My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1365: Fengyue Thousand Coffin

His face changed abruptly.

Su Jin was still too careless. He confidently believed that his'Mahe Town Prison Eye' could penetrate countless illusions and truths. When he walked into the saint corpse, he could not find out even though he heard the strange sound. Where the source is.

During this period, he ignored a fact.

A huge gap in realm!

He is just a monk who has just broken through to the aspiration stage, and the other party is a saint from ancient times, a true holy realm Dzogchen powerhouse.

Sister Shenhe finished screaming and rubbed her eyes. The people behind Su Jin had disappeared again. She stomped angrily and said: "Let you not enter the corpse, you just don't listen!"

"Don't worry, leave here first." Su Jin's expression returned to calm, and he gave her a light look.

"Go!" Zixue ignored her anger, waved her hand, and several figures disappeared on the bluestone formation.

Forbidden immortal fief, boundless wind and moon realm.

The scene is hazy, and compared to the endless dark night starry sky before, the field of vision is much better.

"Senior Jiujiang, there is a big demon behind." Shaomanhuang turned his head and glanced, and said to Palace Master Jiujiang.

"No matter, as long as they don't do anything, just let them go." Palace Master Jiujiang seemed to have expected it, his tone calm.

"Yeah." The Emperor Shaoman liked the smell of tobacco more and more. He found that after smoking too much, the whole person seemed to be floating in the air, and his soul was drunk. He licked his tongue, took out a box of cigarettes, and looked at it. Next, I found that it was halfway through, and then took it back in anguish.

Only the boss has this stuff. Although I have given him a lot, who knows when it will be out of stock? It's better to save some points.

"These demon winds are indeed troublesome. If you don't take some measures, the people behind may not survive much." Fairy Miaoyun frowned.

Everyone has been traveling for most of the day. When they first came in, there was no danger, but with the appearance of some whirlwinds between the mountains and rocks, the situation changed. These seemingly small whirlwinds, every time they engulf a person, they will Crushing people into pieces, all the blood and essence disappeared, which was strange.

"Palace Lord! Ahead..." Tian Lao, the second elder Xuantian, took a deep breath and said calmly.

"What did you see?" Palace Master Jiujiang frowned.

In the Forbidden Immortal fief, the minds can't be too far away. The two elders of Xuantian come from the Divine Eyes clan. This talent can save them a lot of trouble here and see the fierce land they can't see.

"Sarcophagus, very many sarcophagi." Old Xuan said in a gloomy tone.

Palace Master Jiujiang suddenly felt a sudden heart, and Fairy Miaoyun and Fairy looked at each other, then nodded, without saying anything.


"Ah..." Sister Shenhe fell from above a formation, yelling, spread her wings, and landed smoothly.

Su Jin noticed that something was wrong, and did not touch the ground, leaving rows of phantoms in the air. After landing, Fairy Bicheng was tossed by him, and his whole developed body was suddenly pressed into Young Master Su’s arms, making him annoyed. She stared in confusion.

"If I can save you, would you agree to stay by my side and be a violinist?" Su Jin lowered his head, facing Fairy Bicheng, and asked in a mocking tone.

Fairy Bicheng was embarrassed and pushed Su Jin away. Gu left and right said to him: "Is this the second stage?"

"Yes, it's okay." Zixue said with a smile: "Your friends are all over there, remember, you can't say a word about what happened just now, otherwise you won't be able to get out!"

Li Bicheng nodded and said strangely: "Why are there so many sarcophagi here?"

Su Jin naturally found this sight.

In the misty scene, the sarcophagus was placed on the ground in a dense and random manner, quite messy, some even tilted and knocked open the coffin lid.

"It's empty." Su Jin walked to the sarcophagus that was knocked open, and saw that it was empty inside. He couldn't help but looked at Zi Xue and said in surprise.

Fairy Bicheng also looked at Sister Shenhe.

"Don't look at me, I only know something about the three levels of seven or eighty-nine, and nothing else is clear." Zi Xue shook her head quickly.

"You are a little strange, why do you only understand these three levels?" Su Jin frowned.

"You're strange, don't you know your neighbors?" Zi Xue said, making Master Su speechless.

Su Jin was silent for a while, scanned the audience, and said: "Roughly counting, there are at least tens of thousands of sarcophagi, and there are two larger ones on the top of the mountain. It is simply impossible to complete by humans."

Fairy Bicheng was surprised.

If Su Jin said so, it would be too exaggerated.

"Don't touch it, don't you monks all like heaven and earth treasures, don't you look for more?" Zi Xue said with blinking eyes.

Su Jin shook his head. He saw that there were a lot of precious medicines growing here, but they were all hundreds of years old, and none of them could grow into elixir, let alone immortal medicine. These precious medicines, he did not like.

"Don't change the subject, why did you come in back then and come in now... there will be different places? The first stage of the year was the Hell of Flames, while the previous one was the Dark Miasma. If we continue, we will not Will you go to Old Lishu in the eighth stage again?" Su Jin felt that the problem was very serious, and asked calmly.

"Impossible. Last time your strongest person only reached the fourth stage and was killed. The Forbidden Immortal fief is far more terrifying than you thought." Zixue laughed At the moment, a row of white teeth was exposed.

"Those great abilities have fallen, where did their Zubao lose?" Su Jin felt that Zixue was abnormal. She definitely knew a lot of misin.

"How do I know! Your friends are here." Zixue turned her head, in Su Jin's view, the cover-up was not very good.

Su Jin gritted his teeth angrily, but then heard a few surprise sounds.

"Boss! You really didn't die!" Shaoman Emperor seemed to have made a big discovery, and was so happy that he ran up.

"Su Jin, have you been passed on here?" Long Yingru patted her chest, showing a lingering expression. Now that her veil is taken off, no matter what kind of expression she has, she will interpret the word'lively and fragrant'. wonderful.

"It's okay." Palace Master Jiujiang came over and looked at his daughter. It was difficult to show a smile on his face, and there was a hint of relief.

Li Bicheng's expression returned to his coldness, and he walked silently behind Palace Master Jiujiang.

"Oh my God, what happened! How could it be..."

Behind, someone in front of a sarcophagus made an incredible voice: "When I pushed the sarcophagus away, I saw Fairy Bicheng inside..."

Another voice exclaimed, "In this sarcophagus, I just saw Princess Da Zhou!"

Su Jin's appearance changed again and again, and Long Yingru's whole body was not good, and Hua Rong immediately turned pale.

"Lord Linglong! In this coffin, I saw the little lord Linglong!"

"Miss Liu Family, Liu Mengwu...just manifested in this sarcophagus..."

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