My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1375: Don't have a picture


Su Jin is desperate now. If Xia Yuyan is in danger because of his absence, he may not forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"I'll send you out." The Ksitigarbha king raised his hand, and Su Jin was immediately caught by the golden Buddha's hand like a sparrow.

Su Jin only felt that the scenery flew by, and time seemed to be flowing backwards. When the vision was clear, he felt the cool breeze wrapped around his body, and the huge bergamot was retracted in a black hole.

Temple of Yama.

Su Jin looked back at "Ghost Gate", and when he saw the scene in front of Yanwang Temple, his eyelids lightly jumped twice.

This place has been out of the jurisdiction of the underworld, and now it is two o'clock in the morning, people in front of the Yamantaka Temple seem a little ghastly.

Under the cover of the endless night, there are two women in white clothes kneeling on the ground a few meters in front of Su Jin, unable to see their faces, quietly burning paper money...

Su Jin's heart was calm, although he could only look at the backs of the two women, he understood very well...

These are two wild ghosts.

You can't enter **** or reincarnation. Judging from their dresses, the two women have probably been dead for hundreds of years. A wild ghost like this should have been killed by someone during his lifetime, and then be sacrificed by a powerful warlock. After death, the coffin of the corpse should also be sealed with a talisman, and the cemetery was carved by the warlock.

This is a question left over from history.

Under the tempering of time, the power of the pattern talisman is no longer powerful. It can be imagined that after the two wild ghosts have escaped, they are eager to enter the reincarnation of the underground palace. But they want to reincarnate, but the fact is that they won't even accept the underworld.

The wind was a little louder, and the paper money on the ground was bright, and when the wind blew, the paper dust with a little light swirled, and the cloudy wind overflowed. Su Jin blinked, and the two female ghosts had disappeared out of thin air. He could not help but shook his head secretly, stepped on his feet lightly, and directly turned into dozens of afterimages and disappeared in the same place.

On the way, Su Jin guessed several possibilities.

First, it may be that Xia Yuyan had a small accident and suffered some injuries.

Second, there may be something difficult to solve at home, and there is no way to contact me, and I am looking forward to my return.

Third, may the business have been hit by an opponent?

Su Jin instantly denied the third possibility. If this is the case, the Ksitigarbha King would not just mention it. For this kind of thing, the Ksitigarbha King would probably be lazy to speak out.

In the Immortal Cave, after possessing the ‘Happy Streaming Light Technique’, this superb body technique is simply a divine weapon on the way. In less than three minutes, he rushed from the Yanwang Temple in the north of the city to the never-night Qin city.

During the journey, Su Jin finally found the problem!

When he arrived near his home, an indescribable sense of happiness came into his heart. He saw a special peaceful yellow light in the street lamps, among the leaves of the trees, and in the air, which was different from the blissful feeling exuded by the Supreme Buddha. As long as it is contaminated with this visible yellow light, it will affect the mind.

Su Jinmeng raised his head, his whole body was shocked with blood, and he was no longer affected by the yellow light. He now had a terrible guess.

The Holy Realm did not kill my heart, and now Fukuze has come again, and he has sent a ‘Divine Residence’ to come!

Is it here to get me? Su Jin's face was gloomy, and his figure flashed into the house.

The lights in the home are brilliant, and there is a true scripture seal on the wall, which is exuding a special dim brilliance. It is strange to say that after Su Jin appeared, the talisman moved directly, and even left the wall, blowing with the wind. gone!

"Boom, boom, boom." Su Jin knocked on the door of the living room. The door inside was locked tightly, and a nervous breath filled.

"Who!" Xia Yunxi's voice came from inside the door.

"It's me, your brother-in-law." Su Jin sighed.

"It's the tenth time! Just now you said it was my dad, you leave quickly... My brother-in-law is very good at kung fu, he just called him, and he will come right away!" Xia Yunxi's voice trembled and cried as he spoke. , Obviously very scared.

"I'm really your brother-in-law." Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry. Could anyone dare to pretend to be himself?

At this time, Xia Yuyan's cold voice appeared, "I don't believe it, unless you can show evidence."

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and smiled immediately: "The evidence? It's very simple. I actually know where your box is hidden."

After the silence, the door suddenly opened, and the few girls in the room looked nervous. After seeing Su Jin, they almost cried with excitement, even Chiba Haruko's expression relaxed.

I saw Xia Yuyan wearing a black floral nightdress. The skirt was very thin, perfectly reflecting the curves of the whole body. If it hadn't happened, she would definitely make men's eyes inseparable from her with this elegant dress. Just look at Su Jin's eyes to know how shocking it was. He stared blankly for nearly ten seconds.

Xiaotong flushed her eyes and said, "Master, you can come back."

Su Jin looked at the women, closed the door, and asked, "What happened?"

"More than two hours ago, we were all asleep. Who knew we were awakened by the dazzling light outside, and then we found black shadows appearing outside several windows, scaring people to death." Xia Yunxi patted his heart. Holding Su Jin's arm in his hand, he obviously had a lingering fear.

"What did the other party say?" Su Jin sneered, obviously knowing that the enemy hadn't left yet, but since he came back, he naturally had to ask questions and clean them up later.

"It said that the Holy Lord of the'Holy Realm' has issued a decree and sent the Divine Residence to the earth to pick it up..."

Xia Yunxi said that he was stuck here, and then bluntly said: "Come and introduce my sister...Go to the holy realm to be his 72nd concubine."

"Ctm, it's almost the same as his mother!" Su Jin immediately became angry, obviously angry. The so-called sin of wanting to add to it, there is nothing to blame. Su Jinming knew that the other party was here to deal with him, but he found such an excuse, can he not provoke the official Su!

"Brother-in-law, my sister is not old--" Xia Yunxi was shocked by Su Jin's words and wanted to correct it.

Xia Yuyan gave Su Jin a fierce look, naturally dissatisfied with Young Master's remarks in her heart, but fortunately, after Young Master Su came back, she was not nervous at all, and she was filled with a sense of security.

"Go back to your room and sleep, I'll settle this matter." Su Jin waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"How can I sleep?" Xia Yunxi shook his head repeatedly.

"Yeah, master, I'm afraid." Xiaotong bitterly said without the courage to go back to the room.

Su Jin touched his chin and said, "You can sit quietly on the sofa without going out, and you cannot open the window to see. Otherwise, those ghostly shadows will come in and catch you all by then, don't Blame me for not reminding you."

"Definitely, definitely."

After Xia Yunxi returned to Su Jin, he looked at the girl next to him, and hesitated: "Xiaotong, if you dare not go back, just sleep in my room. I will sleep with my sister at night."

"What about the young master?" Xiaotong couldn't refuse this proposal. The scene she saw through the window before scared her completely.

"He sleeps on the sofa." Xia Yunxi said.

Su Jin heard it in his ears, his body warmed immediately, and an unobservable smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Seeing that Yuyan's wife didn't say anything, he immediately rolled his eyes, but he had no intentions in his heart——

It seems that tonight is really going to overturn "Luan" and "Phoenix"!

Thinking of this, Su Jin's morale boosted and he turned around and strode out!

Outside. Only heard Su Jin proudly drink.

"Two old dogs, come out quickly to die!"

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