My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1353: Forbidden immortal fief

To taste happiness?

When Longying Ru Xiafei's cheeks were across the veil, Su Jin's eyes glared fiercely, and he ignored him.

When eating beautiful tofu has become a habit, if Long Yingru cares about him again, Su Jin will not be able to push her nose and upper body. She doesn't have the eloquence of this bitch, and she can't even say about him.

Su Jin is full of comfort at the moment. Long Yingru is dressed very gorgeously today, with a red lace dress and a natural beauty. His exposed shoulders are held by him at the moment, and it feels good, and now he is climbing the princess forward. Occasionally, in her graceful walking posture, she can see the beautiful scenery in front of her that others can't see, and the musk smells.

Palace Master Jiujiang, Fairy Miaoyun and other great powers were in front, and they walked about less than a hundred meters before they reached the entrance of the ‘Forbidden Immortals’ fief!

Looking from a distance, in the forbidden immortal fief, gray air lingers...

Looking intently, Su Jin was shocked.

A huge stone man with a tomahawk, with a fierce face, stands in the distance of the forbidden immortal fief, as if someone is fighting with him, the giant with gray stone skin has stood for eternal years, and still remains in power until now. !

More than that.

A huge stone body with long beards and black hair, "Ni Jun" seems to have drilled out of the gray mist, clapping his claws and howling fiercely...

There are also strange stone beasts such as war tigers, lions, giant tortoises with human heads, etc., not to mention them, all of which have huge bodies, which makes people look at it from a distance and feel shocked.

It's a pity that they all died. Long before the emperor's time, the forbidden immortal fief was changed. These saints and saint demon powers were wiped out in an instant and passed away forever.

Su Jin retracted his gaze, let go of Long Yingru, and carefully surveyed the entrance of the "Forbidden Immortal Enclave" in front of him. This entrance was also peculiar, like a huge sarcophagus, except that a person appeared in front of the giant coffin to enter. A trace of gray mist floated out of the cracks, disappeared under the sun.

Enter one by one.

After stepping further, even though Su Jin was prepared, he was still shocked. As expected, he was still ‘one step away’. This Forbidden Immortal fief was like a Shura battlefield. The entire space was not like the outside. Now the five fingers could not be seen, it was black.

"Sure enough, it is all in the world. The first stage eleven years ago, we experienced the'flaming and hell', is this situation now the third stage can only experience the'dark miasma'?" Fairy Miaoyun While speaking, his face was not very pretty.

"It seems so. After all, the'Forbidden Immortal Fief' is changing all the time. Our luck this time is not very good." said Palace Master Jiujiang.

"Palace Lord don't care, my brothers can show the way." The mysterious old man, his whole body hidden in the black robe, made a hoarse and low voice.

"Trouble." Palace Master Jiujiang nodded.

After Palace Master Jiujiang had finished speaking, the two mysterious old men suddenly looked up, two yellow-green eyes appeared, four pupils swallowed thousands of feet, and then one of the old men waved down his sleeve robe and flew out of an octagonal prism. come out.

The yellow-green pupils hit the Octagonal mirror, and a half-foot-wide beam of light passed through the hole on the other side, directly shining out an unknown distance!


Su Jin had guessed that these two old men belonged to the Sabrewolf clan. After all, this mysterious pupil technique had an incomparable magical effect. He also secretly opened the eyes of the sky, but he could only see within a few miles. Circumstances are far from being able to achieve the kind of effect of the two mighties.

"Let's go!" One of the old men said in a deep voice. Take the lead in striding forward.

The rest were keeping up. Su Jin found that in addition to these people, those outside were also constantly entering, and obviously they wanted to find opportunities here.


Less than two miles deep, the horror finally happened. The screams appeared in the last group of people. When everyone was surprised, the young man who screamed was already wrapped in green flames.

Someone wanted to go up to help him, but they were also contaminated, and they made a painful howl. Su Jin and the women had a tingling scalp. They saw that the flesh and skin of the two people who had been contaminated with green fire were missing, and their entire bones were in place. They danced normally, and finally the two bones fell silently to the ground, turning into a pile of hot black ash.

"Something here sneaks on us!" Someone wore a refined breastplate and felt a huge impact on the breastplate, and immediately screamed.

"That fellow Daoist just now, apparently just after he was attacked, his whole body lit up with a green flame!" Someone nervously told the truth.

"I don't have a treasure...I want to quit!" Someone directly thought of retreat, but they were helpless. After entering the'Forbidden Immortal Feudal', the original entrance had long since disappeared. Can't get out at all.

"You all be careful." Fairy Miaoyun pulled Liu Mengwu to her side, reminding them with a white brilliance.

"No problem... keep going." The extinct old Ni has been silent, and a Buddha artifact appeared in his hand. Su Jin looked closely and found that it was a wooden fish with a large palm, and saw that she was walking and knocking, and a dim Buddha light came from After spreading on the wooden fish and protecting nearly a hundred people, the large troops stabilized their minds and moved forward.

The emperor Shaoman is the most unusual. He drew a cigarette in his spare time. A flaming spot of light is quite conspicuous in the crowd. He is not afraid of being attacked by anything. He is wearing a'saint cloth'. As long as there is something close, he just There will be a brilliance to protect him, and he can pass here alone.

Su Jin thought for a while, and gave up the plan to lead Yingru to the dragon. The two women had cards. Although they said that they didn't have holy clothes, Bao Yi still had them.

However, the third tragedy of being in the "Black Miasma" occurred again during the time of the tea. The man was also attacked by inexplicable things, burning his whole body into a dancing skeleton, and finally fell to the ground.

"He is bathed in the Buddha's light..." A monk said in fear.

"Buddha light can't stop the mysterious creatures, we are probably going to die here."

"Isn't it said that the first stage is the Hell of Flames, I am wearing a fire armor, and I am not afraid of high temperatures..."

"What the **** is that!"

Fear was spreading, and there was also the fear of black. Su Jin could feel it, and even Princess Zhou, Long Yingru, turned pale.

"Su Jin, things were a bit unexpected." Long Yingru wanted to hold Su Jin's arm, but due to his restraint, his face paled.

"It's nothing, the more afraid you are... the weaker you will be exposed, and you will be able to take advantage of it. So there is a saying about what you are afraid of."

As soon as Su Jin's voice fell, the vertical eyes on his forehead directly swallowed two feet of gaze, and he patted Long Yingru with his big hand...

Huh? Missed

"Su...Jin!" Long Yingru let out the biggest scream in history.

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