"you wanna die!"

The pink fox girl was touched by Su Jin, her face changed directly, six foxtails rose directly into the sky, soaring in an instant, each foxtail was as thick as a bucket, all fell to Su Jin and killed——

Many people despise Su Jin and don’t want to help him, but now they feel that Su Jin has no escape. As a member of the human race, they really don’t want to see the horrible scene of him being drained of blood, and some people close it. Lost eyes, such as Xiao Linger.

The **** and terrifying scene did not happen. The monk who watched with cold eyes quietly grew his mouth, with disbelief in his eyes.

Su Jin stretched out his palms into claws, and a violent voice appeared from his right arm, and a black-red half-round cover shielded him. It was the unicorn shield!

Six foxtails hit the unicorn shield, trying to pierce through, but only heard the harsh collision sound.

"Bang!" The shield of the unicorn was shaken open by Su Jin, and the six foxtails suffered from it. They were hit by a series of blade-like black and red fragments, and they retracted back.

Seeing that the pink fox girl suffered a small loss, she bowed her body in anger, and six fox tails spread out behind her back. The strong wind from her body also swept a lot of dead leaves on the ground. She was fully prepared and rushed over. !

In everyone's eyes, she has turned into a pink afterimage——


Su Jin took a palm of the pink fox girl with both hands, her powerful body remained on the ground, but the fox girl fell heavily to the ground more than ten meters away like a kite with a broken line!

At the scene, there was no sound!

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