My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1352: Scream, scream!

stand out?

Su Jin instantly understood what the other party meant. He thought he was crazy, but he didn't expect the other party to be even more arrogant. He didn't have any malicious intentions, but he had never heard of "Evil Dragon Valley" and just asked, but in front of so many people , But being misunderstood by Jun Shengjie is really speechless.

"Do you want to fight me?" Su Jin smiled slightly, but did not stand up.

"You are not the disciple of these seniors, but you have offended me Evil Dragon Valley. It is a dead end." Jun Shengjie said proudly.

"Your Evil Dragon Valley is notorious. You dare not be it, and you are afraid of being said..." The emperor Shaoman dangling cigarettes, his straight waist showed his endless majesty. Said it was against Su Jin, even his Shaoman Emperor would be able to fight a battle, and he was sure to win.

"This is... Shaomanhuang!" Many of the dozens of people onlookers recognized it.

"And Princess Da Zhou..."

"Little Lord Linglong is also among them. Could that be the daughter of the prestigious Jiujiang Palace Master... Fairy Bicheng?" Many **** men clutched their hearts and found that their heartbeats were too strong. These beauties appeared. , So that the beauty of the entire empty valley is eclipsed, magnificent.

Su Jin touched his chin and waited and waited...none of the horses said about himself. It seems that his fame is still to be started. He is still not as famous as Shaomanhuang and others.

"The great prince of Chilan Kingdom?" Jun Shengjie was startled, then squinted his eyes and said, "Do you want to be nosy?"

"My boss's business is mine!" Shaoman Emperor was about to walk out, but Su Jin was pressed on his shoulder.

The audience was shocked-

At this time, many people woke up from the beauty, and they were all scared by the remarks of Emperor Shaoman. This is the eldest prince of Chilan Kingdom, he actually recognized a big brother! And also the appearance of willing to go through fire and water, which is surprising.

"I'm coming." Su Jin sighed. Originally, he didn't want to make a move, but the other party was looking for death!

Emperor Shaoman nodded and said, "Boss, be careful, this person is weird!"

"One move is enough." Su Jin shook his head, his voice very clear.

"Who is he? He dares to speak such a wild word, Jun Shengjie is the most outstanding disciple in Evil Dragon Valley, and he wants to defeat him by one move!" The people around couldn't believe it, and they scrambled to discuss it, and most of them thought he was bragging. , Can't do it at all.

Su Jin could feel the gazes of Palace Master Jiujiang and others. If he couldn't crush this Sage Sovereign, he would disappoint them, so he still cared about the effect of the shot.

"You want to kill me with one move?" Jun Shengjie blushed. He hasn't encountered such an arrogant person in his cultivation until now. How dare he say a move when facing him?

"Yes." Su Jinman nodded carelessly.

"You are looking for death, you are not afraid of being flashed by the wind!"

Jun Shengjie was extremely angry, and his whole body burst out with endless fierce power, and the black aura quickly moved away from him. After he made enough preparations, he shouted: "Let go of the horse..."


The audience was silent. Seeing Su Jin's figure suddenly disappeared, the more than ten phantoms had hidden into his body after three breaths.

Jun Shengjie's black spirit disappeared, and he hadn't finished speaking. A red line appeared on his neck. Su Jin returned to his original position. The cool phantom effect that came with it also made people look personable and couldn't help thinking. Take a few more glances.

As soon as Su Jin closed the folding fan, the ‘Mountain God and Dachuan Picture’ appeared in his hand, and there was a trace of blood on the edge of the folding fan, which was quickly disappearing...

Jun Shengjie crashed down!

"He is the Su Jin who defeated Xu Yichen!" Someone yelled.

"It only takes one blow to kill Jun Shengjie..." There are still people who have not turned their brains now, looking stupidly, in disbelief.

"It's terrible, I can't believe it..."

"He is so handsome, this girl has been his fan since today."

The heated discussion continued, Su Jin felt a little chill behind his back, turned his head and saw that Simei was looking at him with murderous eyes.

Su Jin touched the tip of his nose. I didn't mean it. I didn't expect this trick to be too handsome. It attracts countless fans. I don't know how many teenage fans will be born again. It's not my wish...

But the eldest master didn’t care either. Those who turned their heads and swept around, many good-looking girls were staring at them, waiting for them to see...


A scream.

These nympho! Su Jin couldn't help but sighed when he saw it, and asked, "Palace Master, why isn't Senior Rongfu together?"

Just now, the officials heard that the “Heaven Sword Gate” and the “Hanging Sword Sect” are the same level of martial arts, so they remembered the Rongfu senior who had cut the source for a few people, and the two mysterious elders around Jiujiang Palace Master Here, there is obviously no Rongfu Senior, and there should be someone with great power from the Blade Wolf family.

"He will go in later." Palace Master Jiujiang said with a faint smile: "Let's go in first, maybe we will get to the second stage later, we have to separate..."

Su Jin nodded. He knew that those people outside of the "Forbidden Immortal Fief" were obviously reluctant to enter the first wave. After all, the first crab-eater might benefit from it, but he might become cannon fodder and die. I don't know how to die.

No one objected to the words of Palace Master Jiujiang, Su Jin stood among the flowers under the fiery eyes of everyone...

Because of Long Yingru's close distance, the official Su directly raised his hand and climbed on her shoulders and yawned lazily. Ignoring the stunned eyes of the others, he swaggered to follow the seniors and came to the'Forbidden Immortal'. The fief's entrance!

"Is it enough? Don't you let me go..." Long Yingru blushed like an apple, and his heart was beating very fast during this time, but he was afraid that Su Jin would be angry and would not return to the Great Zhou Kingdom with her. .

"You should be happy." Su Jin didn't explain the matter.

"Should be happy?" Long Yingru especially wanted to step on him now.

"Other beauties have not received this treatment yet. I just made you show the limelight because you said that you like me." Su Jin's tone of voice is a feeling of great credit.

"You, you are so shameless." Long Yingru gritted her silver teeth, his face flushed with anger under the veil.

"Princess, the forbidden immortal fief is especially dangerous. Let's go in, and don't know if we can come out. Do you have any regrets in your life? Can you tell me..." Su Jin's eyes lightly turned, and the voice became a line in Longying. Ru said in his ear.

"You can't do anything, I'm sure to come out." Long Yingru also returned to reality, no longer flirting with Su Jin, a little self-confident.

"There is a case, what if we are trapped?" Su Jin asked.

"Why are the'we two' trapped? What the **** is the regret of life?" Long Yingru faintly noticed Su Jin's meaning, but couldn't catch it.

Su Jin Zhengyi said in awe:

"If we are trapped, I feel...for the sake of life no longer regrets, for the princess is no longer a budding body... it's time to taste a wave of happiness..."

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