My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1344: Four beauties

Facing such a confident Su Jin, Shui Qingfu took a breath.

The lowest level of the demon queen’s current cultivation is also in the semi-sage late stage. The difference in the legendary'sage demon' realm is just a matter of one step. I did not expect Su Jin to say that he has a trump card and can conquer the master of the demon empress. I don’t know this. What exactly is the'hole card' of...

"This time the'Forbidden Immortal Feudal Land' is a great opportunity for me to completely become famous. Do you know anything about it?" Su Jin's eyes rolled, regardless of whether Shui Qingfu has been bluffed or not, but he is really not very good at the Forbidden Immortal Domain. I understand that Shui Qingfu is the little demon in the'Nine Nether Jedi', of course he knows more than himself.

"Forbidden immortal fief is very mysterious. It is rumored that if it reaches the deepest point, immortals will also fall, very dangerous."

Shui Qingfu thought for a while, and then said: "Hundreds of years ago, it was rumored that an extremely powerful saint demon broke through the forbidden immortal fief, and it turned out..."

"What's the result?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows and his heartbeat slowed down.

"As a result, I came back, but after I came back, I asked the descendants of its clan to never step into the forbidden immortal fief again, and soon this mighty saint demon disappeared--" Shui Qingfu was completely covered. There was flattery in his bones, but he was extremely solemn when he said this.

"Missing? The saint demon is comparable to the existence of the human saint, with a longevity that can last forever..." Su Jin frowned, quite puzzled.

"I heard that the saint demon went back to explain the funeral. After the account, he returned to the forbidden immortal fief. Since then, no one in the world has seen it." Shui Qingfu expressed a greater worry.

"What kind of terrible existence is there in the Forbidden Immortal fief..." Su Jin muttered to himself a little lost.

"If the master is not necessary, you must not venture into it, let alone go deep into it." Shui Qingfu persuaded.

"Look at the situation at that time." Su Jin nodded. He must be going in. Although it is a crisis, it is also an opportunity. I don't know how great this opportunity is!


The sun was shining brightly, and the dappled sunlight was shining in the forest.

Beside a small stream, the water is not big, but it is very clear. In the distance, there is a snow-colored waterfall falling from the cliff into the bottomless cold pool.

A few beauties have stopped by the stream for a long time. The scenery here is very beautiful. There are waterfalls and springs far away, dense mountains and forests, nearby pebbles, and fish in the stream.

"Sister Bicheng, Palace Master Jiujiang doesn't know when we can come back, so let's just wait like this?" Liu Mengwu has been waiting here for more than half an hour. It is hard to tell that she always wants to find something to do, such as Want to catch a few little monsters and roast them.

"Your mother, Fairy Miaoyun, hasn't returned yet?" Li Bicheng looked at Liu Mengwu, and glanced at the wonderful woman in the stream.

In the stream is Long Yingru, Princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty. How could such a good thing happen in the Great Zhou Kingdom? After seeing the scene of beautiful waters and mountains, I ignored the surprised eyes of the other beauties, took off the royal boots, and directly lifted up the skirt. The thin snow-colored legs fell into the stream that was less than knees, and I was happy to play.

"It's better to wait for the seniors, there should be news soon in the negotiation." Linglong Aoxue, who had been quietly beside her, made a voice.

"Emperor Shaoman is still a man, how do I feel that after he got the saint clothing, he seems to have changed, and he refuses to be with us. The sisters are not surprised?" Liu Mengwu seemed to have found it. To talk about capital, ask Xiangji.

"It's a bit strange." Li Bicheng nodded.

Linglong Aoxue blushed suddenly, knowing the reason, but did not explain to the two women, because it was too hard to tell.

"Emperor Shaoman said, we are all his brothers... he wants to avoid suspicion--" Long Yingru in the stream, still covered with a veil, could not see his expression when he said this, and stopped playing in the water, on the other side Bian'er's third daughter said.

"Ah?" Liu Mengwu was embarrassed, how could this be the case.

"He really said that?" Li Bicheng gritted his silver teeth and asked Long Yingru.

"Yes, if you don't believe me, ask Aoxue, he said it in front of the two of us." Long Yingru couldn't hear anger in her tone, but it was a bit playful.

"Indeed." Linglong Aoxue forcibly resisted her face heat, which proved the crime of Shaomanhuang.

At this moment, a cry of an old crow came from Gaokongzhi, and the voice was clear, making several beauties look up.

The old crow hovered a few times in the sky, swooped down, and landed on the shore not far from the women's side.

"Su Jin!" Except for Long Yingru and Linglong Aoxue, the other two women were a bit murderous, staring at a majestic figure on the back of the old crow.

"Huh? It's all here--" Su Jin felt like he didn't feel it, and eagerly put away the dead crow and fox girl, and walked straight.

In fact, Young Master Su is the most depressed one, what's wrong with this? The aunt came and refused to go, especially the two beautiful women Liu Mengwu and Li Bicheng, whose eyes seemed to kill people.

Su Jin ignored other people's gazes, took off his shoes and lifted up his pants...

"What are you doing?" Linglong Aoxue asked inexplicably.

I didn't know that Su Jin immediately walked into the stream, came to Long Yingru's side, and hugged her!

Long Yingru exclaimed!

"My sister, it's cold in the's not good to be frozen to the body of Wanfu." Su Jin hugged Long Yingru and came to the shore, but his eyes were still lingering on the snowy thin legs and jade muscle feet.

Simei gathered together on the shore, Young Master Su put on his shoes, ignoring Long Yingru's stomping and annoying behavior, and carefully looked at the women.

In the end, I had to convince God. The four women here might really be alive and fragrant, Qingcheng Qingguo, Chen Yuluoyan, and closed moon shameful flowers are four words. It feels that these four beauties are standing together, and the officials do nothing. Feasted a lot of eyes.

"Su Jin, where did you go yesterday? I only saw you now." Long Yingru put on her shoes and asked.

"Go to work, where's Brother Chilan?" Su Jin scanned the surroundings suspiciously, but didn't find the emperor Shaoman.

"We still want to ask you, did he collude with you and deliberately let you take advantage of us?" Li Bicheng looked at each other coldly, apparently hearing Shaomanhuang's remarks, a little angry.

Su Jin sighed in his heart. Li Bicheng seemed to have had opinions on him from yesterday to now. He explained that it was useless. If a person is black in her eyes, then it is absolutely not white, just ignore it.

"What do you guys look like..." Su Jin's eyes quickly turned and turned, and found something very wrong. After Long Yingru put on his shoes, he exchanged glances with the other three women, and then quietly walked behind him.

The four girls surrounded themselves!

What happened, the ban on immortal fiefdom has not yet begun, and the monster clan army has not yet settled, and now they want to fight back, want to rectify themselves?

"Sisters, beat him first!" Long Yingru shouted directly, and the four girls began to move.

Su Jin was taken aback, pretending to be annoyed and said, "Damn! If you don't agree, you will beat me? When that happens, I will put you all on the ground and go to the clothes. Don't say this young master is bullying you!"

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