My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1364: Someone behind


On this cyan land, the distant scenery was hazy like an ink painting, and it was unrealistic, but before the eyes of Su Jin, an ancient sacred corpse appeared.

This saint corpse is obviously a great saint from ancient times, with a height of five or six hundred meters and clear features.

As we all know, aspiring to become a saint, after the aspiring realm, to become a true Dzogchen saint, you still need to live through the ‘semi-sacred realm’. The stone body owned by the semi-sacred is completely different from that of a saint, and their strength is also different.

We must know that in the hundreds of cities, it may be difficult for a true saint to appear in the end, but this ancient power has died forever in the forbidden immortal fief!

The saint’s brain was digged out by an unknown existence!

Even though countless years have passed, Su Jin approached, and he could still feel the holy power emanating from the saint's corpse, unimaginable.

"Sister Shenhe, I have observed that there are a lot of saints and demons here, but they have all been taken out of the stone human brains. Do you know the reason?" Su Jin looked at Zixue and asked.

"I don't know, it has existed since ancient times. It was something that happened before the time of the Great Emperor. Some people even said that those stone men existed for several epochs." Zi Xue shook her head.

"Several eras." Su Jin pondered.

After a long time unable to figure it out, he walked to the back of the saint corpse and observed it carefully.

Sure enough, there was a hole as high as one person in the back of the head of the saint corpse, just like a hole cut by someone, uneven.

"Don't go in!" Sister Shenhe hurriedly stopped. Seeing that Su Jin stepped forward and wanted to walk into the saint corpse, she suddenly felt her scalp numb, and she said that she can't mess around here, she was curious. The heart can kill people.

"I'll go in and take a look and come out." Su Jin said.

"No!" Sister Shenhe was very anxious.

Su Jin squinted his eyes and looked at Sister Shenhe a few times. There seems to be something wrong with this girl, Zixue. This is just a holy corpse. I don't know how many years have passed since. It shouldn't hurt to walk in to see it, but she was caught Try to obstruct.

From this perspective, Zi Xue is just a paper crane, and she just met today. Although she recognizes herself as the master, she is probably not just that simple. Everything about her is still a bit mysterious to herself.

Su Jin lightly hummed, and if he didn't care about Zixue, he took the first step.


Ciao, I was shocked!

Stepping on the head of the saint corpse, Su Jin suddenly saw a vast black scene, and every step he took, there was a huge sound that seemed to be beating a drum. If not for his current strength, he would be a monk in the infant stage. When you come in, you may be shaken to death by this'drum sound'.

It was indeed empty inside. Su Jin stopped and was about to retreat, but suddenly he heard something in his ears.

"Don't eat me..." The voice seemed to have exhausted all his energy, terrifying, and Su Jin suddenly felt a kind of horror as his hair stood upright.

Su Jin turned his head.


Su Jin confirmed that he did not look at the dazzling eyes, vaguely saw a phantom standing behind him, hideous and weird, and then Young Master Su shook his hand and punched it.


The unicorn arm shook out, and the momentum rose to the extreme. The black-red flames of the red sky burned the earth and rolled towards the face. After Su Jin's blow, only the huge sonic boom sound was heard, but he could no longer see any fiction. Shadow exists.

Su Jin frowned, Mohe Town Prison's eyes opened grimly, and he swept around, but found nothing.

"Strange." Seeing the weirdness in the saint corpse, Su Jin simply retreated from the damage to the head of the saint corpse, unable to find anything that could be used.

"Sister Zixue, what should we do now?" Fairy Bicheng was calm and graceful. Seeing Su Jin walking out, she secretly relieved and asked Zixue.

"Master, you are so naughty." Zixue also obviously relaxed, with bright eyes, and said, "What do you see inside?"

"I haven't seen a single hair." Su Jin shook his head.

"If you don't have it, I'm afraid you will get ‘unclean’ things on you, otherwise you will be in big trouble." Zixue smiled.

"Let's talk about it, what do you do to lead us into the ninth stage? Can you get out from here?" Su Jin asked.

"The banned immortal fief was the back garden of my young lady's family. Although it was also a forbidden land at the beginning, I have also figured out a lot of places. You must know that there are shortcuts to all forbidden land. It may take some time to go out. But well... if we can find that ancient formation here, we can have a round with your friend." Zi Xue said confidently.

"Yes. By then, with Palace Lord Jiujiang, Fairy Bicheng should be fine." Su Jin nodded.

"Impossible. Sister Bicheng will never go out. She will die. No one can save her. You don't understand if you say it." Zi Xue waved her hand with an unclear appearance.

Su Jin:...

Li Bicheng's Liu eyebrows only moved slightly, bit his lip, and said nothing.

"First round with Palace Master Jiujiang and others, I really don't believe it when that happens." Su Jin held a heavy weapon, some of which were trump cards, which angered Lao Tzu and ruined this place. If you don't believe it, even a beautiful woman can't be saved.

"Come on, pay attention to my footwork. If you touch the restrictions and bring out those terrible existences, none of us can go." Zixue's face was solemn, and she jumped up, landing in a position like a dragonfly. It was more than a hundred meters away.

"Hey." Su Jin picked up Fairy Bicheng's willow waist and left a row of phantoms in the air, falling behind Zi Xue...

There is a maidservant who is a maid of the spirit slaves. The formation here is clear. Su Jin saw the Sister Shenhe jumping again and again, and he immediately followed up...

About half an hour passed in this state, very boring and boring.

Just when Su Jin wanted to ask, Sister Shenhe heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, I remembered it correctly. The bluestone in front is just that, and there is a back formation engraved on it. If I guess right, your friend is now We are still in the second stage of the "Boundless Wind Moon", let's go!"

Fairy Bicheng became excited and saw her father immediately. She had never felt how great her father was, but under this strange situation, her sense of security in her heart increased a lot.

A few people finally stepped on the bluestone, and Su Jin saw the stone about ten meters long with red array patterns on it, and immediately relieved.

Zixue opened her mouth and exhaled a mouthful of aura of beige color, covering the whole stone, and the red array lines were also beating like sparks.

"Okay, I can go to the second stage immediately. Fortunately, there is no problem." Sister Shenhe crouched her waist and let out a deep breath. When she raised her head, she didn't wait for the surprised expressions of Su and Jin. , Immediately screamed, pointed at Su Jin and said in a harsh voice: "Who is behind you!"

Is there someone behind?

Su Jin suddenly felt a sense of horror in his heart.

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