My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1355: Otherwise return

"This princess won't want you..."

Long Yingru had been convinced by Su Jin's guts, and he said so, he didn't do anything yet, he was almost mad at him.

"Then I can talk about it." Su Jin said lightly.

"What are you talking about." Long Yingru's tone was a little strange.

It's a pity that Young Master Su, who was bewildered by the beauty, didn't hear it. He hesitantly stretched out his hand and pinched it on the veil, saying: "Princess, you don't like to be clean."

"Why do you say that?" Long Yingru was very strange.

"Since I met you, I haven't changed my veil..." Su Jin put his hands around her hair without saying a word, and gently untied the bow behind the veil.

Twitch slightly!

Su Jin did not know why, suddenly regretted in his heart!

A beauty remains mysterious and feels curious. There is nothing wrong with being reasonable. He is afraid that he will disappoint after seeing Long Yingru, but perhaps regretting it is not because of this. For a while, he is very conflicted.


Su Jin took a breath, staring at Long Yingru's face in a daze.

Su eyebrows are outlined, and in the snow-white face, the facial features are arranged like a precision instrument, and this face is flawless! On the slightly erected Qiong nose, a pair of big talking eyes are piercing and gleaming. On the top of the plain eyebrows, a touch of pink lotus like a yellow bean dots the center of the eyebrows, which is more aura.

Fairy pose!

Su Jin looked dumbfounded, feeling that Long Yingru had something more than other girls! But he couldn't grasp the more, unable to express that strange feeling.

Su Jin's face changed suddenly!

An irresistible external force appeared out of thin air in his hand, and yellow light bloomed around the entire person, illuminating the entire ‘Black Miasma’.

It's that veil!

Long Yingru's face was red, and she lowered her head like an ostrich who made a mistake. If there is sand, her head is so low that she can be buried in the sand. She already knows what happened...

The veil in Su Jin's hand, the traces of dao circulate, and the huge emperor's prestige is released from it, flying into the air...

Where is the original face of the veil?

Obviously it is a Huang Zhao!

A golden radiant "gift" was revealed on the emperor, and Su Jinzheng was stunned.

After seeing this situation, Liu Mengwu and other women, including Li Bicheng, all looked at Master Su who was still dazed with murderous eyes...

Palace Master Jiujiang and Fairy Miaoyun were also slightly surprised when they saw this, and they felt like they laughed and laughed in their hearts. Su Jin, this kid is really going to happen! Although they didn't feel uncomfortable, the monks didn't pay attention to how many Dao companions existed, but after all, they let Long Yingru come out first and determine the relationship first.

"That is Zhou Huang's imperial decree!" Dozens of monks were first restrained by toads and gathered in a hug. Now there is an emperor Zhao, who naturally recognizes and knows that someone has pulled off Princess Zhou's veil. Empress Huang Zhao was all surprised.

"Long Yingru has chosen her husband and son?"

"Who is it! Who is it!"

"This is the imperial decree that contains the'imperial authority', which is equivalent to proclaiming to the world. If the person who removes the veil does not accept the decree, he will be enemies of the world, regarded as a repeat offender, and wanted by all countries in the world." Someone was surprised.

"Since it's uncovered, I'm naturally anxious to become the emperor's relatives, so will the resources for cultivation be scarce?"

"It was the enchanting genius named Su Jin who uncovered it!" Someone noticed it, and the powerful all turned to look at Su Jin, so they shouted loudly.

There is a lot of discussion, as long as it is a male cultivator, all faces are flushed. This is too unexpected and people can't imagine that there will be an emperor at this time, and many followers of the Da Zhou princess are heartbroken, but they Nothing can be changed, the goddess can only be possessed in a dream after all, and there is no wonderful opportunity for Master Su.

Su Jin stretched out his hands and wiped a hand on his numb face. He was relieved... Although he was a little bit bothered, everyone has a lovely heart. After all, he only loves one person deeply. The comparable eldest lady is named...Xia Yuyan!

It is clear.

This time I was pitted by Long Ying, but from a long-term perspective, what's the point? Young Master Su wants to become a great emperor in the future. Five years later, he will lead the eternal dragon of the Yellow Spring to conquer dozens of countries, and then the world will be unified, an eternal emperor!

"Long Yingru, this trick is beautiful? This young master has never been pitted." Su Jin's voice was not small, his voice appeared, and the voice of the discussion was instantly lowered, and he was clearly heard. .

"You, what are you talking about, I didn't cheat you." Long Yingru was in a complicated mood, and Su Jin said so, letting outsiders look at her.

"You didn't say that if you lift the veil, you will come to Emperor Zhao..." Su Jin touched his chin and glanced at the surprised Emperor Shaoman.

Immediately the eldest master noticed that this kid was smoking a cigarette, and when he met his gaze, he was laughing next to him...

"I, I." Long Yingru found that she had nothing to say, and it was true that he hadn't clarified clearly. It was also true that he was a little bit encouraged to tear off his veil. If he refused, Su Jin would definitely not reveal it. But things have happened and there is no way to remedy them.

"For your admiration and obsession with this king, this king won't be held accountable anymore. Since the matter is irretrievable, you will stay by my side and try your best to serve this king, otherwise..."

Su Jin showed the folding fan of the "Mountain God and Dachuan", but said nothing later.

"Otherwise?" Long Yingru was also proud of her temper, and now she couldn't care about the shame, staring at Su Jin with those big talking eyes.

"Otherwise return it!"

Su Jin's strength suddenly knocked a lot of people, especially the monks behind, directly as if being hit by five thunders, the inside and the outside of the thunder were tender...

The number one beauty in the Great Zhou Kingdom, or a princess... If you don’t serve Su Jin well, will you be returned?

It's scary!

If someone else said this, they would definitely be considered bragging, but Su Jin's momentum has been too strong recently, and people have to believe it, and they can't even think about it!

Long Yingru held her breath and stared at Su Jin without saying a word. She felt like crying now. She didn't know if this choice was right or wrong, but the matter was over, and Su Jin could only continue to dominate. Up.

Palace Master Jiujiang had a sullen face, and there was nothing to say when he saw this. Now the ‘Forbidden Immortal Fief’ is the first priority. There are two elders who lead the way, and everyone continues to move forward.

The black channel doesn’t know how far it ends...

Su Jin hugged Long Yingru's shoulders, occasionally smoking cigarettes, smoking lonely, the beam of light from the octagonal mirror from the way forward finally shone on the stone wall, obviously the first pass has reached the place.

It's strange to say that I don't know who touched the formation, this small area began to become brighter, and the ghost heads condensed by gray fog were constantly interspersed among the crowd...

These skulls with hair are inexplicably transformed, but there is no danger...

On the surrounding walls, the spirit of evil spirits continued to bulge out, like a living creature. Long Yingru could not bear being held by Su Jin. Fortunately, out of curiosity, Su Jin temporarily let her go, turning his head to look at the strange surroundings. The stone walls, on these stone walls are as bright as jade, and the faces that appear are also different.

"Don't mess around." Palace Master Jiujiang was calm and calm. After speaking, his lips moved slightly, apparently communicating with a few great powers.

However, the accident still occurred.

Li Bicheng stared at the stone wall, with a blank look in her eyes. She was closer to the stone wall, and took two lotus steps, her fingers seemed to try to touch the crystal bright stone wall...

Then the whole Jiao body was sucked in by a force!

Su Jin's reaction was the quickest. Under the blessing of Tianyan, he found out what was wrong for the first time, and directly cast the ‘Happy Streaming Light Technique’, reaching out and grabbing her small white hand!


Su Jin's eyes widened, and he looked at the little snow-white hand that he was holding in his hand. Unbelievable, how could this look like a beautiful hand?

Black and dry like dead branches, Su Jin looked numb.

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