My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1374: You will bury yourself

So beautiful~

The four beauties are in the pool at the moment, as if they are banished to the world, and they are in the world.

That Bicheng Fairy's cold and arrogant, Liu Mengwu's graceful, exquisite and arrogant Xue's quietness, Long Yingru's princess's confidence, and Su Jin's heartbeat immediately jumped. Although the women have hidden themselves in the water, dimly, but you can see the color of the thin gauze.

"Get out!"

"Yes! Get out!"

"Call someone, there are hooligans!"

"One step closer to make you look good!"

Simei exclaimed constantly. The pool that was originally equipped with the "Flawless Lingquan" was so big, it was impossible to stand up and drink to stop Sujin. The women tried to hide their bodies in the water as much as possible. The water mist on the surface of the pool was dispersed, and the water was so clear that even the bottom spring could be clearly seen.

"Come in." Su Jin raised his head very stubbornly, his arrogant and domineering posture at a glance.

"Protest!" Long Yingru only dared to expose her pretty face on the water, but the clear pool water couldn't hide her body at all. Seeing the official Su walking step by step, she was immediately shocked.

"I also protest!" Liu Mengwu's eyes widened.

Su Jin stood proudly, and said lightly: "The protest is invalid! Let's go to rest after washing, I can't wait to hug little white sheep..."

"Come on."

Long Yingru was stunned, and saw Su Jin walking to the side of the pool, standing up angrily, and said in a proud figure: "If you dare to come down, my sisters and I won't mind beating you."

Su Jin is already watching...

She seemed to feel the gaze of Young Master Su, and Long Yingru just said "Oh," her face flushed and she hid in the water again, but it didn't feel good, as if someone was staring at every inch of her skin. Dead man.

"How can anyone take a bath and wear clothes?" Su Jin gave a depressed look at the women. Although the effect was achieved, what is the difference between the skirt and the skirt he usually wears. Then he nodded seriously and said, "Look at it, I take a bath. No clothes."




Several shy screams came.

Su Jin tilted his head, and suddenly felt a cold wind blowing across his face. The girl hadn't even put his clothes off yet, but just a word, it was so frightened?

"What are you afraid of? The show has just begun." Su Jin said with a smile.

Huh? Seems wrong?

Su Jin's face sank, watching the expressions of fear on the faces of the women, as if he was aware of it, he slowly turned around...

It was a slightly trembling figure, its face was gray and grim, and its eyes were hollow. When Su Jin and his eyes met, he suddenly felt the boundless killing intent.

The remnant soul of the ancient saint!

"I curse you~ you will die~ in the near future, you will personally bury yourself in the'forbidden immortal fief'... Jie Jie Jie Jie~" The ancient saint's soul grinned, and his blood-red teeth were sharp. Fear, the hollow eyes seemed to have a bit of aura, staring at Su Jin firmly.


Some **** wants to harm me!

"Okay! I want to see how I die!" Su Jin suddenly punched the past, his fist passed through the vacant soul, unexpectedly...

It's useless!

Su Jin watched him keep chanting and cursing himself, and his heart was anxious. This is a good thing for me! Do something!

"Four wives, take it out for your husband and beat him up first. After he is destroyed, he will naturally come back to play games with you!" Su Jin's head is big when he hears it. No one is in the mood to be cursed by a ghost like this. It will be better. He was in a bad mood now, he just turned his head and left without looking back.

The four girls didn't speak, and after a few moments of silence, Long Yingru asked with a pale face: "That is obviously a remnant soul, why does it follow Su Jin in the dark?"

"In the forbidden immortal fief, Su Jin walked into the body of a huge stone man, and then there was such a strange thing." Fairy Bicheng didn't look good.

"Sage's remnant soul?" The other three women were shocked and couldn't believe it.


At this time, Su Jin was already on his way with the fastest speed. He could not destroy the remnant soul of the saint. The realm gap was too great, but he had his own way!

"King Lao Tzu? Tell you, you are doing something!" Su Jin was indignant, and his heart was already miserable. Lao Tzu's little white sheep tonight—

"You will bury yourself with your own hands..." The voice of the remnant soul of the ancient saint continued.

"Bury your mother!" Su Jin cursed back with anger, and then said, "The real Buddha, haven't you seen it? I'll take you to see the real Buddha!"

This saint’s remnant soul should be resolved early, otherwise, how can the young master who likes quiet continue to practice? Fan was also annoying to death by it, and immediately he swept towards the direction of Kuhai.

Immediately, Su Jin stepped on the Lingwu Qingzhou and passed through a tributary of the Bitter Sea, and directly entered the Nai River from here, finally reaching the boundary of the underworld.

Su Jin screamed brazenly, "Where is the old brother Jizo!"

Nai Hanoi, where evil spirits are rolling, the scenery is abruptly gray. After Su Jin yelled, the rough river water suddenly calmed down...

Then, on the smooth surface of the river, the surface of the water rises, and the water of the Nai River directly condenses into the shape of a bergamot.

Su Jin only felt a flower in front of him, and the strange wind cried out in front of him, and he had already appeared under a cliff. This was the place where the Ksitigarbha King's bitter meditation!

The Ksitigarbha King is still young and handsome. He has a Buddha case, a Buddha ruler, and a Buddha roll in front of him under the shining of a bronze lamp. He looks at the scriptures, and then he looks at Su in front of the Buddha case. Jin glanced at it and smiled and said, "It's really rare that the ghasts of the saints that have survived several epochs."

"This stuff is annoying to die." Su Jin covered his ears and said, "Brother Jizo will kill it soon."

"Stay by my side and listen to the Buddha's words for thousands of years, you can enter my reincarnation and give you a good fortune." The Ksitigarbha king raised his hand like a toothpick, and directly picked the phantom behind Su Jin. Came out and put it on the shoulder.


Su Jin was shocked, the Ksitigarbha King actually put it on his shoulder, this is simply listening to the nagging of the saint's remnant soul at close range, he can't stand it for a moment anyway, but it's that simple, and he immediately hit the ground. The Zao said: "It's not early, my brother, let's rest quickly, I'll leave first. Goodbye!"

"Hold on." The Ksitigarbha King smiled: "You need to go home."

"Go home?" Su Jin's eyes rolled lightly, and his heart was shocked. Could there be trouble at home?

not good! Yuyan wife!

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