My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1356: Who the **** is it!


Almost immediately, Su Jin knew that it was not Li Bicheng’s hand that he was holding, but it was too late, he could not let go, and a huge force surged in, dragging him into the shining stone wall. ...

"Su Jin!" Long Yingru and the women cried out.

"Bicheng..." Palace Master Jiujiang's eyes were sharp, and when he saw a few women wanting to touch the stone wall, he immediately drank and said, "Don't move rashly, they should be fine, maybe they were just dragged into some place!"

"Elder Xuantian, you two should pay attention to the arrangement, and then use the divine pupils to break the black miasma!" Fairy Miaoyun said, holding Liu Mengwu tightly with her hand, for fear that her daughter would also be stupid and would follow , God knows how the situation of Su and Jin is now!

Long Yingru was stunned, her pink fists clenched, and her nails were even embedded in the palms of her hands. Now although Su Jin and her are not true, they can be regarded as an emperor by the emperor's father, and he will be himself in the future. If he encounters an accident, his reputation might be...


Forbidden immortal fief, another area.

The sky is vast and the wild is vast. The wind is blowing and the grass is low...see the cattle and sheep!

Su Jin rubbed his forehead and felt a little pain. He couldn't help but closed his eyes. He stood up from the ground. He had forgotten all of the process he had just passed through the stone wall, but he just felt that he was here, quite inexplicable.

In the distance is a Gobi Desert with a lot of wind and sand. Yellow thatch feet are waist-deep and exist in patches. Some creatures hide in it, and they stick out their heads from time to time.

Fortunately, Su Jin found that there seemed to be man-made buildings in the area where he was standing.

Su Jin turned his head and glanced, and saw a magnificent stone temple appear in front of him. This stone temple is very old. The dozens of stone pillars standing in front of the temple are all mottled, and the slabs laid on the ground have left traces of time. There are many dry, cracked and yellowed places, and I don’t know how many suns and moons have been abandoned.

"Miss Bicheng." Su Jin saw that Li Bicheng was sitting on the stone steps more than ten meters away, rubbing the upper part of his arm continuously, and couldn't help stepping forward, reaching out to help her up.

"Why did you come in?" Li Bicheng stared at Su Jin with surprise in his eyes, very surprised.

"Beauty suffers, the hero naturally wants to save it." Su Jin shrugged and smiled faintly.

"You? Hero?" Li Bicheng gave him a blank look, and the calling voice in his ear became clearer and clearer, his face changed, and he asked: "Where is this?"

"Not very clear. Did you hear it too?" Su Jin asked.

"Very clear, there are dozens of voices in my mind." Li Bicheng held his mind and tried to keep the noise out, looking at Su Jin, he hesitated, "What should we do now?"

"Go in and explore."

Su Jin made up his mind, walked up the stone steps side by side with Li Bicheng, walked to the main hall and stayed there. After feeling nothing unusual, he walked in.

The hall was empty, and there was nothing that Su Jin could look at. He didn't know why someone built a hall here, and why he and Li Bicheng were sent here. At present, the only thing they found in the temple was those dozens of calling sounds... and they were getting closer.

Seeing that he could not find anything for a long time, Su Jin simply took Li Bicheng with the voice from the back of the palace to find out. Eleven years ago, the voices of the seniors who died in the Forbidden Immortal fief appeared in the ears of the major royal clans or sects. Son, the source must be in this place.

Sure enough, at a distance of tens of meters from the front hall, Su Jin found a shocking scene on the right side!

An old pear tree more than ten meters high came into view.

This is a very ordinary pear tree, judging from the old bark, I don’t know how old it has passed. Now it was the season of lush foliage, but this old pear tree only has more than ten years left. The leaf, of course, is not here. What's shocking is that dozens of'sacred urns' are hung on those vigorous tree trunks, which are swaying with the wind like lanterns.

In detail, there are probably more than 30 divine urns hanging on each branch of the pear tree, and each divine urn contains a living head!

The face of each head is clearly visible on the side of the urn, and even the facial features are vivid, and the eyes are constantly looking at. Although these heads are cut off and hung here, their expressions seem to be more alive than living people. When calling, his mouth is clear.

Su Jin saw that his scalp was numb. How could there be dozens of heads hanging on the ordinary pear tree? He also knew very well that among the more than 30 heads, there must be Shaomanhuang and others. Human elder head!

Frozen, Su Jin felt his arm being hugged, and turned his head to see who Li Bicheng was?

I saw Fairy Bicheng look horrified, staring at those heads swaying in the wind, and said very nervously, "My uncle...not inside..."

Su Jin's expression moved slightly, and his eyes swept across the facial expressions of his head hanging on the old pear tree. These people still kept calling. He found that almost every second or so, there would be a faint green on the dozen leaves. The light passed by, conveying energy to these'divine urns', which may be one of the reasons why these heads are alive.

"You can see clearly, after all, eleven years have passed, when you were still young..." Su Jin turned to look at her horrified face, and said thoughtfully.

"I can remember things clearly when I was two years old. How could it be that I didn't recognize it because of my young age." Li Bicheng's heart beat quickly, and he seemed to dare not look at the heads in those divine urns.

"In the past, someone used heaven-defying means to kill them in the forbidden immortal fief, cut off their heads, and robbed them of immortal treasures. During this period, they kept urging these heads to call for future generations in an attempt to attract more people. It seems In the next big game, who is that person..."

Su Jin cleared his thoughts, and suddenly felt scared if he thought carefully...

"Sister Bicheng, don't be afraid. The sky is falling and my brother and I are on your body. Now I will take these heads off. I have to see what the person who is secretly laying out wants to do!" Su Jin was brave. The attitude of going to death, said to Li Bicheng very firmly.

"Don't go! In case there is any danger, leave me alone..." Li Bicheng grabbed Su Jin's arm tighter and shook his head again and again.

"Relax, I like you so much, how could I keep you here, I'll be fine..." Su Jin raised his hand and squeezed her chin.

"Don't go, it will be lifeless." Li Bicheng pleaded bitterly, but saw Young Master Su break off his hand and stepped back seven or eight steps.

Su Jin just stopped. At this moment, his eyes were sharp and unusually bright. When staring at Li Bicheng, he seemed to confirm his thoughts. After feeling a chill on his back, he calmed his face and shouted every word:

"You are not Fairy Bicheng! Who are you!"

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