My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1354: Dark Miasma

Warm as spring.

Su Jin felt the whole person feel as if he was feeling the warmth of his hands. He ignored Long Yingru's screams. After covering his hands with warmth, a ray of gray light appeared in the scarlet and hideous vertical eyes. The gray creature was rushing toward him!

He retracted his hand handsomely and squeezed it very quickly, and the gray light was pinched in his hand.

"Princess, look...I didn't mean to belittle you on purpose." Su Jin was also very innocent, and a flame appeared directly in his hand, illuminating a small area.

Long Yingru was about to go crazy, but after seeing the creature pinched between Su Jin's fingers, he was stunned, and his face of fear became pale.

It was a gray creature like a small centipede. It had only a torso, a head as big as a mung bean, and no eyes. In addition, there were a pair of sharp mouthparts that could bite through the flesh and penetrate into the body. In the middle, Su Jin felt that this little guy was full of strength, struggling constantly between his fingers, and let out a faint chirp.

"Sure enough, it is this kind of miasma." Palace Master Jiujiang's face was solemn.

"This is the most common poisonous insect in'Dark Miasma'." Fairy Miaoyun nodded and said, "We have no time to take care of those people."

"No need to worry about it." Palace Master Jiujiang snorted coldly, then ignored it after speaking.

Su Jin felt strange that even Fairy Miaoyun protected her daughter. Why didn't Palace Master Jiujiang also protect Li Bicheng? Could it be that this Li Bicheng is wearing a bellyband that is hard to see?

I really want to see.

Well, if you have the opportunity, you must have a deep understanding, Su Jin thought in his heart.

On the contrary, Long Yingru was very nervous and approached Young Master Su, seemingly hard to say something.

She is a good princess of a country, but the treasure she wears is only a good spirit treasure. This black miasma can only be encountered in the third stage of the Forbidden Immortal fief last time, and now those weird miasma are hidden. In the dark, it's still a matter of two to say whether or not this treasure can stand.

Su Jin knew it, and directly swept Long Yingru's waist. Without waiting for the princess's grotesque performance, he turned to look at Linglong Aoxue next to him and said, "Miss Sister, do you want to help?"

"I..." Linglong Aoxue was about to say it, but it was too late. Su Jin also put her left hand on her waist and pressed it strongly on him.

"Here, I guarantee you worry-free." Su Jin embraced the two women's fragrant waists, and said in an explosively handsome chest posture: "Let's go!"

Emperor Shaoman flicked the soot and swaggered to smoke outside the area covered by the Buddha's light. After seeing the situation on Su Jin's side, he couldn't help grinning.

"The tone is really big, Su Jin...Do you also wear a treasure?" Long Yingru couldn't help asking in shame when she was gripped by the big hand.

"I can see. Actually, there are not many miasma." Su Jin said truthfully.

"About how many?" Linglong Aoxue didn't mind and couldn't help asking.

"You mean around?"


"About fifty or sixty, there are at least a few thousand in the entire Dark Miasma Demon." Su Jin shrugged.

After hearing Su Jin's words, the daughters of Long Yingru secretly took a breath of air-conditioning, and there were people encountering accidents continuously behind them, and many others were coming in, screaming one after another, and the lineup was messed up for a while.

Although Su Jin loves to draw his sword to help, he is notorious for being ruthless outside the territory. In addition, these poisonous insects are not so easy to catch and wipe out.

Although the death continued, there were still some lucky ones who were not attacked and followed Su Jin and them unharmed.

Unconsciously, a few people entered a passage. The entire passage is about thirty meters, and I don't know where it leads to.

"Su Jin, look over there..." Long Yingru pointed to the wall ten meters away.

"It's called Brother Jin." Su Jin felt unhappy. This kid called others by name, which was very impolite...

"Jin, brother." Long Yingru bit her scalp and said: "I have read a book of Immortal Medicine, and there seems to be a ‘Red Blood Dragon Grass’ growing on the stone wall..."

Linglong Aoxue was called "Brother Golden", her heartbeat thunderously, and she was called "Miss Sister" by Young Master Su, if only she and Long Yingru were called the same...

Long Yingru was still very excited.

Who knows that Su Jin just glanced, and he found the scarlet'medicinal material', and there was a faintly mysterious dragon power around. Seeing this, he said: "Is the Scarlet Dragon Grass a street stall? It's that easy? See?"

"It's a fairy medicine." Long Yingru corrected it.

"Oh, since it's an immortal medicine, why don't the Palace Master be moved?" Su Jin asked back.

Long Yingru turned her head, and she found that Palace Master Jiujiang and others didn't even look at it...

"What is that?" Long Yingru asked.

"What you saw in your eyes was a Scarlet Dragon Grass, but what I saw in my eyes was..." Su Jin deliberately sold it.

"What is it?" Long Yingru was very curious.

"Someone is going to do it." Linglong Aoxue said suddenly.

Li Bicheng followed his father, but when he heard the words of the little lord Linglong, he turned his head and stopped and looked over.

Sure enough, someone started to fight the idea of ​​that ‘fairy medicine’.

Closer and closer again, when a young man was holding a long sword and wanted to dig the fairy medicine, among the blood-colored flowers, the stamens moved gently, and a fleshy tongue rolled over...

"Ah!" The young man holding the sword was at a loss, caught off guard, his whole person was caught in a long tongue, and he was unable to cut off that tongue even when he swiped the sword...

Except for Su Jin's side, all the others retreated, their scalp numb.

The long tongue directly issued a huge force, dragging the young man into the sunken stone wall, blood then seeped from the stone wall, and the sound of chewing bones appeared in everyone's ears.

Long Yingru was also shocked, turned her head and hid in front of Su Jin, almost lying in his arms, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would really think it was a fairy grass...

Su Jin now has a very strong impulse, which is also the best time. Everyone else is watching the tragic scene. Now Princess Zhou is next to his shoulder. He only needs to muster the courage to lift her veil. See her real face.

"That is a frog grass, to be honest, it is a giant clam that eats meat. The ‘Red Blood Dragon Grass’ in front of its mouth is transformed." Su Jin licked his dry tongue and said.

"Toad?" Long Ying Rushen did not guard her house and tried to get rid of the sound of chewing, but she also found that her current posture was very unsightly.

"Yes..." Su Jin lowered his head and said in her ear, "Princess, I want to see your face now, can you give me a chance?"

"Look at it." Long Yingru was stunned, then whispered.

"But I'm afraid to be your concierge..."

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