No one could make Fairy Bicheng so surprised.

Her waist resembling a willow was wrapped in a long skirt, and her two beautiful long legs stretched out. The breeze was blowing, and the Yaoqin tied to the end of her hair also swayed. At this moment, she was using curious beautiful eyes. , Staring at Su Jin.

"Yes or not, is this important?" Su Jin deliberately sold a pass, walked out of the scope of Old Lishu, came to her, glanced at her upright posture, and directly hugged her domineeringly. Pregnant.

"You..." Li Bicheng looked anxious, neither pushing nor not pushing.

If she hadn't just been shocked by Su Jinzhan's strength, she would definitely say ‘get off’ to Young Master Su without hesitation!

"Um~ it smells so good."

Su Jin blurred his eyes, sniffing intoxicated, and then he saw the big paper crane covering the eyes with wings, and suddenly raised his sword eyebrows: "Old thing, what else do you have to say?"

Now he is an aspiring monk, his combat power is not what it used to be, and he is one step closer to his dream. Now he has guessed the identity of this big paper crane. If he is still stubborn and does not want to repent, he must It tears open to see how many defying techniques are hidden!

The big paper crane pondered for a while, looked at the two and said: "I am the guardian of the eighth realm. Commonly known as the spirit of formation."

"Sure enough, I guessed it right. If I really believe you, and go to the southeast, there is absolutely no life." Su Jin knows that this is not the time to flirt and talk about love.

"Leave a thread in everything, I'm not the kind of stupid bird who rushes to life!" The big paper crane stared, as if very angry at Su Jin's words.

"I got the'Big Life Art', and Bicheng took the'Xianmei Art' you taught, you can let us go safely?" Su Jinhan asked.

The paper crane was silent.

"You can get out alive, but she...will die!" After the big paper crane was silent, suddenly pointed out a shocking remark.

Li Bicheng's pretty face changed continuously. Regardless of whether the big paper crane said it was true or false, even ordinary people would get chills in their backs when they heard such words, not to mention that the big paper crane was quite serious and did not seem to be telling lies.

"Fart! Who dares to accept the king's woman!" Su Jin couldn't calm down immediately, and then a burst of curses appeared, and the big paper cranes were depressed.

"Calm down for a moment and think about it. Why are others safe and sound, and as the spirit of this place, I will confuse her to come to the eighth stage?"

The big paper crane said: "I am not a human being, and the great life technique is useless to me. You will pass you on as soon as you pass it on, but this woman's physique is very useful to the owner of the Forbidden Immortal fief. Although he has been away for thousands of years, But I will come back, and everything will be possible."

The master of the banned immortal fief?

Su Jin's expression was shocked. In the endless years, the naphtha of those saints and demons, could it be that the owner of this place digs them out? If this is the case, then the situation is so serious that it cannot be dealt with, and it can be called a horror.

"The master of this place, but the Lord Chu you mentioned before?" Su Jin asked again.

"No. My lady was so..."

A golden red Dao mark gushes out of the big paper crane, trying to say it, but it seems that there is something imprisoned to stop it. After calming down for a while, it said again: "My lady was killed. I originally wanted to escape, but I was After the ban, even though I had already lifted the ban on my body at the beginning, I could get out of trouble, but after thinking about it, Master Chu is extremely powerful. If he comes back, he would be better than me looking for him, and I have stayed till now. ."

"The character named Chu Gongzi is really bad. He hasn't come back until now?" Su Jin smiled and shook his head, his character is worse than Laozi.

"No, he said before he left that he would be enemies all over the world, and everyone around him would die, so he didn't want to hurt the young lady. He wanted to walk the path of a peerless power."

The big paper crane seemed to be in a memory, and raised his head to signal: "Before he left, he sat quietly under the old pear tree for three days and three nights. After cutting his'love', he left indifferently."

"Your lady is also stupid." Su Jin took a cigarette, lit one and inhaled.

"It's silly, but there's no way." The big paper crane thought for a while and said, "Master Chu carved a poem on the old pear tree before he cut his love. If you are interested, you can go and see..."

Su Jin is smoking a cigarette, just take a look! With his arms around Li Bicheng, who was still a little uncomfortable, he found two words on the pear tree.

"If life is just as you see it at the first time, what's the matter with the westerly wind painting fan."

Leave words...

Homer Huangquan!

Su Jin's complexion changed drastically, and after a few steps away, his complexion also became cloudy.

"The Great! It turns out that Young Master Chu later became the Great Emperor!" Fairy Bicheng's expression was equally astonished. He never expected that the lady of the Big Paper Crane family could have a relationship with the Great Emperor, and the Great Emperor actually cut her love for this lady. After walking the path of the emperor, I never saw anything more frightening than this. Everyone knew that the "Jushi Huangquan" was a taboo of the emperor when he walked the world.

"Anti-virtual, anti-virtual!"

It was Su Jin who puzzled Li Bicheng. At this moment, he saw Young Master Su’s forehead erect and his eyes opened in anger. A blood-colored light curtain was taken out, and he looked directly at the line of poems. Now Su Jin’s mind was completely misty, as if he had been caught for a while. Dense fog shrouded.

Su Jin clenched his teeth and persisted, trying hard to see through the dense fog, and wanting to return the picture to its ancient time. As expected, after ten breaths, the clouds cleared.

It was a dark night, and the Milky Way traversed the starry sky. At that time, the old pear tree was still luxuriant, with fruit on its branches, and each fruit was baby-shaped. And then, there was a young man sitting under the tree with his back facing away. Next, Su Jin could not see his appearance.

The young man did not move for a long time, finally sighed, and sighed leisurely: "If you don't look back, why don't you forget. Since there is no destiny, why do you have to swear. Today, there are no traces of water. Tomorrow and night, Qing is a stranger."

After the youth sighed, in the distance, on the top of the mountain, at the pavilion on the terrace, there was a beautiful lady in plain clothes playing the piano. The sound of the piano was broken, and the girl’s voice was a bit far-fetched. He said coldly: Eventually...people gathered and scattered."

The young man was silent, got up slowly, and carved a poem under the pear tree with his fingers. If life is just like first sight...

Su Jin could feel his heart full of desolation. Although the young man was facing his back, he could see the opponent's body trembling slightly, but his writing with his fingers was still quite smooth and determined!

Farewell poem!

If it weren't for knowing that this young man is the future Emperor Huangquan, Su Jin would now want to go up and beat him up, after all, there is a beauty with an alluring face, who is crying because of their goodbyes...!

At this moment, the youth's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he turned around slightly, his appearance completely appeared in Young Master Su's eyes.

Su Jin screamed like a lightning strike, "Impossible!"

That young man's appearance turned out to be...

It's exactly the same as him!

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