My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1361: Jiuzhishan


With the true Buddha sitting up and preaching, all living beings seem to be in a world of bliss, no more worries and sorrows, world sorrows.

Behind the extinct Lao Ni exhibited a'Bodhisattva Body' with long hair fluttering and young and beautiful. She sat down in the middle of the boundless wind and moon, holding the Buddha beads in her hand, occasionally fiddled with one, and tapped the wooden fish in the other hand. The faint Buddha power continued to spread, and then spread again. There was no delusion to compare with the chanting of the true Buddha, but the truth of the Buddha and Tao.

"Nan Wu drink La Da Na, Duo La Ye Ye. Nan Wu Ah Ye..."

"Julu Julu, Jiemeng. Dulu Dulu, Emperor Chijaye..."

"Ba Tuo Ye, Suo Po He."

The big Buddha kept reciting the scriptures with a smile, bitter and difficult to understand. Under the light of the Buddha, Su Jin's sword eyes became brighter at this moment. Those illusions were really ridiculous to him now, and he couldn't hold him at all. His mind was in Under the Buddhist scriptures, they are becoming more and more complete and flawless.

Wanlong worshiped the Great Tribulation and did not succumb. Wan Zhanglong's mouth roared at the true Buddha, and even began to contact each other, constantly merging. Thousands of purple thunder and lightning dragons merged into a destructive dragon **** across the galaxy, with a big mouth, Swallow all the remaining dragon-shaped thunder robbery.

It looks like a dragon of thousands of miles! Directly with the huge dragon claws, he patted the ‘true Buddha’ like a big mountain.

With this claw, the sky is broken! Countless white-destroyed spatial cracks constantly appear from above, disappear, and repeat.

The Buddha was still smiling and compassionate, his body didn't move even after the blow, he just raised his hands gently and turned them down gently...

The huge forbidden immortal fief is shaken!

Everyone looked up, and the chanting was still going on, but when the Buddha turned his hand, it was different from what he imagined. It still only stretched out four fingers on its right hand and five fingers on its left!

In the endless distance, everyone saw the phantoms of the nine stone steles, faintly appearing in all directions, exuding horrible fluctuations, shaking the three wilderness and six regions, and trapping the dragon of thousands of miles!

These nine steles are like mountain peaks, but in fact they are the nine fingers of the Great Buddha!

It's Jiuzhishan!

The dragon roared, twisted and twisted, delusional to escape from the suppression of Jiuzhishan, but this kind of struggle was useless, and the phantoms of the nine stone steles gradually solidified, and the horrible waves sent out from each other directly wanted to kill the dragon. !


Nine stone tablets were killed in the town, and the dragon of thousands of miles kept roaring, but every time it was killed, its size was smaller!

Twentieth time!

"Go!" Su Jin's voice spread everywhere so that everyone could hear it. The'Great Emperor Longding' hanging above his head scattered directly and turned into a mark between the heavens and the earth, and appeared in the Jielong that had become several meters in size. Place!

"The dragon of calamity, blend into the Dao Ding!" Su Jin closed his eyes and controlled the Great Emperor Long Ding that appeared in the distance.

It’s so hung, and I broke free a few times, but still couldn’t escape the imprisonment of the Great Dragon Ding. The Jielong was taken in by the Great Dragon Ding, and it was perfectly integrated into the traces of the six-clawed dragon that covered the sky, crawling underneath. , Already surrendered!

Immediately, the nine stone tablets were scattered by the big Buddha, and the big Buddha gradually became smaller, strolling through the air, walking towards the other side of the Great Emperor Longding, and quietly hidden in.

It turns out that this is the true Buddha of Su Jin chanting, turned out to be the ghost of the other side of the Great Emperor Longding!

Real Buddha phantom!

Everyone stared blankly at the Dao Cauldron that manifested in the air. The Dao Cauldron was slowly rotating in the air like a living thing, and its aura was extremely mysterious.

Su Jin took the ‘Great Emperor Longding’ back and took it into his mind from the top. Suddenly he let out a scream, which frightened Fairy Bicheng not far away!

"What's wrong with him? The catastrophe is over!" Li Bicheng panicked, not very close.


Su Jin didn't know how many years he hadn't suffered in this way. He had the urge to roll on the ground. His three eyes were tingling, and he didn't know what went wrong!

Soon, Li Bicheng and Big Paper Crane saw the sky eyes on his forehead, and as they closed, a ray of blood shed!

"Ah!" Su Jin's whole body was released uncontrollably, and suddenly raised his head and roared.

The vertical eyes on the forehead opened directly!

A small and exquisite six-claw thunder and lightning dragon flew directly from that eye, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, not to mention, Su Jin's eyes flickered again, and a phantom gate appeared completely when he looked at it. !

The big paper crane cried!

This gate may be seen by others, but it is too familiar. There are three big blood-red characters on the top of the phantom gate.

gate of hell!

Immediately, the door of the phantom opened, and four rows of yin soldiers with long hair appeared from it, and a group of evil ghost spirit beasts were led by the yin soldiers. The tragic scene was beyond words.

Su Jin's eyes flashed, and he closed the illusory scene, turned around and glanced at the old pear tree as if he was aware of it. This shouldn't matter...

In my mind, I saw an even more tragic scene. The old pear tree did not know how long it had existed. Perhaps it was possible that it was immortal. In that year, in the forbidden immortal fief, countless saints and holy monsters died tragically, such as the height. The mighty saint is powerful, holding a giant axe, roaring up to the sky, and the warfare will shock the world, but it will always stay in this posture. There is a hole in the back of its head, and most of the saint’s naphtha has been taken away. dead.

The saint demon tiger beast also had a hole in his head, which was miserable.

There is also a young female saint, covering a veil, with a beautiful posture, and red sleeves adding fragrance, but at that moment, she was knocked to pieces on the back of her head and took out the stone human brain of the saint!

Su Jin seemed to be rebellious, and the scenes of the year were constantly manifesting in his pupils. He watched with amazement. Who on earth used the saint saint demon as a vegetable melon, casually scratching his mind?

Forbidding immortal fiefdom is not easy!

"Little brother." When the big paper crane saw Su Jin standing in front of the old pear tree not speaking, he called out immediately.

Su Jin was successfully pulled into reality by it, his thoughts returned, and he looked at the paper crane and asked, "What?"

"The vertical eyes on your forehead, I know the origin." The big paper crane gave a dry smile, but the tone was extremely respectful, not as arrogant and hypocritical as before.

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Su Jin knows that he has too many secrets. The illusory "Ghost Gate" just now, I don't know if it was seen by the big paper crane. If it knew that year, he might be exposed.

"From ancient times to the present, there has been a ranking of great powers with leisure, which not only has combat power, beauty, handsomeness, and pupil skills."

The big paper crane thought for a while and continued: "The first one is the Eye of Good Fortune, the second one is the Golden Eye, and the third... is called the Mohe Town Prison Eye. It is rumored that this kind of pupil can summon Yin soldiers. , There are all kinds of mystery, and it is not as good as the golden eyes. In the past, Emperor Huangquan found a top-quality source stone and cut out a demon monkey. That demon monkey was born with a'fire eye and golden eyes'."

"So?" Su Jin's face was calm.

Fairy Bicheng seemed to be an immortal. At this moment, he also heard the guess of the big paper crane. He opened his beautiful eyes and looked at Su Jin and couldn't help asking: "What you practice... is it really the'Mahe Town Prison Eye'?" "

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