My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1343: He, he is Su Jin!

"You have hidden the cultivation base!"

The pink fox girl was holding her shoulders, and her chilly voice made everyone awake. She hadn't expected that she would suffer a loss, but she just gave a full palm, which not only failed to achieve the expected effect, but was also injured by Su Jin. , The other party has nothing to do with Mao.

Su Jin lost his hand behind him, walked towards the fox girl, and said as he walked: "If you lose, you will be the king or the loser. You will stay by my side and be my pet in the future!"

"You dream!" The pink fox girl's figure suddenly split into six and began to flee like a square, trying to confuse Young Master Su's eyes.

But Su Jin's figure flashed and followed up.

All the people watching from behind had only one thought in their hearts at this moment, that is, how fast!

The actual body of the pink fox girl was very sure, and she used the way of incarnation outside to escape, but it was a pity that she met Master Su!

In less than a second, Su Jin's figure moved laterally to another position, holding Fox Girl's neck tightly in his hand, and even lifted her up!

It was just a blink of an eye, and the audience was in an uproar--


"Give you two choices, either die or become my demon pet." Su Jin's big hand did not relax. He liked this demon girl, how could she give her a chance to escape?

" I still have a choice?" The pink fox girl has an ugly face, but her eyes are getting brighter at this moment, and she is about to turn pink into purple.

What made everyone exclaimed was still to come, as the pink flames of the pink fox girl's eyes danced, and Su Jin's eyes that he was watching gradually turned into a weird pink.

Su Jin condensed his spiritual power, and his mind seemed to look directly into the depths of the fox woman's mind. He knew that the fox woman was not sincere, but he was not afraid that she would not give in. At this moment in the depths of the fox woman's mind he saw a picture On the antique phoenix couch, the curtains are drawn horizontally in front of the phoenix bed, and there is faintly visible a wonderful beauty with tulle covering the body, lying on it with a jade body.

This wonderful woman on the phoenix couch is the master of the fox girl!

Su Jin's heart swept away, and he wiped out all the illusory phantom phoenix couch, standing his majestic figure in it, leaving a deep mark.

" erased the mark of the Demon Empress——" The fox girl's face was pale, but in an instant, she looked at Young Master Su and looked different, and her expression also meant to obey.

"You will be obedient to me in the future, otherwise I will directly erase your mind and let someone else replace your soul, which is equivalent to killing you completely! Don't doubt what I said now, you are nothing in my eyes." Su Jin sneered , A folding fan appeared directly in his hand.

The folding fan opened, and with a light wave, the fox girl did not resist, and was taken into it.

"Mountain God Dachuantu! He, he is Su Jin..." A female Xiu Jiao shouted, her voice excited.

"Not long ago, he defeated Xu Yichen, who claimed to be the number one person in the Eastern Region, and many people just said he ran away!"

"My God, the legendary existence is so close to me—"

"Su, Su Jin." Xiao Ling'er was trembling, staring at the tall figure in a daze, she was suddenly confused, and when she woke up, her face flushed, she just said that That kind of words...

Everyone was extremely excited, Su Jin just sighed and raised the bangs in front of his forehead. In fact, he really didn't want to, and didn't want to show off in front of others...

As for the seven masters of the infant and fairy stage who are struggling to resist in the sky, three of them have been seriously injured and are about to be unable to hold on. The Golden Eagle Demon Race is too powerful, including Yun Tianyang, who are struggling to support, and the rest of them have a retreat. .

Only in an instant, an indifferent voice appeared: "Keep out of everything--"

Su Jin's whole body was like a cannonball, ejected into the sky, and a three-meter-wide dragon body enveloped him, full of purple light!

Yun Tianyang and the others were shocked, and quickly retreated far, and their eyes widened when they saw a purple dragon rising.

The Golden Eagle Demon Race felt heart palpitations, groaned strangely, turned his head and fled...

However, there is no use for eggs.


The front paws of the purple dragon slapped directly on the golden eagle demon clan's body, and the body of the golden eagle demon clan was instantly ruined, and a group of small eagle eagle souls shrouded in golden light came out of the body, trying to take the air away.

Su Jin's eyes lit up, his six claws covered the sky, he directly grabbed the golden eagle demon spirit, and his body was silently moving the exercise...

The golden eagle demon spirit screamed, and flames began to ignite all over its body. It was directly sacrificed on the spot by Young Master Su, directly plundering a large amount of its pure power.


Su Jin made a bean-like noise all over his body, and his realm skyrocketed. Such a demon clan could bring him infinitely close to the late infant stage. This trip to the forbidden immortal fief was indeed an opportunity for him. If it goes well, it is not impossible to break through soon!

The seven young masters in the infant and fairy stage looked at each other in horror. After seeing Su Jin opened his eyes and looked at him, except for Yun Tianyang, the other six had scalp numbness, and three of them regressed a distance. .

"Brother Tianyang, it's not wise for you to proceed like this. It's better to wait for the power to appear on the spot. I will go ahead and set off to meet the powers such as Palace Master Jiujiang." Su Jin said while looking at Yun Tianyang.

"Well, just over a thousand miles ahead is the periphery of the Forbidden Immortal fief. There are many people in front of us, and they can be easily found." Yun Tianyang couldn't hide his surprise, he already understood Su Jin's true nature. Identity.

"Thanks—" Su Jin nodded, and the purple dragon turned directly towards the destination.

After Su Jin left, the people below all made a noise.

"It's not easy for a wizard who can show the appearance of the purple dragon to kill the Golden Eagle Demon Race in one blow--" someone said with emotion.

"Brother Dao, didn't you just say that he was timid and left a long time ago?" A girl asked, looking at the person speaking coldly.

"Yeah... he saved us, including you, what do you say?" Another person also got involved and asked.


Naturally, Su Jin didn’t know or didn’t want to know about these remarks. He found a hilltop and changed his means of transportation. The power to maintain the soul of the black dragon was too great, and he could not sustain such a large consumption to use it to drive on. So he called out the dead crow.

Long long.

Su Jin lay on the dead crow with his head resting on the thin legs of a demon beauty. The snowy legs were soft and soft, and the slender green fingers touched the chest of the official, peeling the spirit of the special product in Jiuyou Jedi from time to time. The fruit'Crescent Orange', one by one, was delivered to the mouth of the official.

"Sister Fu, you said that you are Sheng Ji's slave and maid, what does Sheng Ji look like? Does it look good with you?" Su Jin's big hand held the long leg above the fox's knee and asked while eating the spirit fruit.

In the just chatting, Su Jin learned that this woman was named Shui Qingfu, tusk, she was like the name, the legs of this demon girl were too thin, tender and feeling very good.

"The Demon Empress is a thousand times more beautiful than me. It is rumored that her realm is about to be cultivated to the Saint Demon. The master dare to be interested in her?" Shui Qingfu asked in surprise.

Su Jin smiled weirdly, raised his hand and squeezed the fox girl's cheek, which caused a burst of anger, and then said lightly: "Master, I have the trump card! Look, your so-called monster Hou Shengji had better not touch me this time, otherwise this king will catch her and serve this king with you..."

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